Sequel: New Tour New Life
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Forever seems like Never

call me mommy

summary of the past few chapters that got erased

Andy met a new kid named Mark who was flirting with Andy and Ashley got jealous and then Mark invited Andy over and Mark kissed Andy. Andy didnt pull away for a few seconds, Andy is confused becuase he loved Ashley but he enjoyed that kiss. On Andy and Ashleys 4 month anniversary Ash found out about the kiss and stormed off, didnt let Andy explain or anything. Eventually Ash came back and he fell asleep on the couch and Andy went to go talk to him about it at around 3 in the morning , i think i said. Ashley told Andy to go away so Andy went upstairs got out his razor blade, Ashley came to say sorry but scared Andy which made Andy accidently push deeper and he is in the hospital with a slight chance of living and Ashley stuck to what he said to the guys. You go then I go too and right now Ashley is just about to stab himself (cliche right? what else am I supposed to do)

Ashleys POV

"I love you Andy" I brought the knife up to my heart in tears and I was just about to kill myself until I felt a hand on mine

"Ashley dont" Thats Andys voice, he said it between coughs and small tears so he stuttered

"Andy" I whispered and I wrapped my arms around him

"I wont leave you, im here. I love you"

"I love you too Andy" We sat there for a few seconds like that but I know I need to call doctors in. I dont want to loose him for real

When I called in the doctors I kissed Andy once more, knowing I was going to be rushed out

"DUDE!" Jinxx yelled over everyone

"Shhhh keep it down" I said when I walked up to him

"Hes okay for right now, he woke up" I said it with a small smile and looked at his parents when I said it too and they smiled too

after a few minutes of talking I ended up sitting right next to the door so if the doctor came to tell us about Andy Id be there ready to listen.

"Mr.Purdy right?" I have been so long they know me for now

"Ya, is he okay?"

The doctor looked at me with a small smile "He is just fine now, you all can go in and see him"

I smiled and looked over at his parents and told them to come and see him which his mom jumped up and followed close behined

"ANDY!" she screamed and hugged Andy we all laughed. Andy was laughing too but his mom was in tears, still in shock and well happy tears

"Hi mom" He rolled his eyes a little

"I dont care if we are infront of your friends, call me mommy and hug me back like how you usually do when no one is around" She started hugging him tighter and we all laughed


"Dont whine Andy, listen to your mommy" CC said laughing

He eventually hugged her after his brain procced that he was alive and all that had happened, it hit him. hes in tears, hugging everyone his mom then dad then CC,Jinxx, Jake then me

"Ashley, im sorry, I love you I nev-" I kissed him

"Andy, shush I love you too" I giggled a little and kissed him again.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really wasnt in the mood too rewrite all those chapters so I made a summary

Sorry for mistakes!