Sequel: Soul Eater


Chapter 4

“Uh, hi.” I didn’t know what to say. My head was going to explode!
“What’s up?”
“Nothing much. Uh, can I ask you something?”
“Sure. What is it?”
“Don’t get me wrong! But…” I started. Playing with my hair I finished, “Why did you kiss me?”
Silence. Oh crap! What have I done now! Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh!
“Oh, that. Can you keep a secret?” He started to whisper.
“Sure.” Not knowing to say.
“Truth is, I’ve always liked you. Since we first met.” He paused. No one talked for awhile.
The knock on my door made me jump. I quickly hung up on him. Then sent a text message to say sorry.
My mum came in to say that she had to go out for a while, to which I asked if I could take a walk.
I walked to the door to put my shoes on. I ran back to my bedroom to grab my iPod and cell phone. I also grabbed my horseshoe nail ring that I had gotten from a stranger.
When I got the ring, the only message it had was, ‘I gladly await our meeting in the future’. 7 years later and I still have it. Treasuring it.
I head out for my walk. The orange-pink sunset was so pretty. I remember sitting out on a picnic with Dillon. We were about 10 years old. All we had to eat was the sandwiches my mum made and the fruit packs he snuck out of his house. We were sitting on the hill in the park across the street from our houses. Although it wasn’t far from our houses, we felt miles away.
Man, how things had changed since then. I missed being small. I missed where scrapping our knee was the worst pain felt. Where girls could be friends with boys and no one assumed we were dating.
Mid thought in my missing of the past, I heard a rustle in the bushes. I actually took a good look around. My feet had carried me to the same park we had our picnic. I ran up the hill and plopped down. I peered into the west.
The bushes rustled again. I checked both sides of me. Sighing with relief, I went back to looking at the beautiful sunset. Then it went dark.