Sequel: Living with Monsters
Status: active, active, very active!

The Monsters in the Rain.

chapter one: that familiar red jeep, and that familiar perfect family.

I looked out my window, the rain drizzling down. I sighed, resting my bruised forehead agasint the glass. Sometimes I wish I hadn't moved to forks, washington. I mean who names a city forks? I don't care how small it is, and let me tell you this place is small. But most of all, I wish I hadn't meet. Jessie. Jessie is my abusive boyfriend. I met him 2 months ago, when I first moved to the small god forsaken town. He seemed like my knight and shinning armor, but behind closed doors. He was my abuser, my correcter, my demon.

I jumped up, the silence finally getting to me. I live in this house with only my friend Xander. He's my best gay friend. Literally, he is gay. But I love him none the less. We moved out from our childhood homes to prove we could make it in the world. Xander is the only one who knows about Jessie's true nature, and I intend to keep it that way.

Walking in the brown living room I saw Xander and Caleb (Xander's new boy toy) sitting on the couch watching how to train your dragon cuddled close. Xander was passed out on Caleb's shoulder. I smirked. I made a coughing noise and Caleb looked up at me. Caleb and I were close, never as close as Xander and I, but pretty close.

“school is tomorrow, you realize that right?” I asked him. He smiled and nodded. “well then, lets wake him up!”

smirking he moved a little out of the way. I rubbed my hands together and smacked Xander right in the middle of his forehead. His eyes flew open and he jumped up, failed, slipped and landed face first into the wood floor. Caleb and I burst into laughter.

“DAMN IT DAHLIA COMPTSON!” Xander shouted. Oops he's mad, he never calls me by my full name, usually Lia. I smiled innocently at him. He still looked angry. In a chance thought I ran out the front door, I paused in the front yard realizing I was still in my tank top and booty shorts. I shrugged. “i'm cooomin to get yoooou!!” Xander jokingly sang from the front door. I continued to run, a smile on my face, I was always in track before so I was pretty fast.

I slowed down a little bit and leaned against a tree and waited for Xander to catch up. It had started to rain five minutes ago but I didn't notice. I heard car tires and looked to see who on earth was coming down this road, we weren't exactly in town. We were nestled in the woods, down a nice windy road. It was a red jeep, teens my age were inside it. A pixie haired girl holding onto a boy with a grimace on his face, wonder what crawled up his ass and died...probably a seagull. The driver a medium muscled boy with messy hair chuckled, saying something to Mr. Seagull. The pixie haired girl's smile brightened and whispered something to the last boy. He was beautiful, well they were all extraordinary beautiful, but he was gorgeous. He was extremely muscular, but not the vainey type. His hair was brown and cut short. He turned his pale face to look at me. His golden eyes locked with my green ones. We stared at each other, I was frozen under his gaze. Then the pixie haired girl giggled and they sped away.

This all happened in a matter of 2 minutes, but it felt like hours. I was still numbly standing there when Xander got to me. He had a worried expression on his face. I noticed black spots in my vision, and remembered I forgot to take my medicine I cursed at my own foolishness. I tried to grab hold of Xander's arm to steady myself but it was to late. My head was already crashing towards the wet pavement.


I opened my eyes and groaned. Blinded by white lights I closed them again and rolled over. Only to have my arm tugged my something. I groaned again and sat up. I looked around and was face to face with a worried looking Xander. He cupped my cheeks making sure I wasn't going to fall again.
I shooed him away.

“are you okay? Was it your heart again?” he asked. I nodded.

“forgot to take your medicine again Lia?” Caleb asked. I nodded again. I looked around finally noticing I was in a hospital. I opened my mouth to protest being here when the doctor walked in. I glared at Xander, who just chuckled at my childish ways. The doctor looked like the kids I saw before I fainted. Extremely pale, golden eyes, and beyond perfect features. He smiled at me trying to reassure me.

“hello Dahlia, my name is Dr. Cullen.” he said. I nodded and waited for him to finish. “we looked at your results. But your friends here already told me that you know about your heart condition is that true?”

“yup” I said slightly nervous. Hospitals scared me. They question my bruises and scars. I shuddered. Xander grabbed my hand, knowing my fears. “uh yea, I just forgot to take my medicine for it, and was running that’s all, I’m fine now”

“well I’m a little curious actually, what is the circumstances to your illness exactly?” he asked politely. I stared at his blonde hair, wondering if it was dyed. I sighed.

“well. My heart beat is irregular, it'll beat, then rest, then beat again, then rest for longer, then beat, then rest even longer, then beats again. But when I do stuff like run or cardio my heart cant keep up so it kinda freezes, thus I faint.” I said anxious to get out. The lights, the scratchy bed was making me go into a frenzy. He nodded fascinated.

“and any other symptoms?” he asked he took a seat on the side of the bed. I scooted my feet away from him. I kinda have a fear of people. That would be Jessie's fault...

“uh yea, I’m always cold, sometimes I can't tell when it's raining or not, um I’m pale, I have headaches 98 percent of the time. When I get mad or upset I get really light headed.” I listened them off on my fingers. He nodded.

“what does your medication do?” he asked.

“oh! It relaxes my heart so it can try to regulate itself again” I answered easily.

“okay, well you can go home now, I was just curious, thank you for your time” he said getting up again. I nodded. I watched him step out into the hall. I jumped up out of the bed.

“lets go before he comes back with more questions!” I hissed and started putting my shorts on. They chuckled. I pulled my shirt over my head and walked out of the hospital as Xander and Caleb laughed at me for wearing my bunny slippers.
Off to school tomorrow, and I haven't done my homework yet.

“you were at the hospital yesterday sweetie? Why didn't you tell me?” Jessie said sickly sweet. To anyone else they would swoon and fall in love. But if you'd known he was digging his fingers into my shoulder, creating bruises, or that this was a common warning phrase for 'do it again and i'll beat your ass'. I winced and looked down.

“I’m sorry, it happened late last night, and I didn't want to wake you” I sounded pathetic. We were in the parking lot, 10 minutes until the bell rang, those ten minutes couldn't come fast enough. Xander and Caleb were on a coffee run. So I was alone, again.

“i worry about you honey” he said, digging his fingers in deeper. I almost cried out, almost. I learned that mistake. Kids started whispering around us. I looked up and saw that familiar red jeep and standing next to it that familiar perfect family. My heart skipped painfully in my chest. I suddenly didn't want them to see what was going on. I didn't want them to see how weak I was.

A low (but painful) thud brought me back, Jessie had hit my lower back with his cellphone. You wouldn't think it would hurt that bad but it does. He hit me with such force I had to catch myself on my car's hood not to fall. I looked down at my bug’s hood, jaw clinched as the pain radiated from my lower back to the bass of my skull. My breathing became heavy.

“does someone have a little crush? Huh? Well I don't advise that.” Jessie hissed in my ear before rushing off inside the school. In that moment Xander got to me, just have gotten back. I leaned into his shoulder to hide my tears.

“what did he do? Where did he hit you?” he hissed lowly.


I watched the girl closely. Her name was Dahlia, I knew that. She was standing close to what seemed as her boyfriend. I remembered him, his name is Jessie, he's a punk. Something stirred inside my gut as he touched her, jealousy maybe? no.

“ you were at the hospital yesterday sweetie? Why didn't you tell me?” he told her, no one noticed but with my hearing I could easily hear it.

She looked at the ground and mumbled “ I’m sorry, it was late at night, I didn't want to wake you” she winced I couldn't tell at what. I leaned against the car. Edward gave me a worried look that I couldn't decipher.

“i worry about you” that Jessie punk whispered again. My gut jerked, unpleasantly. She looked up, her beautiful jade eyes looking up at us. Her face lit up then as quickly fell as she jerked forward. She clinched her jaw and leaned one arm on the hood of her car. She looked down. Jessie snickered and leaned forward with a cruel sneer on his face.

“does someone have a little crush? Huh? Well I don't advise that” he spat at her. Dahlia's friend Xander ran up, leaving his boyfriend's hands full of coffee. She looked at him with teary eyes and hid her face in his slender shoulder.

“what did he do? Where did he hit you?” he hissed, anger obvious in his face and words. Her shoulders shook as she sobbed.

Then it all clicked. The bruise on her forehead, that she skillfully covered up, the guilty looks, the tears. He was hurting her. Anger ran burned through my veins hotter than the poisonous venom. I hit the car and roared “WHAT?!”

everyone but the crying girl looked at me as I grabbed a shocked Edward by the collar and pulled him into the forest, fuming at that punk ass kid, Jessie.
And I didn't know why.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, bear with me. i never really wrote a fanfic before, so it won't be like a usual fanfic, so don't judge. anyway. some info with be right from the book and some won't (especially that of involes a certain blonde bimbo Rosalie)
anyhoe, please comment, and subscribe it would persuade me to write more..