Status: Hiatus

Fireflies & Wishes.

Chapter Nine

“So a little birdy told me you have a date tonight?” Leia sang, with a knowing smile.

My eyes widened, I refused to meet her gaze. I kept on going through the rack of clothes, staring at the beautiful dresses, admiring them all. I felt guilty I never told her, but it was hard now, our time was always messed up, I find it hard to remember our last decent conversation. Maybe that was the reason why I suggested going shopping but the main reason why we are wondering around these shops was because when I woke up, in John’s bed again, this morning, finding him surprisingly absent, all that was left was a note.

I will be picking you up at 6 sharp, at your house.
Wear something dressy.
Love John

A smile was practically stuck to my face, whenever I picture the note. I placed it in my bag, reminding myself to keep a hold of it. I am such a sentimental freak.

“John told me, so no need to have a freak out babe.” Leia smiled, popping a pink bubble with her gum.

“Did he now?” I asked curiously, watching her in the corner of my eye.

Leia was rummaging through the dress selections with me the way her brows kneaded together when she was concentrating filled me with a familiar tug of warmth. She still is my freak weird best friend, and nothing has changed. That made me soften up a bit.

I smiled apologetically. “Did he say anything else? Clue you in on what I should wear?” I asked her frantically, after the rack of dresses had no appeal to me.

“Babe, that is why we are here.” Leia laughed softly, rolling her eyes slightly.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips. That was good of John, clueing Leia in to help me was probably the smartest and cutest thing he has done. He knew I haven’t really had much time with my best friend, and here he has flung us together on a mission, like the old days.

“Now, let’s think. From what he told me, I need to get you to look dandy and dashing with a dash of sexy.” Leia murmured aloud, she was clearly focused on the dress rack.

I just stood there, watching her feeling awkward. Ignoring the stares from the shop workers, I sat down and listened to her babbling. After what seemed like the longest fifteen minutes, she gave me five dresses to try on. Leia ushered me to the changing rooms.

I hung each dress up, staring at them. There were three out of the five, I would actually wear. I picked the one I thought I would most likely to wear, it was a deep red, it hugged tightly onto my chest then flowed out into a pleated skirt. I took a tentative spin, and the whole skirt flew out and spun with me. I laughed softly, then holding it. I must’ve sounded mad.

“Knew you would like that one.” Leia shouted to me. “Now let me run next door to the shoe shop to buy you some heels to match, I saw the most gorgeous pair!”

My eyes widened, before I could protest. Leia was gone.

At home, Leia was fussing all over me. I didn’t know whether to be happy with this attention or drive a knife into my chest. She helped me into the dress, put the shoes on. She insisted on doing my hair and makeup. And stupidly enough, I let her. But in the end, it was worth it, I have to admit.

Leia stood a step from me, placing the mirror in front. I gasped in shock I looked like a girl worthy of being in John’s company. As much as I looked like a stranger, it was still me. The dress looked even better on me now than I remembered in the shop, the deep red contrasted well with my complexion and hair colour, speaking of hair Leia did a marvellous job of taming my hair into wavy ringlets. Then the shoes, they were heavenly black suede Lita boots, not normally my first choice but they fitted perfectly with the outfit.

“I went with s subtle but effective style.” Leia babbled quietly.

I grinned at her, enveloping her into a big hug. “It’s absolutely perfect. Thank you for being the bestest best.”

Leia laughed, hugging me back. “What can I say? Not everyone was born like me.”

A hoot of a car horn, pulled Leia away from me, and skipped her way downstairs to open the door just as the doorbell rang.

“It is for you my sweet cheeks!” Leia shouted in a girly voice.

I rolled my eyes, and collected my bag before heading downstairs. Suddenly feeling self conscious, what if I am too overdressed? What if he will take one look at me and run away? I sighed shakily, centring myself before landing on the last step. I stopped.

John was standing there, not in his normal attire. He was wearing a white shirt tucked into jeans (no rips) black skinnys, his hair fell into his eyes. His eyes met mine, he mouth opened slightly with shock.

“Woah, Ivy, you look beautiful.” John said, with a charming smile.

“Thank you John, you look rather dashing yourself.”

I couldn’t hide the blush on my cheeks. I felt light headed with happiness, my heart was racing with nerves. I felt that I could fly away elated, I stood beside John. He found my hand, interlacing our fingers together.

“Now remember your curfew baby!” Leia shouted after us.

John laughed, as he held the door for me to slide into the passenger seat. I noticed it wasn’t his Chevy truck, it was a Audi of some sort, quite posh, it must have been his parents or something. I highly doubt Garrett or Kennedy has this car, I just remember Leia complaining about the cheese-mobile Garrett has, so definitely not Garrett’s.

“You honestly look breath taking.” John said, looking at me, when we paused by traffic lights.
I dared myself to sneak a look at him, unable to take a compliment, my cheeks were heating up. “Thank you.” I murmured softly.

The rest of the drive, we were listening to Tom Petty and both of us occasionally singing along to the lyrics. I found myself watching John whilst he was driving, I thought it was cute when he concentrates he furrows his brow. Then his mild case of road rage that had me biting my lip from laughing.

“We are here.” John sang in a falsetto.

There was what seems like an Italian trattoria, it was rather well known in our area, I heard Mrs Anderson speak highly of it many times. John pulled up, jumping out of the car and walking round to the side to open the door for me. You could say I was surprised by his attitude. I gave him a small smile.

John held onto my hand, intertwining our fingers together. He tugged me towards the Italian, and leaned close to me so that his lips brushed my ear.

“Leia may have mentioned that Italian was your favourite food.” He whispered, his breath tingling the whole of my right side of my face, sending weird sensations around my body.

I glanced at him surprised, I knew he would’ve recruited Leia for help but I honestly thought he didn’t give two hoots about this date, but the fact that he asked my best friend what I liked put a little smug smile on my face. He held the door for me, without letting go of my hand even when the waitress led us to the table.

I skimmed through the menu, having a mental battle whether to choose the pizza or spaghetti bolognaise. I could hear John ordering us a bottle of red wine, I gave him a half grin when I looked up from the menu.

“Can’t decide?” John smirked, raising his eyebrow.

I shook my head, sighing softly. “The pizza just sounds so delicious, whereas the spaghetti is clearly tempting.”

“Why don’t we get both we will share half and half?” John suggested.

My eyes lit up, a smile twitching onto my cheeks. “Seriously? I must admit you keep surprising me.”

“Surprising you? Now I am in intrigued.” John chuckled.

“Well, no offence, but I kind of labelled you as a douchebag who thought he is better than everyone else when I first saw you, and when I found out you were in a band, I thought you would be like totally too big for your boots.”

John’s green eyes widened with shock. “Woah, complete honesty there.”

I gave him a warm smile. “Don’t worry. You still have time to make me change my mind. Good move with the spaghetti and pizza there.” I winked, as I smirked at him.

The waitress came over, with our wine and we ordered our food. John pulled the cork with ease and poured us each a glass. I swilled my glass, watching the deep red stick to the sides of the glass. John was still watching me, with a curiosity. I didn’t know how to respond, so I kept my eyes on the glass. I took a quick sip, silently wishing that the red wine wouldn’t stain my teeth or lips.

“Okay then, I bet you by the end of the night I will have you convinced that I am a decent person.” John smirked, at the challenge.

“And what will you gain if you convince me?” I asked, knowing that there will be strings attached to any bet.

“A second date with you.” John smiled widely, he was clearly happy with himself.

I rolled my eyes playfully, but couldn’t wipe the giddy smile off my face. “Sure, let’s drink to it.”
We clanked our glasses together, the wine over spilling. My eyes widened, and giggled erupted out of my mouth and John rolled his eyes playfully.

My eyes wandered around the restaurant, the door made that ding noise announcing an arrival of more people. The voices sounded somewhat familiar. I didn’t want to outright gawk because that is rude and awkward, but there was something about that loud boisterous voice that sounds like it belongs on Pageant Mom’s, then a deep voice that sounded obnoxious. I winced slightly, refusing to turn around. That voice, I had heard it too many times, to not know what who it was. I would never have thought they would be here, Tempe in a local Italian, of all places.

I could feel my heart beating like a drum, rattling against my ribs. John was eyeing me.

“Ivy, are you okay?” John asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Nope, there is just a couple over there. I know them.” I gulped loudly, feeling my palms sweat up.

John glanced over to the couple by the door, his eyes widened. They must have been walking over here. I felt myself sink into my seat, hoping to disappear who would’ve thought that they would have this effect over me, even after three years.

“Who are they?” John whispered, barely audible.

I sighed shakily, glancing at them before looking at John. They were being escorted by the waitress, any moment now they will walk past our table. I held onto my breath, as the shrill was right beside me.

“Ivy-Leigh! Darling! Long time no see!” The voice squeaked, surprise in her voice must have echoed around whole restaurant.

I bit my lip, as I glanced over at the woman. Three years haven’t changed a thing. Maybe it was just the botox or surgery she gets off her filthy rich lawyer husband. Her bright platinum blonde hair that was perfectly curled, her grey pinstripe Stella McCartney suit pristine without a crease, I didn’t even have to look at her feet to know she was wearing her black leather Christian Louboutin’s.

“Hello Mrs Johnstone.” I managed to choke out.

“Call me Marianne you should know that by now. Haven’t seen you in such a long time, has Oliver been in contact with you?” Marianne asked, her judgemental piercing blue eyes focusing on me.

I paused, sneaking a look at John who was just watching this with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

“No, not since Graduation.” I answered shortly, avoiding looking into her eyes or John’s.

I couldn’t feel the presence of Mr Johnstone he must have been sat at the table. I could only stare at the table in front, trying to calm down my nerves with breathing exercises.

“Ah Graduation, didn’t Oliver tell you that he has moved on?” Marianne asked, her lips twitching into a devious smile. “He met someone at Harvard, such a beauty with brains. He only plucked up the courage to propose to her last week. Hopefully not with the same ring, otherwise that would be such bad luck.”

I could feel my throat tighten with such emotion. I dared not meet John in the eyes. I glanced at Marianne with a hard glare. That women, she knew exactly how to get underneath my skin. She knew exactly what my insecurities were, she never liked me. I was just another girl she hoped that I would pass through out Oliver’s life. I was. I didn’t need to take a wild guess that she was against Oliver wanting to propose to me. I didn’t reach her expectations.

I glanced down at my newly healed tattoo’s, running my finger over them before taking in a gulp of air. “Really? Whoa, it didn’t take him long to find a girl that could fuel his ego brains.” I retorted.

“Good thing, you turned him down otherwise I would’ve made your life hell.” Marianne spat, her blue eyes like daggers.

“Likewise.” I glared at her, hoping she would move on.

“Marianne!” Mr Johnstone called from a few tables down.

Marianne shot me one last glare, before turning to John with a false smile, “She is most definitely not a keeper. She fleet’s at any chance of commitment.”

I glanced at John, before watching Marianne walk off towards her table. Tears sprung into my eyes, still not able to fully look at John. I grabbed my bag, before fleeing the table. Maybe Marianne was right, I was never good at commitment. I couldn’t even be near my family without feeling the desire to be away. I could hear John calling me, to wait.

As soon as I reached outside, I made my way to John’s car, letting the tears stream down my face. Humiliation and horror flooded my system, how could I look at John in the eye, he doesn’t know half the story. I wished to avoid this.

It wasn’t long before John came out, the look of relief washed over his face as he saw me by his car. Relief vanished as worry and a caring expressing settled on his features. He pulled me into a hug and I didn’t object. I just let the tears fall until it felt like there was nothing left, just a empty pit of misery.
♠ ♠ ♠
Slightly dramatic, ah well.
Also i think its a bit la la long for me but oh well!
Aw, the next chapter will be up by the end of this weekend hopefully!