Sequel: New Tour New Life
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Forever seems like Never

I dont know what to name this

It wasn’t like a small peck. It was a full on passion filled kiss but he pulled away the second we started going downhill. I was in shock for a few seconds, I did not expect him to do that but I came back to reality and enjoyed the rest of the 30 second ride. It’s still too early to get with Ash but I want to, more than anything

“Hey Andy, wanna go get dinner somewhere?” Ashley asked when we got off the ride

“You paid for enough stuff today, let’s go to my house and have dinner there”

“You won the bet, I have to pay for whatever you want”

“Well, I want to go back to my place and watch movies”

“Fine, but were ordering pizza! And I’m paying” Ashley is acting as if he never even kissed me

We were walking back to his car I had the monkey he won me in the basketball game thing but as we were half way there we got silent, it wasn’t awkward just silent but he grabbed my hand and held it I just looked at our hands and smiled while looking down probably blushing and I guess Ashley saw because he giggled

“Andy, you’re adorable”

I just looked down blushing again

“and shy”

“shuttup” I said giggling

We get to my house and Ashley opens the door for me to get out and stuff. He is making it hard not to like him

“Mom, Dad I’m home and Ashley is with me!” I look around the house then go downstairs on
the couch were Ashley is at “They aren’t here”

“Well, I ordered the pizza” He then patted the spot next to him telling me to sit down next to

I look at the time

“Pizza people deliver at 10 at night?”




“Skip school with me tomorrow?”

“Sure” He said with a small smile

“And stay here tonight?” He then smiled big when I asked that

“Of course” He jumps up and grabs a pillow “SLEEPOVER!” then starts hitting me with it

“you’re on!”

And we had a pillow fight till the pizza got here and when it did Ashley went to get it and I looked at my phone for pretty much the first time and only 1 new message, normal

*Hey, son be home tomorrow afternoon me and your mother went to a party at a friend’s –

I put down my phone and put batman in the DVD player and Ashley comes back in the room
with a box of pizza and a huge thing on dr.Pepper

“You only said pizza” I said laughing as he sat down

“Well, we would get thirsty” He said looking at me “so what are we watching?”

“Batman” I said with a smile and I scooted closer to Ashley. I decided fuck the pain later I’m going to enjoy Ashley now

He must have realized I scooted closer because he smiled, I failed at being a ninja

We finished the pizza, pretty much all of it and I started to lay down on the couch

“No, you can put your head on me and not the uncomfterable couch”

He then pulled me to him and he put his arm around me as I layed my head on his shoulder and I fell asleep within seconds.

I woke up to Ashley taking out the DVD and stuff but he was bent over in front of me, not like bam in my face but it was a nice view

“Nice ass” I said laughing a little

He popped up, startled

“When did you get up?”

“Just now”

“Oh, well come one lets go and lay down” I just layed on the couch looking at him and he stared down at me knowing exactly what I wanted it.

“Andy, don’t be lazy” I just held out my hands

“Carry me!”

After a few minutes of that he finally carried me into the room and we layed down, but I
couldn’t sleep

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I only got 1 comment but I got bored so I made another chapter....