Status: In Progress (: Suggestions for rules are welcomed :)

50 Rules Of A Wolfpack

Rule #23

Mayor Harrison relaxed into his fluffy couch, a perfect cappuccino, courtesy of Jackson after he'd broken their old coffee machine, in one hand and a copy of 'The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes' in the other.
The pack were all busy today meaning the only teenager in the house was the one supposed to be there; Eddison and due to it being eleven o clock on a Sunday, he was fast asleep.

Harry nestled further into the sofa, a grin stretching his face, god it was so quite! He could even hear the clock ticking in the kitchen!
Taking a sip of sugary goodness he began reading, emersing himself in his favourite book, it had been such a long time since it had been calm enough in his house to focus on anything other then controlling five teenagers and Logan, it was peaceful, serene, soothing being able to hear nothing but the words floating off of the page and into his mind yet- ohdearlordwhatwasthatmassivecrashcomingfromupstairs!?

Harry was up off his feet in seconds, book thrown across the room, decorative katana tugged down from above the fire place as he creeped almost silently up the carpeted stairs.
A muffled bump had him frozen midstride. That sounded like it was coming from, oh crap, Eddison's room.
Heart pummeling against him rib cage he sprinted across the landing barging into Eddison's room, sword raised high, battle cry rolling off of his tongue to be met by three pairs of puppy dog eyes belonging to three guilty looking, well two guilty, Logan didn't have an expression other then broody, werewolves all in different stages of climbing through Eddison's wide open window.
On the third floor of the house.
which didn't have a ladder outside of it.
When they were supposed to be busy.

These kids were gonna be the end of him.

"Erm, hi Mr McAdams..." Jackson greeting him trailing off awkwardly at the glare he recieved in response, his left hand cading through shaggy brown hair as he perched on the end of Eddison's bed.
Logan, who was leaning against the wardrobe door, raised a hand in greeting but offered nothing more whilst Max, who was still only half way through the window, bit his lip nervously, even with his newly acquired werewolf powers Mayor McAdams scared him.
"Uh haha erm, I know we said we wouldn't be round today but-"
"Jackson can't go a day without an Eddy cuddle!" Eddison interrupted sleepily, finally noticing his pack in his bedroom and deciding to join in, tugging Jackson against his chest and rubbing his fist over his skull in a brotherly nuggie.
"Ouch hey! Eddy! Cut it out!!" Jackson moaned wriggling out of his best friends hold to mash his face into the pillows.

Max chuckled sheepishly at the annoyed look on the Mayor's face as he finally landed in Eddison's bedroom with a slight thump that seemed to make the vein in the Mayors forhead pulse.
Harry pinched the brige of his nose gathering himself together, 'stupid kids with their stupid werewolf pack, couldn't be into something dealable like drinking or going to strip clubs, i'm a good bloke what did i do to deserve this? Eddison's a hand full on his own let alone with all these other kids runnig around'

"Hey, MrMcAdams you okay you look kindof stressed?"

'Ahh Jackson, as observant as ever. Take a deep breath Harry, go to your happy place. Sunshine and beer and no teenagers testing my patience.'

"Kids, what have i said about the front door?" he asked exasperated, waving his katana around wildly.
The boys shared confused looks whilst Logan rolled his eyes, 'Ladies and Gentlemen! My Excellent Wolf Pack! Ah i should've stayed in uni'

The Mayor groaned dragging his hand down his face, "Boy's we have a front door, USE IT!"

"I knew that but climbing's more fun"
"We didn't want to disturb you'"
"Hey why am i getting yelled at i live here!"

Harry took a deep breath and turned to leave the room, "Just use it next time okay, and boys? Try and keep the noise down!"
A chorus of "Yes Sir!" and "OkilyDokily" follwed him down the stairs before he heard the scuffling of feet and Eddison's games consol switching on.
Looks like his peaceful day was over, better start making lunch before they decided to destroy the kitchen as well as the peace.


Book completely forgotten and Cappuccino beyond cold, the entire pack gathered round the kitchen table for a dinner of steak and chips.
The girls had turned up around four pm with bags filled to the brim with clothes for the entire pack, including the Mayor, much to his dismey.
"If we're all gonna be seen together we need to look presentable!" Parker had announced before grabbing her usual seat, inbetween Harry and Brooke, for dinner.
"I'm gonna ignore the fact that you looked directly at me then Parker!" Eddy growled, well tried to growl but sort of failed... horrifically. Eddison was more 'wounded puppy' than 'snarling wolf'.
Parker simply grinned flicking her long honey coloured hair over one shoulder raising it in a small shrug.
"Okay kids, calm down and eat, oh and before i forget, these are for you."
The whole pack leant forward as the Mayor emptied a paper bag full of keys onto the table, each one attached to a little furry wolf keyring.
"This way you'll, hopefully, start using the front door!"

The whole packed dived on the keys with shouts of "I WANT THE PINK ONE!" "Logan should have the grey one 'cause it looks grumpy!" and "SHUT UP EDDY YOU'RE A BOY" before turning to Harry with identical grins making him gulp. 'Ahh crap, he knew that look.'

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This story will be a selection of one-shots :) hope you liked the first one, Characters are up in the Charapter descriptions!