Smooth Gaskarth

I'm Leaving What I Know Behind

The drive to my new home seemed long, like it was never ending. My eyes were red and sore from crying so much. I was never all that good with goodbyes – or hello’s when it came straight down to it.

It’s not like I was happy back in New Jersey, but I was surviving. Moving to Maryland was hell, and I really don’t know how to make it through this.

Everything looked the exact same. White picket fenced surrounding neat and tidy suburban homes. If the neighbourhood was this clean cut, I could only imagine how the people were. Housewives in bright colored dresses baking all day, anxiously awaiting the arrival of her husband, who is probably wearing a classy Armoni suit. Then there were the children. The sons probably came home to tell their parents about how he was the one who had the winning touchdown, or about how he got an A+ on that book report. The teenage daughters would probably come home giggling in their Bubblegum pink cardigan, gushing about how the cutest guy in the school had asked her to the upcoming spring dance.

Then there was me.
Back in Jersey I had the “emo” stereotype. Long blonde, black, and hot pink hair, dressed in hoodies, skinny jeans and converse, not to mention the lip pierce that I had that seemed to scare everyone away. I couldn’t help but think that this was the wrong place for me.
My white bedroom walls were begging me to paint them.

I was bored already and I had only lived here for ten minutes. I sat on my window seat and sighed. It was summer holidays so it would be a whole two months before I met anyone, a whole two months of being alone, a whole two months of pure hell.

“come down for lunch honey,” My mom peeked inside my room.

“Uhh, no thanks.”

“Oh come on Jasey, how long are you going to stay mad at us for?”

“Until you move me back to Jersey!” I screamed.

I pushed passed her down the stairs and out the front door.

I didn’t know where anything was, but it was better than staying in that house of hell.

I took two steps out onto the sidewalk before I tripped over my shoelaces and fell.

I heard someone come running across the street, headed towards me.

“Are you alright? Let me help you up,” It came from a boy.

“No, I don’t need anyone’s-“ I got up on my kneed, looking at the most beautiful boy on the planet. I grabbed his outreached hand, and instantly I felt a shock work its way through my fingers, then up my arm.

“I’m Alex Gaskarth,” He had the most amazing smile ever. His hair was light brown with thick blonde streaks running through it. And his eyes looked so warm and welcoming.

“I-I’m Jasey Rae Smith,” I blushed and stumbled.

“Well my parents never told me that the new neighbours had such a beautiful daughter.”

I smiled, biting my lip while looking down, trying to avoid eye contact.

“Well if you need anything, I live in the house directly across from yours, give me a holler,” He smiled then started walking away.

“Wait!” I called after him “can you show me around a little bit?”

He chuckled, and then ran over quickly and assertively grabbed my hand.

“So where are you from?”

“Jersey,” I felt sad remembering, but then quickly remembered who I was with.

“Why’d yea move?” He asked curiously.

“Because my parents wanted to, I guess just for a change of scenery,”

The hours passed with us chatting like old best friends. It turned dark outside causing my bare arms to freeze and my nerves to be on edge.

In Jersey, you always had to watch your back, especially when night came around.

A rabbit moved in a nearby bush creating a rustling noise. I screamed and jumped into Alex. He quickly pulled his arms around me.

“God you’re cold,” He pulled away and took off his red and black hoodie, then handed it to me.

“Thanks,” I smiled “uhh... can I ask you a kinda odd question?”

“Go for it,” he laughed.

“Can you keep your arm around me? I’m kinda afraid,” I whispered.

He cupped my face in his hands “nothing is going to hurt you when I’m around.”
He walked me to my door. We stood awkwardly together there, not quite sure of what to do

“Well goodnight,” He smiled, and then turned to walk down the steps.

He turned back quickly and gently placed his lips on mine.

“God, I’m sorry. I’m such an idiot,” He ran down the steps and I watched him run across the street, back to his house.

He thought he was stupid, but little did he know, that was the best thing that had ever happened to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, the first chapter is kinda boring.
I hope you stay tuned though :)