Status: Hiatus

Fireflies & Wishes.

Chapter Six

“I saw you were enjoying the show.” John smiled genuinely at me, as we both sat into his beat up Chevy truck.

I looked at him, gazing at John. He looked nothing like the guy on stage. I found it hard to believe. Here he was driving his truck, with his ripped skinny jeans and Kurt Cobain shirt, the one I was wearing the other day. But somehow you could tell he was something different, he was a singer in a band for all the right reasons. And the realisation at that moment, that I couldn’t help liking John, there was just something about him that kept me intrigued.

“Yes, it was good. Did you know I was going tonight?” I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

His green eyes met my blue ones. There was a hidden glint of amusement.

“Yeah, Leia told me in fact just before I met you in Starbucks. I wanted to tell you, but normally girls over react or something.” John said nervously, he kept his eyes on the road.

“I understand, its sweet John, really. But still, I nearly fainted when I realised it was you, I was expecting someone to shout ‘You’ve been punked!’ at me.” I laughed slightly with apprehension.

John joined in with my laughter, and smiled at me. And for the first time, that label of him being a douche bag got wiped away. He was actually genuinely quite thoughtful and sweet. I felt entirely comfortable in his company now, that flirtatious unease, was also wiped away/

“I was tempted to call you on stage, but Leia mentioned about you having fear of being in front of large crowds, that is silly though because you’re a teacher thing.” John grinned.

I rolled my eyes playfully. “It’s different when it’s in front of little pre schoolers who are just as bashful as me, but when its people older and are able to pick up on things easier.” I shuddered. “It’s horrible.”

John laughed louder, and smiled widely at me. I returned the grin. He pulled up at the house.

“I’d really like to spend more time with you, you are cool.” John said, as he slid out of the car.

I followed him, shutting the door. I faced him, and nodded.

“Yeah likewise, rockstar.” I teased, chuckling softly.

“You are not going to let this go are you Miss Summers.” John teased back.

“You two! Stop flirting and get a move on!” Leia shouted from the window of the room upstairs.

I jumped with fright. And glared at her, knowing she couldn’t see.

“Shut up lightweight!” John and I shouted back in unison.

We glanced at each other in surprise, and laughed. John held his arm out for me to link, and happily I walked in with him. I didn’t know whether it was still the thrill of being to a concert but I felt surer of myself, but I knew by the next day, I will be back to the book nerd.

“Are you gonna stay and watch the film with us?!” Pat shouted excitedly at me, as I walked through the door.

Leia poked her head around the corner, and pouted at me, mouthing the words ‘we are staying bitch.’

“I guess so, what film is it though?” I asked, as we walked into the living room.

I noticed the Eric and Nick from A Rocket to the Moon, and Jess Bowen from The Summer Set was here with us. She smiled widely at me I had a speedy introduction with her, and I returned the smile, she certainly made me feel accepted and welcome.

“Fight Club.” Pat answered with a grin.


My eyes moved to the couch to where the voice came from, Leia and Garrett being all couplely, then Jared and Tessa beside them with Pat innocently in the middle. The floor was covered in a large mattress and blankets with pillows piled up at all ends, the snacks spread out evenly. The big plasma screen TV was placed in the middle on the wall. Nick and Dakota near the window, sat beside each other, sharing a blanket, whispering but not in a couple way, then Kennedy on the opposite side looking all sorry for himself beside Eric who was joking with Jess. There was a spot exactly for John and I, I chose to sit on the side beside Kennedy, for moral support, and he was nice to me that left John to sit beside Nick.
Kennedy flashed me a small smile, and I nudged him affectionately. John pulled a blanket over us three, and I found myself comfortably sandwiched between them.

Halfway through the film, my eyelids began to feel heavy. I knew sleep would soon descend on me, John kept on babbling to me then he would quote along with Kennedy it was like having surrounded sound echo. John would also try to impress me, with saying he read the book and was deeply fascinated and expressing how he would love to go to the addicts groups. I think it was about then that I fell asleep, my head leaning on John’s shoulder, curled up to his side.

It must have been the sun, beating down on me, that I realised I wasn’t secluded in my own bedroom. It took me a while to realise I was somewhere else. It was bizarre how a place can feel so much like home. I lifted my head, opening my eyes slowly to see everyone lying sprawled across the floor, it took me a while to register that they were sleeping. I saw John beside me, I was tucked into his side, his arm was draped over me, I was that close that I could feel his steady heartbeat.

I paused awkwardly, grasping my phone to check what time it was. Six o’clock in the morning, my eyes widened. I was in fucking school today. I smoothly wriggled out of John’s grasp, trying my utter hardest to not disturb him sleeping he looked so peaceful that it made a foolish girly grin upon my face, steadying myself as I stood up. I paused again there was a sea of bodies to step over. I rolled my eyes, it would be this difficult. I crouched down, and pressed my lips on John’s forehead before once in my life elegantly jumping over Kennedy and Eric. Soon enough, I was out of the door, and running down the streets towards my house.

Crap, I patted my pockets, I forgot my goddamn keys. I glared at the door as if that would help, but then remembering I had hidden a spare key under the mat. After that, everything seemed to run smoothly. I placed on a simple denim day dress, with a white laced cardigan and my light tan brogues after the quickest shower. My hair was still damp, but it will have to do.

I made it to work in time, speeding at the necessary moments. Mrs Anderson pulled into the car park just after me, so that was a big good sign. She was in a glowing mood today, but when is she ever not. She must be in her late fifties, and she effortlessly looks like she is ten years younger. The wrinkles we barely noticeable, she had that Arizonian tan, they all seemed to have. Her hair was still jet black, she says it’s because she never once touched it with unnecessary dyes, all natural. On somedays, she looked far prettier than me, or most days.

“I guess a late night then Ivy-Leigh?” Mrs Anderson asked, her eyes twinkling.

I smiled bashfully, and kept my head down. “Yes, I went to a friend of mines concert.”

“Oh, sounds lovely darling, what was the band?” She asked, as we settled ourselves in the classroom waiting in for the children.

“The Maine.” I murmured softly, feeling the after concert happiness floating back.

Mrs Anderson laughed quietly. “I have heard of them, big with the girls.”

The image of John this morning, looking weirdly sexy dishevelled came into my head.

“I know.” I whispered, trying to hide the blush of my cheeks.
♠ ♠ ♠
There is no denying the fact Ivy has a crush on John?
The next couple of chapters will be fillers just before the drama should kickstart(:
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