Smooth Gaskarth


A few days went past with a tearful goodbye to Ryan and sneaking around with Alex. Still, as far as my parents knew, I was miserable as can be.

"Jasey" my mother called from downstairs.

I took my time getting up from my window seat and dragging myself down the stairs.

"What?" I finally answered upon reaching her.

"Your father and I will be leaving on a trip to see your grandparents. We will be gone for about a week."

My jaw dropped. I got the whole house to myself. No little distractions when I was trying to get lost in my thoughts, and no one to tell me what I can and cannot do.

"When are you leaving?" I asked, as if I didn't have a care in the world.

"As soon as your father gets home from work, around an hour or so."

I ran upstairs and texted Alex with the good news.

It would be like we have total privacy. Alex's parents weren't home all that often. Always gone away on business trips, leaving their son behind.

The bags were being throwin into the trunk of the car.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" My dad asked.

"Yes," I groaned.

"You know how to contact us," mom said through the window while they pulled out the driveway.

I waved goodbye.

As soon as the car disappeared, Alex came runinng across the street, picked me up and spun me around, and around.

"So to celebrate this event, I propose that we go to my best friend, Jack's house party." Alex smiled innocently.

When I thought about it, I had never actually had met any of his friends before. But I wasn't much of a partier.

"Fine," I agreed.


The house wasn't too packed, there was actually room to move. The air held a heavy stench of alcohol and it made me want to be sick.

Alex said he was going to go to the washroom - that was the last time I saw him, nearly an hour ago. I decided to give up looking and stepped out the backdoor for some fresh air.
It was a beautfiul night. the stars were shinning bright and there was a gentle, warm breeze.
I couldn't believe I had lost Alex, I had no clue how to get home from this foreign neighbourhood.

"So you're the new girl," a voice said from behind me. He sat down, next to me.
This mysterious figure looked like Alex, only with darker hair and eyes. "I'm Jack Barakat, by the way."

"I'm Jasey."

"I know," he laughed. "He doesn't ever stop talking about you."

My cheeks flushed.

"Well he did a fine job of forgetting who I was tonight," I looked up at the moon.

"He's been looking for you for the last thirty minutes, drunk out of his mind, but still, he's trying. He's never cared for someone so mu-" Jack got cut off.

"There you are!" Alex exclaimed, relieved. "Everyone's gone, man, it's just the three of us left."

"Err Jasey, I have a feeling he might be hard to take home, I'll help you," Jack stood up while I smiled at him.

The walk seemed to take longer - mostly because we had to stop every so often so Alex could throw up in a bush.

Jack and I decided it would be better if someone stayed with him, so I volunteered he could crash at my place.

I changed the sheets on the bed in the guest room while Alex stripped down into his boxers. Everything he was saying was starting to make sense again. He was starting to sober up.

After Alex was looked after, I went into my room to change into my pygama's. This included that black and red hoodie of Alex's. I crawled into my bed and burried myself beneath the sheets, begging sleep would come to me soon.

"So its true, you do sleep in my hoodie." Alex smiled at the door way. He looked down shyly and blushed. "I was wondering... would it be okay if I slept with you? Cuddeling makes me feel better."

I nooded my head, glad he came to ask because I was about to go and ask the same thing.

His arms wrapped around my torso, allowing me to rest my head on his chest. We seemed to fit so perfectly together.

And Instantly I was asleep.