It's A Bet

Chapter 6

What the hell is he doing here? I approached him.

"Jace." I said sternly as I made my way to my desk. "What are you doing here?"

"Uh, going to school? Mary and Richard enrolled us here, and us as in me and Jordan."

Well, this is entirely creepy. "Do you guys always do this with all your girlfriends?"

A smile lit on Jace's face, "so now your my girlfriend?"

I blushed red. Wait, why the hell am I blushing? "No, never was. Never will be."

"Whatever you say, do you want to come over tonight?"

"Depends, are you going to talk to me or just ignore me? And, by the way, that's the desk I sit at."

"I'll talk to you." Jace got up and walked to the desk next to mine.

I slid into my seat. "I'll come over, I guess."

When the bell rang, class began. Ms. Morgan - my English teacher (and homeroom teacher), took attendance. After attendance, she started talking about the clubs that are apparently still permitting people to join, even though it's the middle of September and school started in August.

Ms. Morgan wrote the name's of the clubs up on the board.

Cloud watching club. (Obviously you watch clouds)... That doesn't sound too appealing does it? Well, it had 4 names written bellow it from people who wanted to join it. I wonder if they really watch clouds. Oh, God... How boring could that be?

Newspaper club. Well, apparently... The newbies on the newspaper club just copy papers and hand out newspapers for the club, but the older members get to actually write the articles. How unfair is that? What if the newbies are actually really good at writing... I mean, they might be newbies and might need an editor, but still they might be good.

Photography club. This is a club where your supposed to be "creative", but in my honest opinion it doesn't sound all that "creative". Because you could take a photo of a bottle and get told how pretty or good that is. In my opinion, it's just a bunch of people showing off their fancy camera's.

Art club. In the art club, you draw, paint, and whatever. It's supposed to be "creative", too. But, you get told WHAT to draw and paint. Just like art. I mean, if they want people to draw and stuff... Shouldn't they be allowed to have their creativity in classes they're supposed to?

Firefly club. Firefly is about a bunch of nerds hunting bugs, no normal and sane person would sign up for that. Defiantly no girls, I bet that's stereotyping it... But, bugs are so nasty. Dirty little creatures. Don't know what diseases they carry, you know?

Jace signed up for the Art club, I just stared at the board while everyone signed their names bellow the club they'd wish to join.

Ms. Morgan made her way over to my desk. "Hello Isabella, why aren't you signing up for any clubs?"

"Um... Because, I'm not very sociable."

"But your extremely sociable with your friends."

"That's because they're my friends, Ms. Morgan."

"They weren't always your friends, you know, they were stranger's to you once." See, this is what teachers do. They try to act smarter then you. I despise that about them. There, Ms. Morgan should be proud, I used an interesting word. Despise.

I sighed, "what club should I sign up for?"

"You're very good at writing, you should sign up for the newspaper club."

"Uh, no thanks." I guess she didn't catch the memo of how the newbies aren't allowed to write the articles.

"Then for the Art club, I saw you talking to Jason Hamilton - he signed up for it, too."

"Me and Jace aren't even friends, Ms. Morgan."

Thankfully, the bell suddenly rang. Ending Ms. Morgan's and mine conversation and ending homeroom as well. Jace came and sat back in the seat next to me, since he was finished talking to Savannah Edwards and Carissa Jones.

After class, Jace walked me to Science - as soon as he left Danielle Robinson with her friends, Caitlin Walker and Makenzie Allen approached me.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Danielle asked, point to Jace.

"Um, no... We're not even friend's." He's just a guy who bother's me.

"Good, because he's totally yummy and I want him to be my new boyfriend."

"Good for you?" I said sarcastically and walked into the classroom.

Danielle followed me to my desk in the back of the room, "what do you mean 'good for you'?"

"I don't know, isn't it implied as I'm happy for you, or something? Oh, maybe you two could go to homecoming together!" I cheered sarcastically, I don't think Danielle and her posse were liking this very much.

"...I don't like your tone." Danielle looked like I just punched her in the gut, by the look on her face.

"Yeah and I don't like you and yet, you don't see me complaining."

"Hey, don't talk to Dani like that." Caitlin pushed her way past Danielle to stand in front of me, while her curly bleach blonde hair stood still on her shoulders and her hands on her hips.

"I can talk to her however way I want to, Caitlin, because I'm sure I live in this country called America and I'm pretty damn sure we have freedom of speech."

Just then, Mr. Peterson - our Science teacher - walked into the classroom. "Take your seats, students."

Unfortunately, in Mr. Peterson's class we had assigned seats and I sat in front of Gina Stewart and behind Kevin Hall who farts a lot and between Rose Mitchell, who is too timid to talk to anyone, and Tony Campbell who really needs to learn what a shower is. I don't understand why Mr. Peterson sat me next to the two most smelliest people in my class.

Maybe he hates me.

He probably doesn't, but meh...

When lunch came around, our table wasn't as it usually was. I sat between Jace and Candy. On the other side of Candy was Jorgan, then Jessyka, Matt, David, Ashlee and then Aaron. And since we sat at round table's, Aaron sat next to Jace. While Aaron and Jace were in a deep conversation, I wanted to talk to Candy, but she was busy with Jordan. So, I sighed and got up and went to my locker.

Then, Eric Castle, Candy's homecoming date made his way over to me.

"Hello Isabella, Candice dumped me to go to homecoming with that new guy - Jordan Hamilton." Eric kicked his locker, which was unfortunately, the one below mine.

"That would only make sense, because he's her boyfriend." I leaned my back against my locker, was Eric stupid or something?

"Are you dating Jason Hamilton, his brother? Because he's very infatuated with you."

I bit my lip. "No we aren't dating."

"Then are you with Kyle? I've seen you two together a lot, expecially lately."

"Uh, we have a new-found friendship."

"Oh, thank God. I would like to know if you would give me the pleasure to-?"

I cut him off, by flatly saying -"No."- In an unamused tone. This made the pimply freak make a face, then walk away.

I don't have a problem with looks, so no I'm not superficial. But, Eric is generally not my type because he's honestly really weird, so it's not his looks.

At home, mom, my real dad, Manny and Gabby were sitting at the kitchen table talking.

"Hey Isabelle." My REAL dad called me into the other room. I find it really funny how he calls me Isabelle - not Isabella. It's ridiculous.

I think I'd rather have Manny as my father, than this man, but apparently you can't choose your family.

"It's Isabella." I muttered, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear, but quiet enough that my voice stayed calm.

"Sorry. Bell's, I'm new to knowing that I have another daughter." The man chuckled, like this was something funny.

I just rolled my eyes and fixed myself a glass of Orange Juice, then turned to mom, Gabby, my real dad and Manny - who were chatting quietly. "So, what's up guys?" I asked, noticing the tension within the group.

"Gabby thinks she's allowed to get married." My mom blurted out, brushing her long brown hair back behind her ear with her hand.

"To who?" I attempted to act surprised.

"Nikolai Cook, you know him, he was that boy at the party that helped her clean up afterwords." Mom was obviously pissed at Gabby.

Gabby just looked up to me, just then, she looked scared - like something was wrong.

I've honestly never seen Gabby look so terrified. "Oh, him? He's trashy, no Gabby shouldn't marry him." I added in my vote, not that it'd amount to anything.

After the chat, Gabby dragged me downstairs - against my will, I might add.

"Let me go, Gabby!" I yelled.

Gabby let me go, as soon as we were at the bottom of the stairs and she hugged herself and poured out in tears as she fell onto the mattress she and her friends had sprawled out on the ground.

"Wh-what's wrong?" I asked.

Gabby looked up to me, tears flowing down her cheeks. "I might be pregnant with Nikolai's baby."

"But, you drink and smoke, that can harm the baby... Why would you do those thing's if your pregnant?" This isn't making any sense.

"I don't know! I took a test, the day I told you that we're engaged and it came out positive."

"Then that mean's your pregnant, Gabby, not might be pregnant."

"I didn't know!" She cried.

"It'll be alright, I'm sure it will be." I wrapped my arms around her.

She hugged me back.

This felt like the first time I've ever been close to Gabby, it's not. Me and Gabby were like best friend's once, but when Gabby became a teenager, everything changed. And she didn't have time to spend with me, so I've been alone since then. But, when I met Candy in 7th grade we automatically clicked and became best friend's. She filled the void in my life, that Gabby left.

That night, I didn't end up going to Jace's.

The following day, Jace harassed me - seeing if he could come over to my house, wondering why I didn't come over yesterday.

How could I invite him over, if I'm extremely embarrassed by my older sister? I mean, really, and well... It's not just Gabby. It's everyone and everything in my life, that I'm embarrassed by... But mainly it's my family.

I can't see why I can't just live without my life being so messed up.
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Sorry it's not very good! I wrote it for fun.