Status: Work in progress(:

Welcome to Bellwood, or should I say Hellwood.

1. The last straw

"Thats it Marissa im sick of this, I dont have the money to keep bailing you out of jail" Said my dad with a tired look on his face. Okay so it didnt help that it was 3am and he had to get up to come bail me out of jail.

I just rolled my eyes and stared straight ahead with no emotions on my face. Showing emotions meant you were weak. And weak was something I was not.

"Ive made arrangements for you to attend Bellwood Prepatory Academy, you leave for New Hampshire tomorrow" he said as we walked into the house.

"WHAT? Dad come on its only like my fifth or sixth strike" I argued Okay so it was more like Twelfth but whose counting?

"Marissa get real this is the fifteenth time in the past two months you've been arrested" he said rolling his eyes. Okay so apparently he's been counting. But come on in my defense that guy at the Quick Stop deserved that right hook. Maybe next time he will think twice bout violating random girls space by grabbing their ass.

"Why cant you just send me to moms?" I yelled at him as he was pulling my suitcase out of the closet. So much for no emotion.

My dad froze at the mention of my mom. "You know why I cant send you to your moms" he said. I could hear the sadness in his voice as he said it. And then I went for a low blow.
"Why couldnt you try harder. After Anthony died you just gave up Dad. Your a coward and so is she." I said sounding every bit of the Ice Queen that I was called by just about everyone at my school but my friends.

The look on my dads face was as if he just witnessed a murder. I knew it killed him just to hear Anthonys name. Im not even sure why I said it. Was it to get back at him? But what was I trying to get back at him for? The fact that for the past two years since I was 15 hes bailed me out of Jail over 20 times and gotten my fines and things reduced by pulling strings? In actual reality My dad was amazing, I was just the bitter teenager. The only thing I resented my dad for was for not making mom stay.

"Dad Im sorry I didnt Mean it" I tried but he was already walking away slamming his door behind him as he walked into his room. I grabbed the suitcase that dad had started pulling out of the closet and walked up the stairs to the attic which I had made my room a year ago. I started putting my clothes and important belongings in the suitcase. My dad has threatened me with boarding schools before but he never really went through with it. I had a feeling that this time that wouldnt be the case.

When I was done I walked over to the window and opened it breathing in the warm Florida air. Tomorrow I was going to have to leave all of my friends, and family and go thousands of miles away to live where the buffalo roam. Okay so maybe thats an exaggeration but still come on they have SNOW. Just the thought of it almost made me sick.

The first and only time I ever saw snow was when we went to Maine to visit my Aunt Carol for Christmas and my cousins threw me in it. I started crying and begging for us to go home. I like to be warm not getting frostbite.

My phone vibrated on my dresser just as I was crawling into bed. I flipped it open to see that I had a text from my Best Friend Mason 'Hey whats the verdict?' I quickly replied back with 'My house. Tomorrow noon. DONT BE LATE.' I couldnt tell him yet cause I knew that he would launch a crazy kidnapping attempt with our other friend Grant if I did. I had to go this time I knew it. Dad needed a break. Sleep came quickly after that.
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Its just the beginning so stick with me please(: Comments and such are appreciated.