Raising Your Weasleys: A Step-by-Step Guide

How Are Babies Made?

"Mummy, Daddy! Wake up! It's party day! We gotta get ready for the party!"

That was my wake up call, from my six-year-old daughter, Katelynn. I opened my eyes halfway and saw her standing right in front of me with Sophia, our four-year-old, grinning next to her.

I was about to sit up to look at the clock when George groaned into his pillow, "Girls, it's six o'clock in the morning. We have five hours before the party even starts."

I couldn't agree with him more. However, both of the girls were like him in the sense that once they had their minds set on something, there would be no distracting them from it. I let out a yawn and made myself sit up.

"Alright, you two go ahead and start getting dressed, I'll get breakfast going, and we're gonna let Daddy sleep in, okay?"

Sophia looked slightly put out by that last bit, but Katelynn grabbed her hand and began pulling her back into the hallway. "Come on, Soph! We gotta get dressed for the party!" She continued her enthusiastic yelling all the way down the hall.

I shook my head and grinned before pulling myself all the way out of bed. Another yawn and a quick stretch of the back was all I allowed myself before getting into motion. I brushed my hair and pulled it back from my face and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Before finally going out to the kitchen I bent down over George, meaning to just give him a quick kiss.

But before I could stand back up, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back into the bed, trapping me in his arms. He nuzzled his face into my shoulder and one hand drifted down to my stomach, where our third child was just beginning to form.

"George, I have to go make breakfast," I giggled as he began to kiss my neck. "And you're supposed to be sleeping in."

"They woke me up, and now I can't get back to sleep," he whined dramatically.

"Oh you poor soul." I rolled my eyes and laughed at him. "If you can't get back to sleep, then you get to be in charge of making sure the girls are actually getting ready and not just playing around."

"Excellent," he sighed. He knew as well as I did, those girls had inherited his motivation. Unless it was something they desperately wanted to do, they had no attention span for it. And getting dressed was never something that they desperately wanted to do. Guaranteed, when he went in there he would find them playing with their toys, not getting dressed.

I just wriggled out of his grip and flashed him a grin before heading into the kitchen.

George's POV

I checked in Sophia's room first, and of course, she was still in her pajamas. She was laying on her floor with Harvey, her stuffed dog, in one hand and a crayon in the other. From the looks of it, she was busy coloring Batman a bright pink.

"Well, that's just beautiful, love," I told her, kneeling down and looking at the page of her coloring book. "But it's time to get dressed."

"But I wanna finish my pitcher first," she protested. She had the same exact pouting look that Sam always used on me when she wanted something.

"You can finish your picture after you get dressed." I gently eased the crayon and Harvey from her grip and then stood Harvey just next to the coloring book. "There, Harvey will guard the picture for you, so it'll be safe while you're getting dressed."

She got dressed easily after that and a few minutes later she was back to work with her hot pink crayon. I went to go check on Kate next, but found that she wasn't in her room. Confused, I went to go ask Sam if she had any idea where she would've gone off to. But when I got to the kitchen, Kate was right there. Fully dressed, sitting at the counter and halfway through her first pancake.

Sam's POV

"Oh, yeah, Kate's already dressed," I told George as he came into the kitchen. "I forgot go tell you when she came out. Is Sophia ready?"

"Yeah, she's coloring with Harvey," he replied before bending down to kiss the top of Kate's head before taking a seat beside her. I nodded and handed him his plate.

"Soph, honey, come on and get your breakfast," I called down the hallway before returning to move the rest of the pancakes onto plates for myself and Sophia.

A few moments later she came running in, the ever-present Harvey in her hand even as she climbed up onto her chair.

We ate in relative silence for a few moments (unless you include Sophia's one-sided conversation with Harvey about which color would be best to use when coloring in the Joker) until Katelynn looked up at me.

"What's wrong, hon?" I asked after this went on for a little while. It seemed like she was looking for something in particular, but not finding it.

"Are you really gonna have another baby? You don't look like I remember it from when you were gonna have Sophia," she said, her tone very matter-of-fact.

George choked on his pancakes trying not to laugh. "Wait, when did you hear that?" he asked once he had finally swallowed his food.

"I heard you and Mummy talking about it last night. But it doesn't look like there's a baby in there." She turned her head to the side as she looked again, maybe hoping the new angle would help her see it better.

I laughed and smiled at her. "Well, I guess it's as good a time as any to tell you to. Yes, you guys are getting another sibling."

"But why doesn't it look like you're gonna have a baby?" Kate pressed.

"Because the baby is still really small and not big enough for you to see yet. But in a few weeks it'll be getting there," I told her.

"How are babies made?"

Oh. God. George and I shared a look. We had both been dreading when this question would come up, and quite frankly neither of us had any idea what to say.

"Ask your Uncle Fred when we get to the party," George laughed.

"Nice," I laughed as well and shook my head slightly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello! Welcome old readers and new to the lovely world of the Weasley family. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter and will stick around to read some more.

Oh, and before I forget, here is a set of what Sam and the girls will he wearing to the party (which will be covered in Shelbie's chapter):