Status: Incomplete

All Hail The Heartbreaker

Chapter 1

"This is bullshit," I muttered to myself as I tossed my phone a few feet away. I wasn't going to sit there tortuing myself. If he wanted to talk to me, he would. I didn't need to check my messages every two seconds. The volume was all the way up anyway - I'd hear it if it rang. So all that was left to do was distract myself. There had to be something that would keep my mind off of him. I left my room and went down to the basement, grabbing a throw blanket from the linen closet. Settling myself into a recliner, I flipped on the TV. A zombie movie, my favorite. But just as the blood and guts began to spill, I heard footsteps pounding down the basement steps.
"Avery!" my sister yelled.
"I'm right here, Peighton, you don't need to yell." I pushed the pause button on the remote. God bless DVR, I thought to myself.
"Your phone rang." Peighton, my 15-year-old sister, dropped my cell phone in my lap. The small screen read, "one unread message."
"Oh my gosh. Thank you!" I smiled at her and she took off back up the steps. "Stop running!" I called after her, and whether she heard me or not, she didn't stop running. My stomach twisted as I unlocked my phone and opened the message.
"Call me," was all it said. But it was from him. Him. Finally. So I pushed the green call button next to his name and put the phone to my ear, my heart pounding and my palms sweaty.
"Hello?" he answered.
"Hey!" Oh shit, I thought, I sound way too cheery.
"So I'm guessing you got my message."
His voice. Jesus. I was in deep with this one. Just ask me out already.
"Yep." I laughed a little., partially from nervousness. "What's up?"
"I was, I don't know... I was on your Facebook profile and I saw you liked that band The Maine." He paused.
"Yeah." What, why was he on my profile?
"Well, I mean if you're not busy this weekend, I know someone at the venue a couple hours away where they're playing. We can go. Together. If you want."
Can you pause time? Because if you can, let me know. I need to be able to freeze time. I needed so much freaking out time right then. I need to scream and yell and dance around like a crazy person. Did I seriously just get asked out by my dream guy? To a concert? Where my favorite band would be playing? This was a dream, right?
"I would love to!" Wait, I reminded myself. Remember those dumb rules about not sounding too free, too needy. "I mean, that'd be cool. Sounds fun." I took in a deep breath.
"Awesome! Well I gotta go then," he told me. My heart dropped. No, keep talking to me! "But I'll call you sometime in the next day or two to set up everything. Bye!"
We hung up. I looked at how long the call actually lasted. 5 minutes and 42 seconds. Really? Felt like forever.
But between now and this weekend was going to seem even longer than forever.
"Wooo!" I shot my arms in the air and leaned my head back, closing my eyes, breathing in deeply.
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So I haven't written fan fiction in years, and never one for Garrett. Wish me luck xx