It's A Bet

Chapter One

After the party, the Hamilton's limo driver dropped me and Candy off at Candy's mansion. From there, I changed into the clothes from school and walked home.

Gabby was home, sitting in her car blasting music with her friends - Annamaria, Spencer and Bridget. I knocked on the driver side window, where Gabby was.

Gabby rolled down her window and the smell of Cigarette smoke went in my face - causing me to cough.

"Ew, Gabby that's so nasty." I wrinkled my nose, I hated the fact she smoked.

"Your point is?" Gabby rolled her eyes. "Anyway, sister dearest, what do you want?"

"Is mom home?" I had to ask, because if mom's not home that would mean I'd have to sit outside for the next hour... or fit through the tiny basement window. I can't believe mom never trusted me or Gabby with a house key.

"No, but the basement window is open. I'm about to go out with my friend's, Izzy. Seeya later." Gabby rolled the window up and started her car.

Her friend Spencer took a sip out of a can of beer, then he waved to me.

I honestly don't know how we're even related - me and Gabby.

Sighing, I walked inot the backard and squeezed in the basement window, I had to stand on a desk, then jump down.

The basement was dirty, but it was always like that. When my dad used to live here, he used to use it for his tools, when he moved out we used it for storage. When Gabby got old enough she and her friend's started hanging out in the basement smoking, drinking and doing God knows what. Trying to ignore the smell of alcohol and smoke, I made my way upstairs and into the living room.

The living room wasn't decorated much, just plain white and the walls only had 3 photos of family portraits.

Their wasn't much to do at home, because we didn't have internet or cable and I didn't own a cell phone - so i just sat on the couch in darkness.

Eventually I woke up to my mom coming home drunking, giggling with a guy right behind her.

"Whos this?" The man asked, gesturing towards me.

"Oh, your home..." My mom's expression on her face was shocked, like she just seen a ghost. "Manny, this is my daughter Isabella."

"Nice to meet you Isabella, I'm Manny, your mom tells me a lot about you and your sister Gabriella." The man smirked, he looked like a pig. His face was wrinkly, his hair - gray, his eyes a dull brown, his back was hunched over, his belly was poking out from the bottom of his shirt. He reminded me of what a plumber would look like.

"Oh really? 'Cause my mom had told me nothing about you." I was being completely sarcastic, though all of it true. Mom never tells her kids about her boyfriend's until we meet them.

The man's face tightened up.

"Isabella!" My mom yelled. "Apologize to Manny."

"Sorry Manny." I got up and went to my room, as my mom and Manny went to her's.

I woke up to the sound of mom and Manny arguing.

Then I went out into the living room to see Gabby giggling with a random guy slobbering all over her neck and chest.

Ugh, how revolting... I sit on that couch too. "Get a room." I said.

After seeing that, I needed a shower and then got ready for the day.

Candy, her dad and Emily picked me up, as usual.

"So, Izzy, how are you?" Her dad asked.

"I'm good, you?" I don't like how I always have to make small talk with her dad, but I'm thankful he has the limo to drive me to school.

"We're good - me and Emily. We've decided that we might want to have a baby." Candice's dad name was Steve/Steven, but it's more poliet to call him Mr. Evans or Candice's/Candy's dad. Though, he liked when Candy's friend's called him Steve because it made him feel young.

"Congratz." Telling your daughter's friend and daughter that your going to try to have another child is awkward, because that's like saying your going to have sex until you have a child...

At school, Candy ran straight to our clique. Jesse and Ashlee were talking about what they want to do in College - Ashlee wants to be an actress and Jessyka wants to go work in a machine shop. David, Matt and Aaron were talking about girl butt's. Aaron was talking about Ashlee's, David was talking about Jesse's and Matt was talking about some chick named Makayla that he slept with last night.

Candy joined in the girl's convo - talking about how she want's to go to College to be a doctor. Where I just sat silently listening to both groups.

"You look bored." It was a guy voice.

I looked up to see a boy looking at me. "You look familar."

The boy had brown eyes, black buss cut hair, he was skinny but he did look muscular.

"I'm a friend of David's." The boy sat down across from me, he paused for a moment - eying me. "Plus, I think your my neighbor."

"Really now?"

"Yeah, you have that sister who hangs outside of your house drinking with her obnoxious friends... your mom who brings guys in and out of your house day and night." He laughed. "Man, my mom hates you guys."

"Sorry about that... I'm nothing like my family. I didn't know they were so bad to our neighbors." I bit my lip, I'm so embaressed.

"It's fine, I can tell your different." He smiled. "We should hang out after school."

"Yeah, sure. Okay." I blushed. "Wait, what's your name?"

"My name is Kyle, yours?"

"Call me Izzy."

"Well, nice to meet you - but I should get to class." Kyle got up and walked away, with a smirk on his face.

Candy elbowed me. "Izzy, that's Kyle Turner - the school's play boy. Don't even think about becoming his 'friend' or 'buddy.' He's bad news."

I sighed. "How is he bad news?"

"The word on the street is, he got a girl pregnant and forced some chick to sleep with him."

"That's probably just a rumor, Candy, you can't really believe those." I got up and walked to class.

After school, me and Kyle went to hang out. He bought me something to eat, then we just sat in his car talking.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked randomly and stupidly.

"No, not right now... I sorta wish I did though." He winked at me.

"Ah. I don't have a boyfriend nor do I want one."

"Why not?"

"I... Don't know. I think, I like not having to deal with guy problems. Though, Candy thinks if I talk to her boyfriend's brother I'll fall in love and we'll all date and then we'll someday get married at the same place and day... then have kids at the same time." I looked to Kyle, he had his hands on the steering wheel - his eyes focused on the road. "I don't think I would ever marry him... or anyone for that matter."

Kyle has now pulled onto my street, then stopped at my house. "I see, well, I'll see you later."

"Bye." I got out and waved, then walked up the driveway and into the house.

Mom was home with Manny, in the kitchen and there was a little boy running around my house.

"Mom-Manny." I said walking into the kitchen.

The lovebirds were holding hands.

"Yes?" My mom asked.

"Whos the random little boy?"

"Oh, the boy? That's Brandon, Manny's son."

"His son?" I asked.

"Yeah, I have two son's and one daughter." Manny chimed in.

"Yeah, he does... Anyway, Isabella, Candice called she said you have a double date tonight with these boys - Jason and Jordan and she'll be picking you up."

A date with Jase and Jordan? Just great...
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