Status: Hiatus

Fireflies & Wishes.

Chapter Eight

They found us in the car, John smiling victoriously and I blushing like a fool. Kennedy tugged me out of the car, complaining that we are missing the best part of the party. I willingly let him walk me into the house. I think I needed to be away from John for a short moment. To wrap my head around what he said. So does he like me? Or is he just being a gentleman by keeping his promise?

I wish someone could honestly tell me what actually is going on between us. I couldn’t talk to Leia she would confuse me too much, and come up with a bizarre conclusion. Leia was wandering around the house, looking lost, when she met my gaze, she looked at me expectantly. I threw her bikini at her.

“Knew it!” I shouted with a grin.

“Why I love you, girl.” Leia shouted back, as she laughed loudly.

Kennedy rolled his eyes, and nudged me towards the stairs.

“You get changed, and then join us down in the pool.” Kennedy called out to us, as Leia and I entered the main bathroom.

Leia was glowing happily, as through the past couple of years we’ve spent together. I have never seen her glowing. Leia has been through a tough time with her family and friends, always too different to fit in anywhere. Her name made her stand out from the crowd, but to add more to it, so did her crazy fashion sense. But she found a place where she settled in perfectly fine. And I could not be any happier for her.

I changed into my bikini slowly. I was a girl so I am obviously insecure about my figure. I didn’t have the most flattering figure, I was far too skinny sometimes looked like a skeleton, I wished to be more curvaceous like Leia, also when I put on the weight, it went to the wrong places. I gazed at myself in the bathroom mirror, staring at myself. My dark auburn waves decided to be quite tamed today. I have a pale complexion which is the main reason why I opted for my baby blue bikini set. Leia always mentions how it brings out the best in what I think is my least desirable features.

“C’mon.” Leia shouted, with a knock on the door.

I shook myself out of the trance, and opened the door. Staring at Leia, who was changed into her bright red bikini I couldn’t hide the smile. We chucked our clothes in Kennedy’s room, before running down, giggling and pushing each other like over excitable puppies.

Jared was standing in the kitchen, settling all the beers in a big box full of ice. He looked up at us both, and rolled his eyes playfully.

“Hey girls.” Jared smiled, as he placed the last batch of beer into the box.

“Hey Jared.” We chorused together, then nudging each other in annoyance.

I held the door open for him, so he could walk through. Leia being ignorant walked through the door. Then Jared did, rolling his eyes playfully and nodding thanks. I followed him to the end of the garden, now that it was daylight. I could fully take in my surroundings. The garden was massive. The pool was at the bottom of the garden, it was surrounded by sun lounges and deckchairs. I am surprised I didn’t notice it when we were outside a few nights ago at the party, it was rather large. There was a barbeque where Kennedy decided to settle himself, I couldn’t see John. So I walked up to Kennedy, and helped him decide on what to grill first.

"So I guess Dakota isn't coming?" Kennedy said sombrely.

She was on a no strings attached date with Nick, but no way was I going to mention it to Kennedy, it was not my place to intervene. I bit my lip, I knew Kennedy loved Dakota, we all did, it was hard not too. But then again, Dakota is one of the most difficult people you could ever meet, she is tough and can fight her own battles. There was obviously something going on between Kennedy and Dakota, but from what I've heard they haven't spoke since the party. And when Dakota holds a grudge, she holds one. I decided to be team Switzerland and not going to bother judging either of them.

"Nope, I haven't heard from her since the party." I lied smoothly, avoiding looking at him.

"Oh," Kennedy mumbled. He plastered a grin on his face. "How was school then?"

I laughed slightly. "Good, the children kept me on my feet."

"I can imagine, go on and join the guys in the pool, I will join you soon." Kennedy smiled, pushing me towards everyone.

A big splash, then followed by screaming.

I glanced over to see, Leia and Garrett splashing and attacking each other. I rolled my eyes she had that boy wrapped around her finger. I felt an arm wrapped around my shoulder. I didn’t have to look at those green eyes, to know it was John. He was shirtless, almost flaunting his impressive tattoos.

“Are you coming into the pool?” John asked, his eyes dancing with excitement.

I glanced at Kennedy, who nodded for me to go. “I guess so.”

“Great!” John grinned, grabbing onto my hand tightly and ran.

We ran, and then jumped into the pool together, I didn’t even realise I had time to object but maybe that was I wanted to jump, I wanted to take that chance to do something so daft and childish.

A moment underwater, the whole water in the pool shuddered at the impact. I was sure at least half of the water managed to jump out. John slid his arm around my waist, so that when he surfaced, I would too. When we surfaced, we both laughed loudly, flicking water at each other. I swam to the other side of the pool, where Leia was defending herself from Garrett and Pat’s splashes. John followed me and joined in with Pat and Garrett.

“We are fucking outnumbered.” Leia muttered, as we suffered getting splashed.


Kennedy called us all out to have our hotdogs. We all sat around the pool, eating and drinking, then talking when we could fit it in. It is moments like these that make me appreciate the fact that I agreed to coming to the party, because if I never agreed, I wouldn’t be here, I wouldn’t have met these wonderful people who I proudly call my friends, I would be at home, curled up on the couch, reading my dog eared copy of Looking For Alaska. But I was here.

John and I shared a sun lounge, and he let me borrow one of his towels to dry off. My friendship with John was growing, blossoming to an extent where I didn’t find myself constantly worrying and questioning his every action towards me. There was no denying the fact, that I still had my crush on him but knowing we were friends made everything easier. I couldn’t help but wonder if we were always going to be friends, could there be anything more for us?

“Ivy, are you going to come in the pool with me?!” Pat questioned, as soon as I finished the hotdog.

I laughed softly, and glanced at John who had his eyes closed, the Arizonian sun was clearly favouring John to me. His skin was a healthy looking tan, making his tattoos stand out. I couldn’t help but always be awestricken when I looked at them. I had a hard time trying to find flaws within this boy.

“Nah, she is too busy checking me out.” John mumbled happily, grinning like the Cheshire cat.

A flaw at last, how could I forget his attitude? “Cut it out.” I glared at him.

He opened one eye, and stifled a chuckle.

I still glared at him then looked at Pat with a smile.

“Of course,” I stood up from the sun lounge, and walking with Pat towards the edge.

Kennedy was stood beside me, his eyes gleaming. He held onto my hand, and Pat held onto my other hand. As we jumped in together, making a bigger splash, which seemed to catch onto the unlucky souls who were sitting on the sun loungers, or John I should say. We all surfaced at the same time, I let go of their hands as I swim, feeling the water push me along, it has been ages since I have been in a pool, the last time could’ve been when I lived Phoenix.

“Who wants a game of pool volleyball?”

Night time was nearing closer the sky had turned a beautiful dark blue mixed with the red from the sunset. Music was being played, soft gentle songs that suited the mood. Everyone had mellowed down after hours in the pool, playing all sorts of random games.

I was sitting on the sun lounger, with John. We were both quiet, I for one was absorbing the mood. The smell of chlorine, beer and smoke clung to John, normally those smells individually are vile but the combination was peculiar. The moment didn’t feel real, it felt as if someone wrote it and I was lucky enough to visualise it. I sighed softly, closing my eyes, wishing the moment could not disappear.

“Don’t fall asleep on me.” John whispered softly into my ear.

I turned my head slightly, opening my eyes. Not surprised to see him so close to me, I was practically in his arms.

“Shush, you like it.” I said boldly, almost catching myself by surprise.

“I know I do.” He mumbled.

I stiffened, wondering whether I actually heard that. But sleep was tugging me away, and feeling happy I let it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had to repost this chapter due to Mibba's crash fandango.
I've edited the chapter slightly(: