A Little Less Innocence


"Good morning Beautiful." Jacky yawned as he slowly rolled onto his back and stretched.

"Good morning." I mumbled, flipping over and burying my face into the soft pillow, pulling my teddy bear closer to me.

"I'm hungry." I moaned into the fluffy head rest.

"Lets go get food than cause I'm hungry to." Jacky said, slowly sliding out of my bed and pulling his pants and shirt back on.

"Where are we going to go?" I asked, pushing myself up onto the palms of my hands so I could look over at him.

"Uh, McDonald s? You love those frappe thingy's." He said, waving his hand around.

"Okay sounds like a plan Stan." I said, hopping off my bed and pulling some clothes out for the day.


“Piece out you awesome mother fuckers!” I yelled into the mic as I ran off stage after our set later that day.

“That's right bitches, bow down to my awesomeness!” I exclaimed as I reached back stage, seeing the FIR boys waiting for us.

“Really? Aren't you the one on the ground every time you see us?” Ryan laughed at me.

“You know that is kind of weird... I should really get payback.” I said suddenly, leaping onto the first person next to me, which happened to be Ronnie.

“What are you doing you odd little girl?” Ronnie asked as I continued to cling to him, trying to make him fall.

“Trying to tackle you.” I stated and continued with my hopeless revenge.

“Vincent, control your women.” Ronnie laughed, trying to pry my small body off of his.

“Dude she's like a damn leech!” Jacky chuckled, attempting to help his struggling friend.

“Rawr!” I 'growled' before latching my teeth into Ronnie's shoulder, hard might I add.

“Ow! Son of a bitch! What the fuck women!” Ronnie cried out.

“Ya'll said I'm a leech, I ain't no damn leech! I don't sparkle! I'm a shifter bitch!” I yelled out as Jacky finally was able to detach my body from Ronnie's.

“You are a strange little girl.” Mika laughed at me.

“Lizzie! Defend me!” I cried out, pouting at her.
“Nope, you got yourself into this and its much to funny to watch you pout.” She laughed.

“You traitor! I hope you rot in hell!” I yelled at her.

“Okay, question. Why is she acting like this? Ryan asked clearly confused on my actions.

“Red bull!” I shouted out with a giant smile plastered on my face.

“Oh no.” Lizzie mumbled.

“Oh yes.” I smirked at her.

“What's so bad about red bull?” Mika asked.

“A red bull to her is pretty much like an alcoholic in a bar. You never know if its going to turn out good or bad. She once had an emotional break down and cried in the middle of a road.” Lizzie explained to him.

“Oh that's what she was drinking when I found her on top of your bus because you told everyone about the Jacky thing.” Ronnie brought up.

“Oh shit I forgot about that!” I whined, still being held in Jacky's arms, making me slightly embarrassed.

“Thank you Ronald.” Lizzie glared once she realized I know remembered to get payback.

“What?” Ronnie asked confused.

“She had forgotten about that so I didn't get in trouble!”

“Oh god you should have seen her face when she walked in on me though. God it was priceless!” I let out.

“Don't think I forgot about you Missy!” Lizzie said.

“You wouldn't dare.” I challenged, glaring at her.

She wouldn't right? I mean she's already embarrassed me enough. Right? Oh god I hope she doesn't.

“Oh god, uhh, Jacky, fuck, harder, faster!” She moaned out, coping me.

And she did it. I swear my checks were the example color of red. This is when the red bull was a bad idea. Even I knew it right away as tears pooled up in my eyes as I looked at the ground before pulling out of Jacky's arms and ran towards the bus once again. I knew that she didn't mean it to make me upset but with the red bull and how much I bottle up my emotions, it all just came out.

By the time I reached the bus, I'm pretty sure my face was a mess. At this point I didn't care though. I made my way into my room, making sure the door was locked behind me and grabbed my I pod. A Little Piece of Heaven being the first thing that played through the headphones as I cried silently on my bed, hidden underneath the covers. Another reason I ran, I hate people seeing me cry. Pulling my teddy bear closer to me, I let my eyelids drop slowly before giving into sleep. M. Shadows voice being the last thing I heard.

I came to with the feeling of moving. Must be going to the next venue I thought as I tried to sit up. Tired being the key word. I looked down to see Lizzie curled up to me asleep. Why? I'm not really sure. She must have found the spare key to get in here though.

“Liz, wake up.” I spoke softly.

“I am awake.” She mumbled.

“Than open your eyes.” I laughed.


Well then.

“Please get off me. I wanna grab the remote.” I whined.

“Are you mad at me.” She was so soft spoken, what happened?

“Why would I be mad at you?” I asked confused.

“Because of what I said to everyone.” She said, refusing to make eye contact with me.

Huh? Wait okay never mind I remember now. Remember like I said, red bull is pretty much me drunk.

“No I'm not mad at you. I want to say that was the red bull speaking but I will admit, I can't believe you would say that. I've never gone that far with stuff. You know the limits. I guess I was just hurt that you did that.” I told her, staring blankly at the TV playing.

“So I'm guessing by the look on your face you don't really want to talk about it.” She trailed off.

“Got that right. I have plotting to do now anyways. I was going to stay nice with payback but after that, you're going to need lots of luck on your side.” I told her with a dark smirk.

“Okay. I guess I'll leave you be than. Would say that I'm looking forward to it but I'm really not now.” She said, sliding off the bed and making her way out of my room.

Sighing, I really had no clue what I was going to do as revenge. Pondering to myself, I thought. What is Lizzie's most embarrassing secret? Does she even have one? A phobia of shorts? Not that I can think of so that wont work. Nor will the phobia because both of ours is the same, being as its spiders, so yeah that's a major no.

Looks like I'm just going to have to embarrass her myself. I think its going to have to be on stage, too. Yeah that's whats going to have to happen. How am I going to do this was my main question though. I think I'm going to need a partner in crime for this one. Time to call in some reinforcements, I though as I grabbed my phone from besides me, finding the number I needed and hit send.

“Hello?” Ronnie's confused voice answered.

“Ronnie I have a mission needed to fulfill and I need help.” Hello's are to mainstream for me.

“Well we stop in an hour, wanna me to come over so we can start planning your revenge?” This is why I liked Ronnie, no questions asked.

“Sounds wonderful. See you than, Mr. Radke.” I said before hanging up my cell phone.
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Sorry for the long wait! I've had no inspiration to write anything but looks like I got it back!