A Little Less Innocence

I'm Baaack

"Tiffany! Get back here, we don't have time to chase you around the venue. We're on in 20 minutes."

"Oh hush up, Lizzie! I'll be fine, just gonna go mingle with the fans!" I yelled back to my best friend and bass player of my band.

"You better be on stage in time! You don't need to mess up on your returning day!" She reminded me as I continued to walk off towards the merch tents.

"Hey! Your Tiffany Veils! Can you sign my shirt please?" Asked a girl with rainbow colored hair.

"Well I'd love you sign your shirt but only if you tell me how you did your hair like that! It looks awesome!"

"I did it myself actually. I want to become a hair dresser so I got to know how to do crazy stuff." she explained to me as I signed her shirt with my purple sharpie.

"Well how long are you here for? I wouldn't mind getting my hair colored if you'd want to help out." I said to her with a smile.

"Are you serious? I'd love to color your hair for you! I could run to walmart and get the colors that you want then die it after your set." she told me grinning like crazy.

"Awesome! Well I have to go on in about 15 minutes now, uh here's a 50, get any wild colors they have. Give me your phone." I said, holding my hand out as she reached for her phone and handed it to me.

"Okay when you get back text me and I'll come find you and we'll go back to my bus so you can work on my hair"

We said our goodbyes as we parted and I made my way towards the stage that my band would be performing on. To say I was nerves would be an understatement. This was like doing a show for the first time all over again. I haven't been on a stage in four years. I was thrown in jail for a crime I didn't do and they just figured that out 7 months ago, cops suck.

"Oh good you made it! And your on time. Wow." Lizzie laughed, handing me my guitar and smiled as she walked on stage, taking her place.

I took a couple deep breathes as I felt my legs start to shake uncontrollably. Lizzie was getting the crowd hyped up for my big appearance.

"First time up there?" a voice beside me asked.

"No but it sure does feel like it." I forced out.

"Don't worry about it, I bet you'll do great. You just gotta believe in yourself. I've had trouble going up on stage before when I got back into this scene." the guy said, causing me to finally look at who was talking to me.

"hey, your Ronnie! You've been one of my heroes these past 7 months." I spoke up.

"what happened?" he asked.

"Got out of jail after four years of being locked up for something I didn't do." I huffed, still a little sore about the subject.

"Mind me asking why you were locked up for that long?" He asked me.

"I was accused of killing my brother when it was a drug dealer that did. Took the stupid cops four years to figure out that I wasn't even home even close to the time that he was killed." I told him, staring back at Lizzie as she made the sign that it was time to walk out.

"It looks like she's giving you the signal to get up there. Just act like its just another day of praticing. You'll do great." Ronnie encourged me, giving me a smile and a hug before pushing me to the stage.

I gripped the neck of my guitar tightly as I strode across the stage to my spot. I glanced to the side of the stage to see Ronnie giving me the thumbs up. Some of his band members had joined along side of him. Taking a couple more deep breaths before speaking into the microphone in front of me.

"I'm Baaack! How ya'll doing?" The crowd went wild, pushing the smile on my face to grow.

"I guess it sounds like your excited then. This first song is called Fixed at Zero!"


"That was the best show you've ever played!" Derek cheered, as we walked off stage, picking me up and spinning us in a circle while I just laughed.

"You saying I wasn't good before?" I asked once he put me down, acting like he had offended me.

"Yep totally. You sucked before." He laughed, sticking his tounge out at me before taking off.

"What a loser. You did great babe, I'm real proud of ya." Lizzie commented, pulling me into a soft hug.

"You did fantastic!" Ronnie shouted, running out of nowhere and stright towards me, taking us both the the ground.

"I love and look up to you greatly but please get off of me!" I whinned as I layed trapped underneath the crazy man.

"Clearly you look up to me, your what, two feet tall?" He mocked, standing up himself before pulling me to my feet.

"Shut up! I'm 5 foot even! Thats not to bad!" I complained while pouting.

I pulled out my phone once I felt it vibrate. I smiled once I seen it was Kacey, the girl from earlier.

"I got to go! I'll see you later for your set though Ronnie!" I explaimed, pulling him into a hug along with the guy next to him before bolting to the spot that I had told Kacey to meet me.

~Ronnie's POV~

"Who was that?" Jacky asked me as Tiffany ran off.

"Thats Tiffany, she's the singer the new band on tour with us. She just got out of jail 7 months ago." I told him as we started walking around.

"Oh well thats cool. You get a new little buddy then." Jacky laughed as we signed stuff for a group of girls that came up to us.


~Tiffany's POV~

"And tada!" Kacey exclaimed, removing her hands from my eyes.

"Holy flying cookies." I said as I staired at my relextion in the mirror.

"Do you like it?" She asked, watching my face carefully.

"You changed my boring brown hair into the most amazing thing I have ever seen! And this hair cut I just love! How much longer are you going to be in college? I'll hair you right out as the bands hair stylist." I squealed out, pulling her into a bone crushing hug.

"Are you serious! I'm so glad that you like it that much!" She replied.

"Come on! Your hanging out with me for the rest of the day! Its time to go see my new friend anyways. Lets go!" I shouted, pulling out of the hug but keeping a hold of her arm as I pulled her back stage to were Falling In Reverse was just going onto the stage.

"Ronnie!" I called out, making him look back at me.

"Do great! The fantastic person is watching you!" He just smiled and shook his head as he fallowed his band onto the stage to jam out.
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Yep I started a new story! I don't know how often updates will be but as long as I have idea's they should be about every other day. Not much Jacky in this one but there will be in the next one!