It's A Bet

Chapter 2

Candice picked me up and took me to her house, she got Emily to let me borrow an outfit. A high-waist black skirt a white and black poka-doted blouse and black pantie-hose, with black heels.

Jason and Jordan picked me and Candy up from her house.

"Where would you two, beautiful ladies, like to go?" Jace asked, as he put his arm around me.

"Home." I wanted to break his arm for touching me.

"That's no fun, why be at home when you have a hot date?" He smiled at me, with a cocky smile.

"Oh, really? Where's my hot date then? Because, I certainly don't see him." I smiled a cocky smile, right back at him.

Jordan chuckled, while Candy just yelled - "Izzy!"

"Candice, don't yell at Isabella. I'm amused by her, I've never seen anyone turn down Jason's charm." Jordan looked at me.

"Call me Jace, not 'Jason' I refuse to go by that horrible name." Jason looked away, he looked like he was in pain suddenly.

"Your name is Jason, it's the name your parent's gave you at birth."

"His parents? I thought you two were brother's..." Candy blushed.

"No, not biological. My parent's adopted Jason - just because his name was similar to mine and mommy thought he would be cute to give me a brother who's close to my age... But because she didn't conceive right after I was born, she adopted Jason."

Jace now sat silently, ignoring all of us - still looking out the window.

I wonder if something happened to his parent's, or if they just didn't want him, or deserve him...

We arrived at the Hamilton's Mansion and Candy and Jordan went inside - Jace and I lingered by on an outside garden. He wouldn't speak to me and just kept looking away - at the sky, the flowers, the ground, his mansion - anywhere but me.

The aroma around him, felt tense and awkward, with a bit of sadness... Like, even if I spoke to him... Asked what's wrong, he wouldn't open up to me.

"Um, I'm going to go... home... Bye, Jace." I said.

Jace didn't even flinch, didn't look my way, didn't speak to me... So, I left, without a goodbye.

At home; mom and Manny were in the kitchen with Gabby.

"Did I miss something?" I asked, as I walked into the kitchen.

"No, no. Just me and Manny are going to go on a vacation." My mom smiled at me.

"I'm going to stay with Bridget." Gabby told me.

"So, I'm going to need to ask if I can stay with someone?" I asked.

My mom nodded, "that would be lovely darling!" She said cheerfully.

I bit my lip, my mother is ridiculous. "Okay, I'll go and call someone." I took the house phone and went off to my room.

I called and asked Candy, but she's busy tomorrow and has church on Sunday so I can't go over and spend the night.

Ashlee's parent's said no, because they think I'm a bad influence.

Then I tried Jessyka, but she didn't answer.

That's when I realized, I have like no friend's.

Oh, well, I'll just stay home alone... All weekend.

The next morning, I told mom I would be staying at Candice's and put stuff in my bags and left. When I went back home mom, Manny and Gabby were gone and I got inside from the little window in the back.

Once inside, I just hung out in my bedroom - reading a book. Until I got bored and went into the kitchen to eat.

No food.

What am I supposed to eat all weekend?

Oh, yeah. Mom has a glass full of dollar and coins in her room.

I guess I'll just borrow from it and if she asks why money's missing, I'll say Gabby had a party.

It's brilliant.

Kyle Turner was across the street, moving his front yard.

I am envious towards Kyle, I don't think he has a lot of trouble... Only trouble he seems to have is rumors and doing his chores.

I sighed, I wish my life was better.

Before I realized I was staring at him, he waved to me. "Hey, Izzy."

"...Hey." I blushed and immediately looked away.

"What's up?" He called and motioned for me to come closer.

I tucked the money into my pocket and approached Kyle. "Um, I was just going to go get something to eat."

"Do you want me to drive you?"

"No, I have two legs - I can walk."

"Okay, well, see-ya later."

"All right, bye." I walked away.

Being around Kyle made me nervous, like he might possibly be dangerous. But, I'm sure he's not. I think he's a sweet lovable guy. I bet the rumor's are false.

Later that day, when I got back home. I saw Gabby's car in the drive way. I made my way into the back and through the window. The basement reeked of smoke still and I saw Gabby on top of some guy - naked.

I squeaked like a mouse and ran upstairs, embarrassed.

Gabby came upstairs moments later - fully dressed - and with her "friend." I didn't recognize the guy, so I'm betting he's a new victim.

I feel bad though, 'cause he's kinda cute - with his blue eyes and his smug smirk and his dark hair that was messy and he was pretty tall too.

"Izzy, what are you doing home?" Gabby asked, her face red as a tomato.

"I didn't have a place to spend the weekend at." I looked at her friend, he honestly didn't look like Gabby's type. He was pale - not tan, muscular - but not ripped, basically the complete opposite to her. "Anyway, I thought you were going to be at Bridget's... Because, you know, you're staying at her house for the weekend."

"Um... Well, Nikolai and I wanted to spend some time alone together. And Bridget had to go to driving school so..." Gabby looked up to her friend and they kissed.

"Okay, then... Are you two dating?" I felt the need to ask, 'cause Gabby sleeps with a lot of guy's - and not all of them her boyfriend's, they're usually one-night stands.

"We're engaged, Izzy." Gabby smiled.

Never. In. My. Life. Would. I. Ever. Think. I. Would. Hear. My. Sister. Say. Those. Words. "Since when?"

"Since Nikolai is the most romantic guy I've ever met!"

"I don't think mom would even allow you two to get married..." Probably, because for Gabby it's a very idiotic thing.

"Oh, Izzy. It doesn't matter what mom thinks. I'm in College and so is Nikolai, so we can do whatever it is that we want."

"Ah, well." I turned and smiled at Nikolai. "You seem like a nice guy, and well, I'm not one to judge. But, I hope my sister doesn't ruin your life." After that, I ran up to my bedroom and locked myself in it.
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I'm honestly am just writing this story for fun, not to get it published.