Sequel: New Tour New Life
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Forever seems like Never

Cant think of a name, sorry!

“Andy, Ashley! I’m home” We heard my mom yell from the front door

We pushed each other away and I was blushing hard and Ashley was laughing

“Always get interrupted” Ashley said laughing

I just giggled

“Hi mom” I said walking into the living room

“Why are you red?” She asked me which made me blush more

“He’s blushing because he’s adorable” Ashley came into the conversation

“I’m just gunna walk away now” I said going into my room and went on my laptop

“Andy, why did you leave?” Ashley asked sitting next to me kissing my cheek

“You know exactly why” I said laughing kissing him

“Boys! Come down here” We heard my dad say

“Is it just me or are they treating us like we are brothers?” I asked Ashley laughing and he only laughed in return

We walked downstairs to see what they wanted

“Get dressed we are going to the grocery store” my mom said from the kitchen

“But we just got into our pajamas!” I said trying to get her to let us stay here

“Nope, you are going no matter what just go ahead put on a shirt and you can go in your PJ bottoms

Me and Ashley put on a shirt well I put on one of his sweat shirts because I need to hide my arm and well I wanted to wear his sweatshirt

We got into the back and me and Ashley were just being stupid and playing those games were you say something while hitting your hands and stuff –I cant think of the words for it- and we were hyped up on the monsters we had at dinner

“Settle down guys I have headache” My dad said

“Okay we will whisper” Ashley said whispering trying not to laugh “staring contest?” Ashley
asked me

“ready, set, go!” We then sat there staring into each others eyes but about half way through it wasn’t for the staring contest considering we both started leaning in to kiss

“Enough of that boys” My mom said seconds before mine and Ashley’s lips touched. We both bolted back from shock and I had kept my fingers on my lips and I was smiling the rest of the way to the store because I always wanted to kiss someone like that. That’s how it happens in the movies and I wanted it to happen to me too and just the fact it almost happened made me happy especially because it was with Ashley and he was the one blushing this time not me.

We got to the store and Ashley walked a few steps behind my parents and we are currently in the stage of a relationship when you want to spend every moment with them and so you are always holding them and stuff. It’s also pretty obvious because we left them to go look at CDs and while Ashley was looking around the CDs I was holding onto his waist because I couldn’t hold his hand and I kissed his cheek randomly every so often but he didn’t mind.

“Clingy are we?” Ashley said putting his arm around my neck and kissing me

“Shut up, you know you like it”

Ashley kissed me again

“Or I just like you” he said smiling

We then went back to my parents his arm around my neck and I was holding his waist with
both arms. Of course we got a lot of bad looks

“How adorable” My mom said when she saw us and my dad just kinda stood there

We eventually got home and my parents went to bed not too long after

“I’m wide awake and bored” I said jumping off my bed almost falling

“Babe, calm down it’s already 12 at night and we have school tomorrow”

“Fuck school we are in a band”

“you can’t say that till we tour andy” Ashley said getting up pushing me against the wall
kissing me and again his arms are around my waist and mine are around his neck. He
turns it into making out and our hands going everywhere just like earlier but this time he
goes to kissing my neck and grabbing me places causing me to take sharp breaths.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for mistakes!
more to come tonight, possibly