It's A Bet

Chapter 4:

Candice, Ashlee, Jessyka and I went shopping.

Candice bought herself a new pair of red stilettos - or what my mom would call "hooker-heels." Candice also bought me an outfit, a tight black dress, fishnet leggins, with black heels. I swore to her, that I will pay her back... And I will, but at the rate of money I'm earning right now. It'll probably be like five years until I pay her back completely.

Ashlee just bought a bright pink hoodie and Jessyka bought a heart necklace with the initials 'JA and DS.' Which I'm assuming stood for 'Jessyka Armstrong' and 'David Smith.' I'm guessing, that she likes David... But it's odd that she bought it, it's usually something the boy buys the girl and gives it to her as a present in a relationship - to be honest it's kind-of creepy.

After we were done, we all went back to my house and I changed. Then we just hung out, until the party started.

Music was pumping throughout the entire house.

Where the hell is Candy?

I made my way over to Jesse and Ashlee who were swaying - dancing - talking to David, Aaron and Alyssa Kramer - a girl who's in my English class.

"Do you guys know where Candy is?" I tried to speak over the music.

"I think she went out back with some weird guy named Eric." Ashlee said, taking a sip of her drink.

"Thanks." I stumbled my way through the crowd of people in my house, to my backdoor.

Candy was in the back with a guy, he really wasn't cute - so I don't know why Candy was even giving him the time of day.

"Um, hey." I looked at the ground, so I didn't stare at the guy's face.

He had pimples all over his face, that looked like they were about to burst, huge features - like his eyes, nose, lips - while his head was average size. He was entirely off-balance. He was also this tiny guy, that looked like the kind bullies picked on.

"Oh, hey Izzy." Candy noticed me.

I looked straight to her, avoiding him. "Whose he?" I didn't want to look at him, because I was afraid of staring.

"Uh, Izzy. This is Eric Castle, we're going to homecoming together."

"What about Jordan?" I asked, because Jordan is her new beau.

"Jordan approves 'cause he can't go with me, since freshmen aren't allowed to take people from other schools to homecoming. And, I didn't want to miss it, so I am going to take Eric and we're going as friends."

I can totally see why Jordan would approve of this, because of how unattractive Eric is. "Oh, okay."

"Are you, um, going with Kyle?"

"No, he's going with Leslie."

"Leslie who?"

"Leslie Meyers."

"He's going to sleep with her, isn't he?"


By now, Eric has walked away and joined a group of people - which I would call his "kind."

"Your not jealous, are you?" Candy nudged my arm.

"Not really." It's true, there's really nothing to be jealous of - if I was jealous.

"Good, because you have Jason." Candy giggled.

"I think he wants to be called Jace." Wait, why the hell am I defending that cocky bastard?

"Who cares? He's hot, Izzy, and he want's to date you!" Candy urged me.

"Yeah, so? I don't want to date him, or any guy like him." I walked into my house.

I don't see why girl's want to date a guy just because he's hot, doesn't mean he's nice, it doesn't mean he's going to treat you well. It just means he looks good, and honestly, how far will that get you in life? Hardly anywhere, especially if you piss people off.

Mom stormed into the house, Manny right behind her - on her heels. She screamed at everyone to leave - but me, Gabby, Candy, Jesse, Ashlee, Matt, David, Aaron, Annamaria, Spencer, Bridget and Nikolai (Nikolai choose to only stay for Gabby).

"Who the hell do you all think you are? You do not own this house." My mom looked to me and Gabby. "You two aren't supposed to be even at home, you're supposed to be at your friends." Her gaze went to focus on the entire group, not just me and Gabby. "You guys will clean up with mess. If anything's broken or ruined, you will buy something to replace it. Do you all understand?"

"Yes, ma'am." We all replied.

"But, I have to get home. I have school tomorrow." Matt had the nerve to speak out, that no one else had.

"Maybe you all should've thought about that before you all decided to have a party." My mom scolded.

Matt, David, Aaron, Annamaria, Spencer and Bridget stood up. "We didn't throw the party, they did." Bridget said, pointing to us and speaking about all of them.

"Okay then, you all are free to go."

Manny held the door open for them and they left.

Mom made us start cleaning up the house.

When school started the next day, I didn't get any calls from my friends in the morning and the night before - they left in an awkward silence.

Maybe there mad at me.

When I got to school, everyone snickered amongst each other.

I made my way over to my group of friends. "Hey guy's, let's go." Ashlee shot me a look, got up and walked away - everyone but Candy following her.

"Did I do something wrong?" I suddenly felt insecure.

"Your mom got everyone grounded, so we're all pretty pissed at you." Candy shrugged.

"But, that's not my fault!" I defended myself.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think we can be friend's anymore. Bye, Izzy." Candy got up and walked out.

I just lost my best friend.

I sat down and hugged myself. Did I really just lose a friendship - along with a couple of friends - because my mom got them grounded?

It's unfair, but then again, I guess so is life.

After school, Kyle was going to take me home - but instead I had him drop me off at the park. Where I hung out alone, until after dark. Then I got hungry and took the five dollars I have from skipping lunch and went into the city - which was maybe a few blocks from the park.

Walking right through the city, to a little cafe that I could get a full meal with a drink for five dollars. It was just then, that realized I'm lost.

"Oh, look." A bulky guy appeared from around the corner.

"What's your name?" Another guy walked up behind him.

"Leave me alone." I backed up.

The guy's look grungy, old - like in their twenties - and they might hurt me.

"Where do you think you're going?" Another guy showed up behind me.

I stepped forward, one step. "Um, please leave me alone."

"Aw, don't you want to play?" One of them grabbed my wrist.

He was the bulky one, the other two were stuby and smelly - but only 'cause they were short and smelled like alcohol. Okay, I mean reeked, like they used it to bathe in.

When I went to scream, bulky covered my mouth with his other hand until his friends decided to replace it with a hankerchiff wrapped around my head and my hands and feet tied up.

Bulky and his friends shoved me up against a wall then. Touching me in place, I didn't want to be touched. While crying, I squeezed my eyes shut. What I would give to not be here, or for someone to save me at this very moment before it get's worst.

"What the hell do you guys think you're doing?" A familiar voice said, just as bulky and his friends had my shirt off.

When I opened my teary eyes and looked up, I was finally thankful for him in my life.
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Sorry it's not very good! I'm writing this for fun. :S