Sunny's Erection

Another one bites the dust.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Lucille screams at me. "I wasted so much fucking effort on you! I tried just about everything!" she storms out of the room.

Funny, I wasn't aware that I had done anything recently. She's lost her marbles entirely.

Lucille storms back in and thrusts a frustrated look at me. Her face is already turning red due to her yelling. "I mean, come on! I did just about everything for you. I even tried to make it easy this time, but someone doesn't give a fucking shit."

With the counter between us, I fetl a little safer. At least she won't try and attack me like last time...

"Please, don't raise your voice," I plead.

"Oh, you think this is bad?" she presses, "I can show you worse, you fuck."

She's about to blow. I get up hurriedly and gently, but forcefully, push her against the wall.

"Don't," she looks away. Tears? What the fuck? She hasn't done this before.

"Just calm down, Lucy," I kiss her forehead, "it's all going to be fine, I promise."

"Fine? You always think everything's going to be fine! And you know what? It never is." She turns away and walks to the door. The door's opened slightly, just enough to feel the cold, Ohio winter.

"Lucy," I call her name and she stops, hand on the knob. "Come on, don't leave. Please."

"I think that if you really didn't want me to go, you would do something about it."

Just like that, she was out the door. Another one bites the dust.

The sad thing is, I didn't really mind all that much. It was okay. I wasn't going to cry about it. If there's one thing I've learned, is that tears fix nothing.

Absolutely nothing