Sequel: New Tour New Life
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Forever seems like Never


We were just laying in bed talking and I was texting Jinxx who also skipped school with Sammie

“I have to pee, stay right here” Ashley said getting up

“There is no where for me to go” I said laughing

He then walked into the bathroom and not even 2 seconds later he came out

“Uh Andy why is there dried blood on the sink and a little on the floor?”

Fuck I didn’t clean it up

“I don’t know” I said looking down pulling my sleeve more over my hand

“don’t lie. What happened?”

“I don’t know”

“you don’t know what happened or you don’t know a excuse?” He said sitting infront of me

I looked down “an excuse”

“Andy, the truth?”

I then pulled up my sleeve and Ashley grabbed me and just held me and we stayed like that for hours

-Time lapse to dinner-

“Thanks for the dinner mom” I said smiling

“need help with the dished?” Ashley asked her

“Thank you but no, you and Andy go ahead have fun but you guys are going to school tomorrow”

We went back up to my room and got into pajamas and all

“This has been an emotional day” Ashley said plopping on the bed

I looked at him and laughed

“What’s so funny?”

“I don’t know” I said still laughing

“Well then, I am dying of heat” He said now sitting up

“Then take off your shirt”

“You would like that, wouldn’t you?” He said laughing


He then took off his shirt and threw it at me

“Hey that could have killed me” I said laughing


“I don’t know, but I could have died!”

-Time lapse-

We were in 1st period and I was talking to Jake and texting Ashley normally

*you go ahead and go home after school, I’m going to go do something* Ashley texted me

*what are you going to do?*

*I will tell you after I do it*

*but now it’s gonna bother me!*

*to bad*


*Oh by the way I did the paper so we will turn it in today*

*When did you do that?*

*last night when you went to sleep, it took me about 10 minutes*

-Time lapse-

“Okay so I will see you soon” Ashley said kissing me and tried to walk off but I didn’t let go of
his hands

“What are you going to do” I asked

“I will show you later, I promise but for now go home”

“Fine” I kissed him and waited for Jake to take me home

When I got home I ate a something and watched TV waiting for Ashley to get back

“I’m back” I heard Ashley say as he opened the door and I ran up to him and hugged him

“Miss me?” He said laughing and then kissed me

“No, I was waiting so I could see what you did!”

“Fine don’t miss” Ashley said laughing and going into our room

“I missed you but-“Ashley then interrupted me by kissing me

“Stay right here”




Then a few seconds later he came out with no shirt on

“You got tattoo?!”

“naw, This is painted on” He said sarcastically

He got OUTLAW tattooed over his stomach. I just stared at it

“You hate it” Ashley said about to put his shirt back on

“No, it’s amazing and sexy” I said laughing and kissing him and he wrapped his arms
around my waist and mine were around his neck. We were making out against the wall in the hallway right next to our room and his hands were going everywhere on me and well my hands were everywhere on him too
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Sorry for mistakes!