Smooth Gaskarth

Let It Roll

I was sitting in my room, which lacked any inspiration, wishing that Alex would come by. It’s been three days since I had seen him, and I couldn’t help but wonder how I scared him off. I had yet to tell my parents about him though.

My door burst open

“Guess who I ran into on the corner of the street dear!”

“I dunno, who mom?”

“Jude Gaskarth, she lives across the street from us,” My heart dropped into my stomach when I heard the last name. “They are coming over for dinner tonight, so get ready!” my mom squealed excitedly.
I was sitting on the living room couch when I heard the doorbell ring.
The three Gaskarth’s quickly filled into our living room and started the introductions.
Alex and I both had to try and suppress our laughter when out parents introduced us for the ‘first time’.

We sat down comfortably in the gathering room, patiently waiting for dinner to be served. Alex sat across the room from me and seemed to be really zoned out, I couldn’t blame him though, all this grown up talk was driving me crazy as well.

“Hey Alex, do you want a... umm...” I couldn’t think of anything that we could do to escape the grown up world and go into my bedroom. I quickly pointed and mouthed the word “bedroom” to him, hoping he would take the hint and think of something clever to say.

“Do I want to go and look at your cd collection? Why yes I do!” Alex was a quick thinker. Something that I severely lacked.

I smiled a thank you at him, then lead him up to the top of the stairs, once there I stopped.

“A couple of nights ago, you started something you didn’t finish,” I whispered.

He looked at me confused.

I slowly leaned in and let my lips touch his. He hesitantly parted my lips and kissed me deeply, then pulled away.

“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” he asked

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well because you just moved here, there are a million better looking boys who probably have better judgment then myself, because I am probably the stupidest person you will-“ I couldn’t take him putting himself down anymore so I quickly pushed him up against the wall and let my tongue silence him. After pulling away he whispered “and usually beautiful girls like you don’t give me a second glance.”

“Believe me Alex, you are worth way more than a second glance.”

He kissed my cheek, letting me know how much he appreciated that.

“Just...” I started but couldn’t get the nerve to follow through. “Never mind.”

“You can tell me,” He touched my arm.

“I like you so much Alex, I just don’t want to rush things and ruin it.”

“Okay, well, how about we stay ‘flirty friends’ until I get the nerve to ask you out,” He smiled.

“I like that idea.”

We entered my room. Everything was put into its proper place and then only thing that stood out was my red duvet, everything else was white and boring.

“Well, I thought that your room would be a little more lively considering you are on artist,” He laughed.

“Oh shut up! I haven’t had time to paint yet, or put up my drawings.”

“Well I guess I should come over and help you paint. It would be the manly thing to do anyways,” He flexed his arms.

“oh Alex, you’re my hero!” I laughed at him “whats next? Are you going to save me from a tower, guarded by a fire breathing dragon?”

Alex gently tackled me to the bed – just as my mom walked in.

“oh err..” Alex hesitated because he knew that looked bad. “I’m sorry Jasey, I guess I better learn how to tie my shoes, so I don’t know you down again,” He saved the day again.

“Its dinner,” She laughed, I could tell she liked him.

“Smooth move, Gaskarth,” I whispered into his ear while walking down to dinner.
I woke up to the sound of my cell phone ringing

“Hullo?” I mumbled then slowly opened my eyes.

“Baby, its me.”

I shot straight up. I was definitely awake now.


“I miss you so much Jasey, my arms feel so empty without you.”

“Look, Ben, I’m really busy I’ll call you later,” I hung up the phone as quickly as possible.

“Mom, I feel sooooo homesick,” I put my head down on the kitchen table while waiting for my breakfast.

“I know honey. But I think that nice Alex boy will help you out.”

I smiled when she said his name.

“Speaking of Alex, he came by this morning.”

“What! What did he want?” I squealed.

“He said that he had a cd that he thought you might like, and you can go and get it whenever you like.”

I ran upstairs and got ready as quickly as possible. I threw on my favourite pair if navy skinny jeans and a pink hoodie.

“Bye mom, I’m going for a walk.”

I quickly dashed down out steps and across the road to Alex’s house. I nervously knocked on the door, hoping he would answer and not his parents.

“Jasey! Hey!”

I smiled widely at him.

He grabbed my hand and lead me up the stairs, we then stopped in front of a door.

“I’m going to warn you my room is like a warzone.”

I laughed at him.

The walls were plastered with photos and band posters. On the floor there were various T-shirts and hoodies lying around. His bed was left unmade and an acoustic guitar laid on top of it.

“Jeez, I’m sorry, I still have that hoodie of yours,” I blushed

“I know, I saw it lying on your bed yesterday,” He chuckled then looked me in the eyes “care to tell me why you keep it there?”

“Because it smells like you, and it keeps me warm, so really, its like you’re there lying with me in your arms,” I blurted out, my face was burning red.

“You are so cute,” he whispered.

I giggled “so my mom said there was a cd or something?” I asked curiously.

“No. I just said that so you would come over. I figured you wouldn’t have had the guts to come over unless I had some kind of excuse for you to do so,” He laughed at me.

“Yea, I thought that might have been the case,” I laughed with him “that’s why I told my mom I was taking a walk and not coming over here.”

“Why couldn’t you tell her you were coming over here?”

“Because if we were just trading cd’s then I would only be here for a minute, but I figured we would probably hangout for a while.”

“So why would that be a problem? Is it because you’re at a boys house, they don’t trust us with our raging teenage hormones?" Alex fell on his bed and pulled me down on top of him laughing.

“Yes,” I laughed, pulling myself off of him and sitting up “but that’s not the only reason”

“Come on. Out with it,” Alex was now sitting up too.”

“Okay, this is going to sound selfish and childish, but I don’t want my parents to see how happy I actually am here.”

Alex fell on his back again “oh you teenage girls are too much,” He barely said through breaths of air from laughing so hard.

“Oh shut up!” I punched him on the arm.

“Okay. We can be each other’s secrets then,” He grinned.