It's A Bet

Chapter 7

"You're a stalker." I uttered to Jace, after school because he decided to follow me to my brand new-babysitting job that I just acquired that day because apparently Mrs. Cooper, my math teacher, wanted me to pick up her children from daycare and take them to the school and watch them there while she finished student-teacher conferences. Even though, kid's and student's aren't supposed to have relations outside of school.

"No I'm not..." Jace mumbled.

"Aw, are you sad?" I pretended to be sympathetic.

"No." Jace groaned.

"Good, because you are a stalker. First you show up randomly out-of the blue, then you show up at my school, now you do nothing but follow me around. I think that you qualify as a stalker."

"Well, you're wrong. I'm an EXEMPLARY stalker." Jace admitted that he was a stalker.

"Exemplary?" I questioned.

"You know, the best of my kind? I'm very good looking, so I think that makes me an EXEMPLARY stalker."

I narrowed my eyes and spat out, "you have a huge ego. And sorry to burst your bubble, but you aren't that good looking." I felt the need to point this out. "I swear, you're such an eyesore!" I mumbled.

Jace's usual arrogant smile faded and his expression stiffened. "Look, you might think that I'm not good looking. But for your information all the other girls would love to have me as their boyfriend so be happy that you have me." He said this as if he's tired of my usual tirade on how unattractive and annoying he is.

That was the last straw, I could hardly stand him before but now I'm so mad at him. How could he be so arrogant? He's always boasting himself up. "If you think that I am your girlfriend, then you're wrong... And don't even bother trying to talk to me because I never wanted to talk to and I don't plan to ever talk to you again." I said sternly and stormed home.

When I reached home, I acknowledged Gabby's car was gone and no one was home. Great, I'll have to go to the basement window in the back. When I reached it, I carefully squeezed through the window in the basement and ran to my room.

An hour later nobody had come home yet so I sat for what seems like hours looking out the window, until my stomach growled. I got up and checked in the fridge. Great, nothing to eat too.

Just as I was about to leave to get dinner, the phone rang.

I ran to answer the phone, "Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Hey Izzy, it's me Candy." Candy said in her "angry voice".

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Weeeellllll," - She exaggerated. - "I got a call from my boyfriend, Jordan and he said that Jace came home upset. Also he told Jordan that you dumped him!" I could hear the disapproval in her voice.

"Look, I was never his girlfriend and you are the one that tried to set me up with him! I told you I wouldn't fall in love with him! Remember? I still plan not to."

"That's it, I won't have you talk like that! Jace loves you. I'm coming to your house and I'm going to straighten you out." Candy said enthusiastically.

Twenty minutes or-so later, I heard a car drive in following the lights shining in the living room's window. I assumed it was candy so I swung the door open, except it wasn't candy. It was Gabby, Nikolai, Manny and my mom and all of them looked like they wanted to kill each other.

"Gabby, it's either you get an abortion or you GET the HECK out of my HOUSE!" Mom screamed at Gabby.

By now, Gabby was sobbing uncontrollably and Nikolai was trying to comfort her. "Mom... I-I-I just... I-I-I c-cant... I can't kill my baby!" Gabby said, stuttering and crying.

It broke my heart to see her like this, tears began to fall down my cheeks too.

"Then I want you and your drug-addict husband out of my house! And don't ever even think of coming back!" Mom yelled.

Before I realized what I was doing, I cried and said. "Please don't!" I practically begged my mom. "Gabby is my sister!"

"I refuse to give up my baby!" Gabby yelled and then took notice of me and came over to me. "Don't worry Izzy, I'll be fine." Gabby said and hugged me tightly. "I guess I should go now, goodbye." Is all she said before she and Nikolai left in her car.

Mom turned to me. "If you ever turn up like Gabby, you aren't my daughter. It's so trashy what she did, you both are trash."

I cried again. "You're a horrible mother! All you care about is getting a guy, getting with him. Guess what? You just lost Gabby and now you lost me!" I yelled and then ran down the street towards Candy's house and saw her limo pulling up onto the street. She pulled over and picked me up and we drove away.

When we reached Candy's mansion, Emily made us food and we all ate dinner together and I told Candy everything that has happened today, from Jace to my parents to leaving. I guess I'm a run away.

"You should stay with me for a bit, you know, until your home is not so... Stressful?" She blushes and plays with a strand of her blonde hair.

"That would be nice, but would you dad allow it?" I ask.

She shrugs. "I'll ask." Candy get's up and leaves the room, when she comes back - which is about 5 minutes or so later - she wears a bright smile on her face. "He said you can! Eaak!" She squealed.

From now on, I guess I'll be living here with my best friend.
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I wrote this for fun. :S Sorry if it's crappy.
But this I wrote with my friend. Lol.
I was stuck forever on writers block.