Sequel: New Tour New Life
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Forever seems like Never

You're Late

I walked into my 6th period late because I stayed back and smoked a cigarette like I usually do.

“Mr.Biersack late again, everyone already has a partner for this project so-“The teaches was interrupted

“Sorry I’m late Mrs.” I know that voice

“Ahh Mr. Purdy you can work with Mr. Biersack” I didn’t even bother to look at him I just sat down at my usual spot in the back

“Okay everyone go ahead and sit with your partners and start working on this paper, the directions are up on the board” The teacher said sitting at her desk

“Hi there” Ashley sat next to me and smiled, obviously happy to see me, or was he?

“Hi” I said shyly

“aww, you are acting like the first time we met. Its adorable and all but I want my Andy back” He said with a small laugh

“I’m sorry but you haven’t talked to me in years so I didn’t know you even remembered me” I said trying not to sound rude but I think it came out the wrong way

“Or you can be rude, what are we doing this paper on?”

“I didn’t mean for it to come out that way, sorry” I said quietly again

“No problem, hey wanna just talk today? Start this shit another day? We have a week or so to do it” He said quickly turning towards me

“Uh sure, I guess” I wasn’t use to this, I was when we were friends and he wouldn’t leave me alone but now I’m so use to being alone.

We spent that whole time just talking about each other and how neither of us have changed
one bit and well im use to him again, I knew that wouldn’t take long

“So I uh, notice you look at me a lot” He said scratching his neck

“You would only know if you looked back”

“I never said I didn’t”

“It’s only looking, it’s not like im raping you”

He just laughed as the bell rang

“Andy!” Jake yelled across the hall practically running up to me

“Jakey!” I yell and run towards him

We attack each other with a hug.

He then looked up with a confused look

“And Ashley?” I turned around, he’s following me?

“Now you’re just stalking”

“ can’t help it im going the same way as you and I happen to be blocked by two people attacking each other” He has a point

“Hey Jake how you been?” He asked looking at him

Jake just growled at him because I had to tell him and the others that Ashley called me a fag and walked away. Which he himself told me to tell the others so they don’t talk to him

“Jake, let’s go to my place and make uhh cookies” Then Jake looked at me


“Yes. Some mother fucking Cookies now come on!” I pulled Jake away and we went to my
♠ ♠ ♠
Hai there readers! If you have any ideas on what happens next go ahead and comment and tell me, If I use you're idea then I will give you credit for it and this goes for any chapter I post!