Status: New :) I'm determined to stick with this

I've Loved and I've Lost

One is the Lonliest Number, But Mom's Better Off

"You're a bastard! I hope you rot in hell!" Oh great my parents are arguing again. Surprise!
"At least I'm not an ugly bitch who sits on her lazy ass all day!"

Flashback Ten years ago

My Dad looked peaceful, like he was completely happy with himself. The way he spoke made him sound like an old man remembering the greatness of many years. "Son, your mother is the most beautiful, kind woman in the world. You'd be lucky to meet a girl with half her beauty. You'll always be jealous of me and your mother's love. I couldn't imagine you being graced with such a deep, passionate and trusting woman. After all, It just wouldn't be fair if two good looking men have beautiful women."

End Flashback

I loved my Dad up until six years ago. The first time I caught him cheating on my Mom. I think I was about nine. The woman was blonde and fat. Nothing like my mother's beautiful brown-skin, shiny black hair and curvy body. My Mother truly is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I'd do anything to protect her.

I never even thought my Dad was interested in white women. When I was younger he would always watch BET music videos where the women are scantily dressed, voluptious and black. Even my mother said he never even looked at the white girls in high school. I wonder what's changed.

My Mom's name is Kira, and she's done everything for me. From the day I was born, I was taught to love and protect my mother no matter what. That's why I'm going to save her from my father.

I'm on a mission to split my parents up
♠ ♠ ♠
So first chapterish...I mean it's kinda short. It's a prologue really. I'm not really a writer for duration though, so I don't know how much longer each chapter will be. Any mistakes or gramatical errors will be fixed when/if I finish the story.

Toodles ><>< Aaliyah