Status: Next chapter should be posted in sometime in mid June. I have finals and then I'm going on vacation. Sorry for the wait!!

We're Doin' Alright

Awkward Morning Afters

Sage’s POV

I awoke to the orange in my eyelids that appear with light. I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in an unfamiliar place. A few years ago, I would’ve panicked. Now, on the other hand, waking up in an unfamiliar place was pretty much a weekly thing, and I learned that everything will make sense eventually. As my senses began to clear up more, I felt something heavy on my chest. Instinctively, I looked down to find a mess of blonde hair. Waking up to a girl in my arms was, too, a normal occurrence. Except this time, the hair was shorter than normal. Very short actually. Regardless, it didn’t faze me, and I reached my hand down to run my fingers in her hair. It looked silky soft and everyone knows how much I enjoy playing with people’s hair.
The girl began to stir in my arms as she awakened, groaning a bit as she did so. It sounded rather masculine if you ask me. Oh god. How much did I drink last night to want to have sex with someone that sounded like a dude? Maybe she’s attractive? I just hope she doesn’t look like the way her voice sounds. Bet you her name’s Olga or something. Wow. That was mean. Nothing against girls named Olga or anything…
Anyways, the girl slowly sat up and turned to face me. Oh shit.
First of all, this girl is a guy. Second of all, that guy is fucking Cameryn Olivier. SERIOUSLY, what the fuck happened last night?
I stared at him with wide eyes as he smiled shyly at me, obviously nervous with my shock. “Um, hi,” he nearly whispered.
I stared at him confused for a moment, not sure what to say. So many questions were running through my head at that moment, but I was too shocked and confused to even bother asking any of them. “Hi?” I stupidly asked more than greeted.
“Do you…” Cameryn started but scrunched his face up as if he was trying to think of what to say. I’m not gonna lie; he was adorable when he did that. I had the sudden urge to pull him down to my chest and hug him to me, but I restrained myself from doing so. Now is not the time to have weird, sudden urges Sage. “Do you remember what happened last night?” Cameryn asked looking a bit worried. Oh no. That look is NEVER good. I shook my head sheepishly, a grimace gracing my features as I thought of all the terrible possibilities of what could’ve happened the night previous. Of course, they would’ve been fun then, but now, they’d just horrify and disgust me. He nodded in response siting up completely now and facing me. He studied his hands for a moment before looking into my eyes, his seeming to bore into mine as if trying to read me. He broke the eye contact, eyes connecting with his hands again as he opened his mouth to speak. “Do you want me to tell you?”
I pondered the thought. Did I want him to tell me? Did I really want to know the outcome of my intoxication in full detail? Probably not, but I felt as though it was something that I needed to know. “Please?” I asked him, trying to make eye contact, which he was obviously avoiding.
“Um, okay, where to start,” he sighed, toying with his hands nervously again. I took his hands in my own. I don’t know what propelled me to do it, but something about his obvious uneasiness around me wanted to make me comfort him. When I did this, his eyes immediately shot up to mine, before he told me of the happenings of the night before, stuttering every once in a while. I had let go of his hands when he finished, not really sure what to say or do in this situation. “Oh! And you apparently left a mark on my neck so thanks for that. I’ve got to wear a scarf now. You’re lucky it’s cold outside,” he added giggling softly. Again with the cuteness! Dammit. This boy is going to be the death of me.
I nibbled my lip as I pondered over what he told me. So, I randomly showed up at his house drunk, nearly cried over something that I couldn’t tell him about, and then kissed him. Well, that’s an understatement. I made out with him AND left a hickey. Now, why the HELL would I do that? Last week it made sense. I was just screwing with his head then because I was bored. Last night though, I was piss drunk. I typically don’t have the right of mind to even consider screwing with people when I’m that plastered. I’m not even remotely gay, or at least I don’t think I am… I’ll do things with guys occasionally just to screw with them but I’m never serious about it. Ugh, I’m so confused.
“Sorry about the hickey,” I finally said. Why was I bloody apologizing? I should be proud of that shit!
“It’s fine… I guess,” he said as he got up from the bed and walked over to the closet. “It’s not like I didn’t enjoy it,” he mumbled, probably not thinking I heard it.
“I heard that,” I smirked. His cheeks flushed bright red as he came out of the closet. HA! See what I did there? I’m so punny.
He threw a t-shirt and a pair of pants at my face. “Go shower and get dressed. We have school remember?”
I groaned as I sat up. Hangovers are a bitch. “Don’t remind me,” I scowled. I laid out the clothes he so kindly assaulted my face with in front of me. Kid doesn’t have half bad taste in clothing. In front of me laid a blue, white, and green checkered long-sleeved button up shirt with a white shirt to go with it and a pair of dark grey, almost black, jeans. They looked like they might’ve been a bit small though. “Are you sure these’ll fit?” I questioned.
“They should. You’re not that much bigger than me,” Cameryn replied removing his shirt over his head. I couldn’t help but stare as he did so. I inwardly groaned. What the fuck is wrong with me?
I managed to tear my eyes away and stood from the bed. The things this boy is doing to me. The things this boy is making ME want to do to HIM. Bloody hell, I’m so fucked.
“Sage!” I heard someone call behind me in the hallways. I’d just gotten out of fourth period and was on my way to lunch.
I spun around and continued to walk backwards. “Yes, dear Brandon,” I responded giving him a short bow while he jogged to catch up with me, his caramel coloured dead ferret haircut flopping all over the place. Brandon was one of my closer friends besides Stephanie and Sabrina. He was the person that I always went to parties with and basically did crazy things with, while Stephanie was more of a sister to me. We’d been friends, along with Sabrina, since we were seven. Stephanie was more like motherly sister to me while Sabrina was more like my partner in crime and the person I could spill my heart out to when I just needed to talk. Brandon was basically my male version of Sabrina, except less touchy feely stuff.
“Where were you last night, dude?” Brandon questioned. “I saw you once at the beginning of the party and then you disappeared. Man, you should’ve been there. The cops came ‘cause some kid brought a bunch of fuckin’ weed and shit man…” I tuned out of his spiel on the events of last night and thought of my own. Should I tell Brandon what happened? Should I tell ANYONE what happened? I don’t think Cameryn’s out of the closet yet. Hell, I don’t even know for sure if he’s gay. It was just sort of assumed when I kissed him. Everyone already knows about the way I screw around with guys so it wouldn’t be that much of a shock about me, but it might bring my reputation standards down a bit… but it would probably screw with Cameryn as well… and we all know how much I enjoy fucking with people’s lives. “So, what did you end up doing last night, Sage?”
Should I tell him?
Naaaah. I’ll just make up something. I don’t really feel like potentially ruining someone’s life today. “I got super trashed dude. I don’t really remember what happened, but I woke up in Cameryn’s front yard so he let me shower and borrow some clothes,” I lied easily.
“Cameryn. Where have I heard that name before?” Brandon rubbed his slightly stubbly chin in thought. “Cameryn Olivier. Isn’t that the new kid?” I nodded. “How’d you end up at his house of all places?”
I shrugged and chuckled slightly. “No idea,” I answered honestly. I seriously have no idea how I got there or how I even knew where he lived. It kind of creeps me out really.
“Weird…” Brandon furrowed his eyebrows in thought.
“Yup. You sitting with us at lunch today?” I asked him trying to change the subject.
“Nah,” he scrunched his nose up. He never really liked sitting at our table. He says Stephanie gives him the ‘heebie-jeebies’. “I gotta go help with the set for the musical. I’ll catch you later though.” He clapped me on the back before turning the other way. Yes, Brandon is a theatre geek, along with Stephanie, but he’s more of a behind the scenes kid while she’s more focused on being on stage. Regardless, they’re both extremely talented at what they do. I’ll give them props for that, although I’m not much of a theatre person. Plus, Chocs hates me with every fiber of his mid-40s year old being.
I approached the table and tapped Sabrina’s shoulder to get her attention. She got up and followed me to the line, as usual.
“Where’d you disappear to last night?” she questioned as we approached the end of the line.
“Um,” I ran a hand through my hair and exhaled noisily as I placed an apple on my tray. “Cameryn’s house.” I replied turning to her to see her reaction. Just as I thought, the look she always gives me when I do ‘the unexpected’; one of her eyebrows rose and her mouth making a small ‘o’. “I know, I know. I’m not entirely sure what my drunken mind was thinking. I mean, I didn’t even know where he lived until apparently last night when I just showed up. It’s kind of creeping me out, really,” I shook my head as I handed the lunch lady my money and waited for Sabrina to do the same.
“That’s really weird, dude. I mean, it’s like your subconscious is fucking stalking him or something,” she responded, laughter seeping through her voice. The lunch lady gave her a dirty look for her language choice, to which Sabrina gave her a funny look (Y’know. The one where you go all cross eyed and stick your tongue out) as she handed the old hag her money.
I chuckled a bit before answering her loudly, “Who knows. I was wasted as shit. Maybe my subconscious found him because it really wanted a nice fuck.” I smirked as I watched the lunch lady scrunch up her nose in distaste and shove the money in the register. Oh how I love screwing with people. The attention I get from it isn’t half bad as well. A few laughs sounded from the other students in the line who had heard me. They all knew I wasn’t serious. I was notorious for fucking with people’s heads, and they knew that.
Sabrina shook her head as she smirked and lead the way from the line. “So, what did you do at Cam’s?” she asked, probably trying to make conversation.
“About that,” I cleared my throat before grabbing her elbow and pulling her with me out the doors that led to the student parking lot.
“Sage! Dammit! You almost made me spill my food! Why the fuck are we even out here? It’s fucking freezing!” she scolded yanking her elbow from my hand.
“Sorry,” I shrugged. She knew I didn’t really care. “I couldn’t tell you what happened in there and I need to talk about it with you anyways.”
She nodded her head slowly. “So you drag me outside so that we can eat our food by the trashcans like the little hipsters that we are?” she said sarcastic enthusiasm.
“Yup! ‘Cause eating at a table inside is like, so overrated,” I joked with her.
She gave me a look before sitting down on the ground against the wall. “So, spill Mr. Mysterious.”
I gave her a rundown of what had happened the night before (or what I’d been told at least) and the happenings of this morning, including the making out and the hickey. I left out my strange thoughts of Cameryn’s adorableness, though. She didn’t need to know that. Honestly, I wish I didn’t even know that. But dammit, that kid is so freaking cute. Not to mention hot as hell.
“So, let me get this straight,” she started, placing her food to the side of her so she could turn towards me and cross her legs. “You showed up at his house drunk,” I nodded, “with him completely sober,” I nodded again, “and then kissed him,” another nod, “and he let you?” Insert yet another silent nod here. “You even managed to give him a fucking hickey?” her voice was slightly raised now as I nodded. “And he was completely sober?” I’m surprised she hasn’t told me she ‘can’t hear the rocks rattling in my head’ I’ve been nodding so much. But then again, that’s more of a Stephanie thing to do. Not much of a Sabrina trait. “Holy shit, Sage. Cameryn likes you.” I just shrugged. Well, yeah. Duh. A lot of people like me. “Nonono,” she shook her head, a huge smile spreading on her face as she did so. “I mean, he actually likes you.” I raised an eyebrow. “I mean, why else would he let you kiss him like that while he’s completely sober? And he’s let you kiss him before when you were supposed to be working on that project! Hell, he even drew you! That alone is something to take into consideration.” I gave her a look that said ‘how the hell do you know that?’. “What? Me and Cameryn talk. I didn’t think he actually liked you though. Holy shit, I feel like a genius.” She continued her excited rambling, but I tuned her out.
Cameryn likes me. Like, like likes me… I could live with that. It’s not that big of a surprise. I mean, you should’ve seen his face the first time I kissed him. Poor kid. He doesn’t know what he’s just gotten himself into. I smirked as the wheels turned in my head. This is gonna be fun.
What? Did you expect me to be all, ‘ohmygoodness, I love him so much!’ and go run into his arms and us live happily ever after? Well, if you did, that’s too bad, ‘cause this isn’t that kind of story boys and girls. This is my story. Sage Rivera. Master of being a complete and total deceiving, lying, conniving asshole. This is going to go down my way; the much more interesting way if you ask me.
I continued to ignore Sabrina as I smirked and came up with all sorts of schemes.
“Oh my god, Sage, no.” I looked back up to Sabrina who now stood with her hands on her hips giving me a stern look. “Don’t give me that innocent look. I know what you were thinking about, and you can forget about it. You’re not fucking this one up. I actually enjoy his company and would appreciate if you didn’t screw him over so badly that he moves his cute little ass back to California.”
I gave her my infamous smirk and stood beside her as the bell rang. I put a hand on her tense shoulder. “Don’t worry, Sabrina. I won’t fuck with him.” She didn’t relax like most people. Why? Because she actually knows me.
I never was good at telling the truth.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow. So, this is about three months later than I would've liked it to have been. For that, I apologise you very few readers that I have.
The funny thing is, I've actually had this chapter written for more than two month, and it's been updated to Wattpad for about a month, buuuuut I forgot to update here.
Anywho, hope you enjoyed. :)
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