Status: Writing next chapter as you read ^.^

The Sharpest Lives Are the Deadliest to Lead

In Love With All Of These Vampires

“Frank! Get the FUCK out of bed!” My mom screamed from the top of the stairs, her nasally, torturously shrill voice ringing through my so-called “Soundproof” room. Soundproof my ass, I can clearly hear the head bitch from upstairs. “God, I’m getting up, don’t get your panties all bunched up!” I yelled, pulling myself up to a sitting position on my bed. Looking around, I groaned, my room was a mess. My metal framed bed was completely unmade, the black and red covers bunched up at the end. Fuck me and my twisting and turning when I sleep, I cursed mentally and walked around the thin carpeted room to my bathroom. “FUCK!” I screamed when my (small) feet hit the cold linoleum floor. Okay, first day of sophomore year, fucking HELL already.

I stepped out of my cold shower cautiously and wrapped a black towel tightly around my middle. Sighing, I ran a hand nervously through the ebony shoulder length locks I adored so, hoping that the hell I was already dealing with didn’t give me a bad hair day too. When my tattoo infested fingers ran easily through my hair, a small grin grew on my lips. It fell once again when I saw my eyes, of course, I thought angrily. Small yet visible bags decorated the area below my green eyes. “Fucking hell” I muttered and trudged tiredly to find something to wear. Well… I guess I’ll be a little fancy, I decided and got dressed in one of my favorite outfits. A white button up shirt, red LOOSE tie (no need to be unable to breathe) , black skinny jeans, red fingerless gloves, and my favorite boots. Smirking at myself in the spiderweb decorated mirror, I walked back into the bathroom to fix my hair and eyes. The ebony hair I was blessed with immediately fell into my right eye, and I blessed it for being perfect. Taking out red eyeshadow and black eyeliner, I managed to cover my eyelids with red without messing up, as well as drawing a perfect X on each. Smiling my regular small smile, I left my bathroom and cleaned up my room. Fucking OCD will kill me someday. Trudging up the stairs, I was met by my mom, who tried to make me eat something, I denied her toast and left the house, walking to school and blasting The Misfits and The Used in my ears. Life, pretty shit but alright sometimes.

Opening the door, I could already feel glaring eyes on me. Fucking hell, I thought angrily and trudged to my locker. Standing in front of it stood the main hellraiser himself, Bert. “Move” I muttered forcefully, pushing past him and putting in the idiotic 6-digit combination. “Ooh, fag finally got some backbone” Bert joked without humor, pulling me up by the collar of my shirt. “Let me the fuck go Bert” I told him, trying not to wheeze but it’s kind of impossible when you can barely breathe. “Come on midget, why don’t you make me?” He taunted, shaking me slightly. “Fucker” I muttered and kicked him, my foot completely colliding with his (small) balls. A small groan escaped his lips and he let me go, his hands dropping to his crotch. “You shit!” He yelled, using one hand to attempt to punch me in the face. Let’s just say that I’ve been made fun of since 7th grade, I know how to fight by now, and I avoided this fist. Quite glad to also, I’d rather not get close to the hand that has probably touched his dick. Bert fell forward, right into my waiting knee. “Oomph” Was all he grunted before falling to the floor. By now, quite a few people were watching, and stared at me in awe. “Did that fag just beat Bert up?” “Bert isn’t that strong if he just got beat down by a midget” were a few things I heard walking to the bathroom to fix my tie.

I sat in the back of the room for my first class, Geometry, the fucker, when the intercom sounded. “Yes?” My teacher, Mr. Ratliff, asked. “Can you send Frank Iero to the office for a second?” She asked, and I mentally kicked her ass seven times for saying my last name wrong. “Sure, Frank?” Ratliff told me, and I quickly stood up and walked the probable walk of shame to the front office. “Hey Frank, long time no see, you’re not in trouble, just let yourself in” The lady at the front desk, the same one that used to give me all those ice packs for my eye, Mrs. Lewis, told me and I opened the door to our principal, Mr. Lambert’s room cautiously. He sat at his pretty damn huge desk, talking to some boy, probably new. “Frank, hello! I want you to show Mr. Way around please? Gerard, meet Frank” He told me, motioning to the boy. All I saw was black, greasy, uncombed, gorgeous shoulder length hair, black leather jacket, skinny jeans, and a pretty muscular and slender figure, he looked tall too. The boy, Gerard, stood up and turned around to greet me. FUCK, he was damn gorgeous. He nodded nervously at me, smiling slightly, his huge, eyeliner surrounded, beautiful hazel eyes looking up and down at me, as if checking me out. Damn Frank, always like the straight guys, of course.

-_-_-_- Gerard’s POV -_-_-_-_-

“Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” Mikey whined from the doorway, bag in hand. “I told you not to call me that, why do you have your bag?” I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and noticing that Mikey was completely ready for school, shoes and everything. Not saying that Mikey needs shoes to go to school, he forgot once, brought a spork instead. The crazy fuck. “We have to leeeave” He cried, shuffling around and jumping on my blood red sheets playfully, shaking me awake. “Abuse, and FUCK” I yelled, standing up and realizing I only wore my favorite black boxers. “Well, I guess I’ll leave” MY completely immature brother drawled and scampered out of the room, taking out his phone and sending a text while he ran. How he does that I’ll never know, I thought while I ran a nervous hand through my knotted black hair. “Fuck” I muttered angrily after realizing that I didn’t have time to straighten it or take a shower. Combing it as well as I could, I left to go get dressed. Pulling off the sweatpants and too tight shirt I call pajamas and throwing them in a pile that formed in the corner of my room, I decided on an outfit. I got dressed in a black long sleeve with the handmade hole for my thumb, black skinny jeans, boots, leather jacket, good fucking enough.

Walking up the stairs (after applying way too much eyeliner on my eyes) I found Mikey nervously tapping his toe and playing an imaginary bass. “Come on” I muttered and he jumped up, running out the door. Okay, school gets the vegetable out of his room, understood.

Walking into the school, I was quickly followed by Mikey who was jumping around like a three year old after eating an entire fucking cake. I know this, my mom gave Mikey an ENTIRE, FUCKING, CAKE, well, before they left. Anyhoo. Mikey jumped around in the passenger seat of my black Jeep Commander, awaiting my entrance. “Fuck, Mikey, this is my fucking car, ain’t it?” I asked bluntly, stepping in slowly. “Yes, but you already made us late on the first day” He answered, staring out the clean window. “Whatever” I muttered angrily, stepping on the gas pedal harder, speeding quite a lot. “Gee, slow down” He assured me, and I muttered something about him calling me that and that I would do what I want.

-_-_-_-_- Time Lapse – Still Gerard’s POV -_-_-_-_-

Trudging into the main office closely followed by Mikey, I saw the woman working the main desk. Fuck she was old! Her leathery skin was loose around her face, and bags decorated her wise, kind blue eyes. I’ll admit, she looked pretty damn nice. “Hello boys, how may I help you today?” She asked, a granny kind of voice rasping, bringing me comfort. “We’re new, this is Mikey, sorry, Michael Way, I’m Gerard Way?” I asked nervously, and she clapped her hands once and picked up two pieces of paper. “Here are your schedules, go on into the principal’s office, he’ll call someone down to meet you, show you around” He muttered, and I read the tag on his large desk. Mr. Lambert, pretty damn cool name. “Mrs. Lewis? Could you call…. Hmm, Oh! Call Ray down to meet Michael” He asked loudly, and I heard a hum of approval from.. Mrs. Lewis. “Don’t worry… Augh, um… Gerard, I’ll get someone for you after” He assured me after remembering my name. Fuck.

Some boy came in who looked about Mikey’s age, Ray I guess, and shook his hand. He had amazingly pretty and touchable curly hair that bounced about his shoulders, tanned mixed skin, gorgeous brown eyes, and large pink lips. Plus, bonus points, he wore an Iron Maiden shirt. “Hi Ray, I’m Mikey” My socially awkward brother introduced nervously. “Hey Mikey, come on I’ll show you around. Wait, your Gerard right?” He asked, turning towards me. “Yeah, hey Ray” I greeted, making up for the weird quietness my brother decided to have. Ray shook my hand as well, then guided Mikey out of the room. “Alright. Oh! I know exactly who to call for you, you two should have some things in common, probably music choices” Mr. Lambert thought, calling Mrs. Lewis to bring down a… Iero? What kind of hellish first name is that? About two minutes later, I felt a presence enter the room, but I didn’t look away from my shoes. “Hello Frank” Mr. Lambert greeted nicely. Oh, Frank… Alright then. “Frank, hello! I want you to show Mr. Way around please? Gerard, meet Frank” He said overexcitedly, motioning to me. Turning, I was met with the most gorgeous boy I’ve ever seen in my life.
Sweet, green eyes that radiated the fact that they had experienced pain looked at me, melting my heart. Wait, what? No, they were green, that’s it. Gorgeous pink, kissable lips opened slightly as he ran his tongue along his bottom lip, toying with the silver hoop that pierced it in the most sexy way possible. NO, he had a cool lip ring. His luscious brown hair fell in cascades around his shoulders and into his right eye, newly straightened and soft. NO, fucking HELL no, he had cool hair. What the fuck is wrong with me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Shit? Sucks ass? Needs work? Pretty good? Okay? Good? Hella good? Amazing? Ray Toro? Fantastic? Bob Bryar? Mikey Way? Fucking Amazing? Gerard Way? Out of this world? Frank Iero? Please, any of these are choices for how you think it was, comment pweeeease, or just be a silent monkey and subscribe, that works too :3 Pleeease, if you want something a tad longer right now, I recommend Bulletproof Heart or my friend, FunAngel and her story, The End. It made me cry XD In a good way of course

Toodles! *holds up cheese*