Sequel: Living with Monsters
Status: active, active, very active!

The Monsters in the Rain.

Chapter Ten: Now Lets Watch Zombies!

“I’m going for a run, I’ll be back soon.” I shouted over my shoulder as I hopped on one foot putting my sneaker on. It was relatively sunny and I wanted to take the time to run. I needed to think anyway. Fresh air will do me good.

“okay babe, hurry though, we have a surprise for you” Emmett said walking up to me. He rubbed my bare side, I was wearing a sports bra, made just for jogging. “be careful okay” he whispered in my ear. I nodded and kissed his cheek.

“i will” I muttered. I walked out of the house and put in my music. The music filling my ears pushed me to run faster. Half way through my run I realized I was running towards La Push. I've only gone once or twice, Emmett hates even talking about it. Its like a beaches there are evil to the him. His whole family is like that to. Edward once told me they had a treaty with the people who lived there, and that’s why they couldn't cross this imaginary boarder line type thing.

I felt eyes on me so I slowed my pace. My music switched songs and for an instant all I could hear was my hard breathing. I looked around, stopping. Someone or something was watching me. I could feel it. My music played a piano piece that Edward had written for me. Its soft melody was disrupted by a branch breaking. I jumped and turned around.

A ginormous wolf was looking at me. My heart stopped. It just looked at me. It was different from the black one I saw, it was a smidge smaller and its fur was different. I backed away, horror evident on my face. It took a step closer to me.

I heard gravel shuffle about, looking I saw the black wolf, and another walking up next to it. They stared at me, just stared. One of the wolf's eyes traveled down to my scar. Then another, then all of them, as if they were linked to each other. The black wolf looked angry.

I backed into a tree, this is how I die. I get mauled by a fucking over sized wolf. One stepped closer to me. Its nose touched my stomach, I screamed.

Then everything went black.

“Sam, she looks just like you!” a man said. Warm fingers were probing my scar.

“does she?” another man said, I’m going to assume this was the Sam fellow. “how do you think she got this?” his hand left my body, and I almost felt cold. I rolled over and pretend I was asleep. For being in a strange place that I didn't even know where I was, I was pretty cozy.

“i don't know” his voice sounded wary. He started humming a familiar tune and before I knew it I was asleep again.

the first sign I was in a dream was I was back in the abandoned hospital. I was standing in the room I was attacked in, shattered glass littered the floor, steel hung from the ceiling. I looked around in the corner a black wolf statue was sitting there. I walked over to it slowly. Expecting it to come alive , I kicked it and jumped when it fell over.

“lost mutt!” someone shouted. I ran into the hall way to see who had said it. No one was there. “ lost mutt! Lost mutt! Lost mutt!” the person just kept shouting. I ran down the hall, and came face to face with a door. “lost mutt! Lost mutt! Lost mutt!” the voice was on the other side of the door. I flung it open and ran through.

I was in a forest. A figure was leaning against a tree, I couldn't see his face. But I knew it was my father standing there watching me. I tried to walk to him but he was just farther and farther away.

“the alpha didn't even want you!” a boy shouted. I turned around saw Emmett standing there with a knife in his hand. A scary evil grin on his face. “ we'll make the alpha happy” he walked towards me.

“Emmett? Emmett please what are you doing?” I questioned him as I stepped back. He just kept walking towards me. I bumped into something warm. Strong hands grabbed my shoulders.

“lost mutt! We'll make the alpha happy” Emmett laughed. His golden eyes now turned brown with hate. He laughed and plunged the knife towards me.

I woke up screaming. Warm arms were wrapped around me holding me to their chest. It was a man, I knew that. I pushed myself away from him. My heart thumping with fear. I looked around bewildered. It was a cottage type home, a fire burning in the corner. A TV in front of the couch I was currently on. I looked at the person sitting across from me.

He was tan, an Indian I would assume. He was built, crazy built. But I wouldn’t say he was hot. Beautiful yes. But in my gut I felt wrong saying he was hot. Kinda like saying your uncle was cute. His warm brown orbs stared at me with concern. His hand was out reached, and his lips were moving but all I could hear was my heart rate. Climbing dangerously high.

I shushed him and began to pace. I took deep breaths and tried to calm myself. He kept trying to say something and I kept shushing him. I know It was rude but I didn't want to pass out again. A man walked into the living room we were in and looked at me then at the agitated man sitting on the couch.

“did she shush you?” the man said amused. He chuckled a little.

“yes Paul she did.” the man said. I could hear his frustration. I continued to pace. My heart was slower but not slow enough.

“whoa girl, no one ever got away with shushing the alpha” Paul said. As soon as the word came out of his mouth I stopped dead in my tracks. My body tensed.

“what?” I said lowly. Both men looked surprised I had said anything.

“oh, uh, no one ever got away with shushing the alpha?” he said it again, that word. I looked at the man on the couch. He was watching me carefully. I slowly backed away from them.

“i need to go” I said, my voice shook and tears were threatening to push over onto my cheeks. I didn't allow them to say anything else. I was out the door and into the street.

“you forgot your shoes” the man yelled. I ignored him and ran.

Soon I was lost and it began to rain. I noticed I was in a majorly oversized t-shirt. I felt sick in my stomach realizing it was probably the alpha's so I took it off, and threw it to the ground. Some where in my brain a tiny voice told me it couldn't be the same alpha, but I bigger more irrational part of my brain decided to ignore it. I kept walking, still lost.

“hey! Are you lost!” a boy rain up to me. His long black hair tied up in a pony tail. I looked at him warily. “I’m Jacob by the way” he said with a warm smile. I could tell I was going to like this kid.

“I’m Dahlia. Yea I’m kinda lost. I was running and go turned around I guess” It wasn't exactly a lie. He nodded. He shrugged off his jacket and put it around my shoulders. “thanks, I’m trying to get to forks. I live right outside of town.”

he looked at me for a minute. “you look familiar. Are you related to anyone up here?” I shook my head no. he shrugged and looked down. He pointed to my feet. “ you aren't wearing any shoes!” he laughed. I looked down and laughed with him.

“its been a weird day.” I looked up and saw car headlights. I looked at Jacob. “i think that might be my ride” he nodded but still stayed close to me. The car stopped at what I would imagine was the border thingy. A pale figure stepped out of the car and leaned against it. I smiled.

“you know him?” Jacob asked, something was off in his voice. I nodded. We finally made it to the car. Emmett didn't move, but glared at Jacob. I turned to him.

“thank you, for not leaving me on the side of the road.” I said handing him his coat. He nodded and turned to leave. I turned to Emmett and ran into his arms. “i don't want to talk about it right now, I just want chocolate, mt. Dew, and a hot shower.” he nodded. I climbed into the jeep and rested my head on the cool window.

“i have a surprise for you baby” Emmett said as he drove us home. I looked at him warily. “it's a good surprise I promise” he chuckled. I nodded and closed my eyes.

We got to my house and Emmett picked me up and made me close my eyes. I laughed and did as told. He walked into the house and set me on the couch. I heard him walk away.

“can I open my eyes now?” I shouted. I got no answer. So I opened my eyes. I was alone in the house. Fucking vampire, that jerk left me! Enraged I stormed up the stairs and walked into my room. The light was off, which is odd because I always leave my light on. I shrugged it off and turned it on.

Sitting on my bed, was a certain bronzed haired sparkly vampire. He was grinning from ear to ear. I squealed and tackled him to the floor, I don't know how I managed it but I got him to the floor.

“Eddie! You can back!!” I screamed with laughter. He laughed and picked us up. Emmett was leaning against the door frame laughing at us. “i thought the polar bears ate you!” I shouted.

“and how could that be? I'm to cool for them” he said. I laughed and hugged him. Then ran up to Emmett and hugged him.

“is he still a 'fucking vampire jerk'” Edward mocked from behind me. I thought for a moment.

“yea a little bit.” I said. Emmett laughed and threw me over his shoulder and ran down the stairs. He sat us down on the couch and gave me some chocolate. I smiled. I snuggled into his chest and he rested his head in my hair.

“i love you Dahlia” Emmett whispered in my hair. My heart skipped a beat.

“i love you to Emmett.” I whispered back.

I felt the couch dip. “now lets watch some zombies!!!” Edward shouted. I laughed. Now my little family was complete. I had my two brothers, Edward and jasper. I had my sister, Alice. I had my mother and father, Es me and Car isle Then I had my beautiful love of my life, Emmett.
♠ ♠ ♠
ok guys, here ya go.
things have been crazy were i am so excuse the crap-ie-ness of the chapter. next one will be better. i promise.
did any one else here about the dude in florida who ate the poor guys face off?! holy crap! then the guy in maryland who ate his roomates heart and brain?!?!?! my mom is freakin out! its a zombie attack!!!!