Status: Next chapter should be posted in sometime in mid June. I have finals and then I'm going on vacation. Sorry for the wait!!

We're Doin' Alright


Cameryn’s POV

My eyes went wide with shock as Sage’s lips moved against mine. He’s kissing me. I can’t believe he’s actually kissing me. My lips stayed still against his, I not being able to send the message to my brain that I should probably move.
Sage continued to kiss me gently, leaving my lips only once to breathe. Taking notice to the fact that I wasn’t kissing back, he reached a hand behind my head and twisted it in my hair, bringing my head closer. This triggered something in me, allowing my eyes to slip shut, as I began to move my lips softly against his. I felt Sage smile against my lips, before pulling away. My eyes slowly reopened, leaving me to stare into Sage’s eyes, then to his lips. Oh, how tempting they were. Looking back up to his eyes, I let the moment linger long enough for me to climb up on the bed next to him just to attack his lips once again. He smirked and kissed back with amazing force. He rolled over on top of me, his lips never once leaving mine. My hands slipped under his shirt to take hold of his hips, pulling him closer to me.
“Hey, guys! What’re you-,” Stephanie’s cheery voice cut off and the sound of something hitting the floor filled the room. Sage and I sprung apart, my eyes as wide as a deer caught in headlights. “Oh. My. God,” she paused between each word. She stared at us; her jaw slacked, and eyes moving back and forth between the two of us. She seemed to have pulled herself together as she moved her eyes to Sage and let them linger there, as if she were trying to read him. I too glanced at the boy beside me with a smirk playing his lips. My eyebrow rose. What does that face mean? “Sage, may I speak with you in the office?” Stephanie spoke, tearing my eyes away from the beautiful boy and to her.
“Actually, I-,” Sage began but was cut off.
“Now,” Stephanie demanded her voice underlying with furious anger and eyes ablaze. Sage got the idea and stood to follow her out of the room. Across the hall, I heard a door slam shut and a muffled, obviously yelling female voice. I picked out small words such as ‘new’ and ‘advantage’ and ‘innocence’ but couldn’t make sense of any of it. Her rant lasted for a total of about thirty seconds, never once ceasing in volume or persistence. When she finished, I heard nothing but a deep hum, which must of have been Sage responding, but could’ve easily been mistaken as the hum of an air conditioner coming to life. There was silence before I heard the door open with such force that it slammed against the wall. “You’re such a fucking asshole!” Stephanie exclaimed her voice shrill with anger as she walked down the hall back to the room in which I sat. She entered her bedroom, Sage following close behind her. She spun around quickly on her heal. “You know what, Sage? Get out. If you’re going to act like this, leave. I don’t want you in my house. Leave,” she ordered him pointing to her open bedroom door.
“But I want to stay here with the lovely Cameryn,” Sage retorted, that smirk of his still planted firmly on his lips.
I couldn’t see Stephanie’s eyes, or the expression on her face, for she was facing away from me; but I could see her petite hands squeeze to form tiny fists before she practically lunged herself at Sage. “Dammit! You asshole! Get out!” she yelled, her small fists coming down to hit Sage’s toned chest with every syllable. “Just leave, you fucker! Get! Out!”
Sage chuckled, obviously feeling nothing from the impact of Stephanie’s hands, although it’s not surprising. Stephanie is rather small. He wrapped his hands around her arms and held her at arm’s length away from him while she continued to thrash violently. “Okay, okay. I’m leaving,” he practically laughed. “God, Steph. Chill your tits.”
Stephanie stopped trying to kill him and let her arms go limp at her sides, his hands still wrapped around them. “Why do you act like this?” she looked up at him, but as he opened his mouth to respond, she quickly filled in the gap. “No. Don’t answer that. You’ll just give me a bullshit answer anyways. God, Sage. You’re my best friend, and I love you, but you honestly are an inconsiderate prick sometimes. Most of the time,” she glared at him. “You’re fucking sick in the head, and I can’t put up with you right now, so just leave. Please, go.”
Sage rolled his eyes and released her, giving me a half wave before exiting the room. Stephanie went over to the desk chair sitting across from me, and plopped down on it, holding her head in her hands. I listened for the door to slam from downstairs before asking all of the questions running through my head.
What’s so wrong about us kissing?
What happened when they were in the office?
What did Sage do that was so horrible?
What do you mean he’s he sick in the head?
Why are you so upset?
I didn’t understand anything that had just happened, and I was beyond curious. “Steph?” she didn’t remove her head from her hands. I stood and sat down next to her on the ground. “What the hell just happened?”
She looked up from her hands and turned her body to face her open laptop. “Sage is being an asshole,” she answered simply while pressing the on button. She stared intently at the screen, obviously avoiding making eye contact with me.
“Well, what’d he do?” I asked. All he did was bloody kiss me. It’s not like we had hot, steamy sex on her bed or anything.
“Don’t worry about it, Cam,” Stephanie sighed, moving her mouse around the screen to open Facebook. “I can handle it.”
I gave her a skeptical look. “Are you really trying to convince me, or are you convincing yourself? Plus, what is there to handle?” I retorted. The way she said ‘I can handle it’ left me wondering what the hell she even had to handle. I didn’t realize there was even anything to handle.
She said nothing and continued to log into Facebook. “Do you have a Facebook?” she was obviously trying to change the subject.
“No, I don’t,” I answered. “But that has nothing to do with anything.”
She hummed in response. “Well then, we’ll just have to make you one,” she totally ignored the last part of my sentence.
“Stephaniiiiie,” I whined dragging out her name. “Stop changing the subject,” I pouted.
“What’s your middle name?” she continued, already starting my apparent new Facebook page.
“Maxwell,” I answered quickly. “Steph, c’mon. Just tell me what’s going on.” I was beginning to get frustrated.
“Should I put gay as your sexual orientation or should I just leave it blank? I mean, nobody really knows except me so you may not want other people to know, which is understandable.”
As she continued to talk, I got more annoyed and less patient. “For fuck’s sake, Steph! Just tell me what the hell is bloody going on will you!?” I burst, my English accent becoming apparent in my boiling anger.
“Your accent’s come out,” Stephanie mumbled, continuing to do things on her computer.
“I’m being serious, Stephanie! I deserve to know what’s going on!”
She turned to look at me, her eyes dark with a burning fire. “You wanna what’s going on, Cam? Cause I honestly don’t think you really do.”
I pondered her words. Why wouldn’t I want to know? How bad could it be? “Just tell me.”
“Fine,” she got off of her chair and sat in front of me. “I know you’ve developed a bit of a crush on Sage. I think everyone’s noticed. Including him,” I looked at her in horror. Everyone knows? I’ve tried my best to keep it hidden, obviously that didn’t work. “Here’s the thing about Sage. He’s not the innocent, happy-go-lucky person he appears to be. Something’s wrong with him. I don’t know. Maybe he’s mental or something,” she sighed running her hands through her hair and tying it up in a loose bun. “Sage is one of those people who like to change things,” she stated looking me dead in the eye. “He likes to screw with people and break them down to pieces until there’s barely anything left just to stir things up a bit. To make life easier for him. The mere thought of boredom and normality is unknown to him. Something always must be happening and heaven forbid it be anything but tearing an innocent bystander to pieces. I don’t for one second believe that he’s doing anything but fucking with you,” she looked away from me. “He’s doing nothing but screwing with your brain just to tear you apart in the end, and I’m not going to let it happen. Not again.” Right as I was going to open my mouth and respond, her head snapped to mine, her green eyes piercing me. “And by the way, Sage is not gay. He’s got no sexual interest in men what so ever. He just pretends every once in a while just to, in his words, ‘shake things up’.”
I took a moment to process everything she had said as she walked around her room picking up stray dirty clothes before something stuck out at me. “How do you know he’s not gay? How are you sure? He just kissed me for fuck’s sake. What straight guy does that?” I challenged.
“A straight guy who fucks with people’s minds for the hell of it,” Stephanie picked up one more piece of clothing and threw it in a basket by her closet door before picking it up and walking to the door. “Kid could make a living off it. Plus,” she stopped right outside the door and turned around to face me. “He just told me.”
With that, she walked down the hallway away from me, leaving me confused and quite awestruck.
Who knew Little Miss Steph could be so casually blunt and pessimistic.
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Took me a while to write this chapter. I had huge writers block, but it's all good now. The ideas are just like, flowing from me. Haha.
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