Sequel: Living with Monsters
Status: active, active, very active!

The Monsters in the Rain.

chapter eleven: she's probably googling it right now.

I laughed as I sat, well more like plopped down, on the Cullen's couch in between Emmett and Edward. I muched on the cookie I had received in the kitchen. Edward was bragging to us about saving Bella at the school, that girl is fucking clumsy. This kid almost smashed her with his van and super Edward saved her.

“aw! Man Emmett why aren't you that romantic with me? Damn” I joked with Emmett. He laughed and grabbed my hand.

“because thankfully you are not that clumsy” he said kissing my temple. I rolled my eyes.

“what ever your just to lazy”

the only problem with Edward’s heroic act, is now Bella is going to be questioning if Edward is human. She was already paranoid and now she's just gonna be insanely so. She's probably googling it right now. I snorted with laughter.

“it's not funny, Lia, she's gonna work it out. I think I have to tell her” Edward said gloomily. I rolled my eyes.

“oh yes, because Bella being your soul mate is the worst thing in the world right? At least you didn't get a dude, or a lesbian. How would you like that Eddie? Huh?” I said while getting up. I heard Emmett snort with laughter and Edward grumble something. I chuckled and grabbed my slippers and slipped them on.

“why don't you stay over here?” Emmett said suddenly by my side. I looked at him for a moment. I was over at his house more than my own. Granted I liked being around a big family and being welcomed. I also needed to be at my house a little to. I couldn't just glue myself to his side and call it good.

“i have to wash clothes, and plus my house misses my attention.” I answered quietly. He chuckled and grabbed my keys. I guess he was coming with. I giggled and fallowed him. “fine but I’ll be walking around in my jammies!” I called after him. He was opening my door when he looked up, mock terror masked his face. I laughed. I ran to the car and slid in.

I sat on Dahlia's couch listening to her hum. She was in the shower but with my perfect hearing I could listen to her as she sang in the shower, which she did often. I looked around her living room. It was something that I never really did, I don't know why. But now I was curious.

I started on the wall by the door, on the window seal sat pictures of Lia and Xander, most of them were really old, one was of Lia and Xander they looked to be 15 years old, they were in swim suits, standing by a lake. Xander had his arm resting on her shoulders, Lia was holding up a peace sign with her fingers. They were smiling, they were happy.

I felt my lips twitch into a smile as I looked at the picture, I glance at the bottom of the picture and notice her scar, it was there, it looked new then It does now, of course. Anger boiled up inside me. What kind of person could do that to a young girl and just leave her to die! A mongrel that’s who!

I set the picture down before I became to angry. I looked at another one. It was a picture of a pale blonde women, she was in a hospital bed, holding a small baby. I looked close and realized this women looked almost exactly like Dahlia, this must be her mother. I crouched down to get a better look.

In the edge of the picture was a tall tan man, you could only see the his arm and shoulder. I assumed this was her father. The man who had left her, abandoned her. I moved to the next picture. It was another hospital picture. Except the little girl in the picture was Dahlia, she was 7 or 8. the blanket was half off her and her sides were wrapped. I stood up and grabbed the picture.

I sat on the couch with it. A man was holding her limp hand, I his head was bowed so I couldn't see his face. His bronzeish blonde has was in his face also making it hard to recognize the person. I started at for a long time. Then it hit me, it hit me right in the face. I shot up ran to the door, my hand on the door knob. I paused.

“sweetie, I have to grab something from Esme really quick okay? I'll be right back” I shouted up the stairs. I heard a faint okay, telling me she heard me.

I ran out the door and to my house. I knew who the person who saved Dahlia was.



I turned off the water and quickly changed into my night clothes. Emmett had to go off and do something for his “mom”. I was kind of relieved actually. Don't get me wrong, I love the boy but I needed to breathe and think.

I walked slowly down the stairs, careful not to slip. I tip toed around, the sneaky feeling of being watched crawled into the pit of my stomach. I looked around, maybe it was just to quite. I sighed and turned on the TV, the music channel was on, perfect.

Humming along to the song I sat on the counter and took out my medicine. I looked at the bottles. I needed to get my heart pills refilled, my anxiety ones to. I quickly took them both and put them away. I looked at my hand, the anti-depression pills were still there, taunting me.

I was suddenly enraged. Why had those men done that? Why? I screamed and threw the bottle at the wall. Rage consumed me, it filled every pore. I walked outside to throw rocks at the trees. I began chucking them one at a time, my anger slowly ebbing away.

I sighed and sank to the ground. Tears ran down my face. I never cry, I was taught that it was a disgusting habit, you cry and your weak. I hated it when I broke and everything I shoved down to the bottom bubbled up. My fist began pounding the ground.

I needed to stop, I needed to calm down before Emmett came back and saw me like this. I let the rest of my body fall to the ground. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. That always helped, breathing.

I felt hot air on my face, assuming it was Emmett messing with me I smacked what ever it was. It was defiantly not Emmett. My eyes shot open. A silver colored wolf was standing above me. Going on my first reaction I kicked him hard in the face and ran into the house. I closed the door behind me and locked it. Luckily I had a regular back door and not one of those sliding glass doors like most people do.

I heard the wolf growl and scratch at the door. I closed my eyes and stopped breathing. Maybe it would go away. I heard my front door open and a millisecond later cold hands were moving me away from the door. I opened my eyes and jasper was hugging me, trying to calm me down. I looked up at him, his eyes were closed. His grip had tightened on me.

“jasper? Jasper let me go, ow, come on let me go” I said, I wiggled out of his grasp. His eyes were still closed. I stepped closer to him, examining his face to see the problem. “jasper?” I whispered.

“I’m fine, the mutt is bleeding, and its gross” he said through clinched teeth. I grabbed my sides and laughed. “It. Is. Not. Funny.” I contused to laugh and soon he did to.

Emmett walked back into the house fuming. He looked at jasper and pointed at him. “don't mess with my emotions right now” he nearly shouted. I winced.

“Emmett, what ever is wrong, its okay. Just calm down okay” I said touching his face. His angry eyes looked down at me and they immediately softened. “see everything's okay.” I said gently. He smiled. He looked over his shoulder and back at me. He began laughing.

“you really got that wolf, is your foot okay?” he said still laughing. I rolled my eyes at his mood swings. I laughed and nodded.

“yea, it'll bruise but it'll be okay.” he smiled and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

“lets play some video games.” he said. As he carted me off I glanced at the corner, where I had thrown the bottle of pills, they were still laying there scattered. I worried for a moment, I didn't want Emmett to find them, I didn't want him to know about my little mental breakdowns.

Jasper caught my eye and nodded towards the wall, he within a second he picked them up and threw them into the trash bin for me. He was walking behind us again without Emmett's notice. I smiled at him, grateful of his kindness.

it's science class and Edward is telling (mostly me) us about how he told Bella their secret. Jasper and I began laughing as he told us her reaction. Edward shot us death glares.

“oh come on, you're so dramatic!” I laughed. He just glared.

“i know what you are” jasper said in a frilly girl voice.

“say it, out loud” I said in a overly deep man voice.

“vampire!!” jasper finished in the frilly girl voice. We started laughing so laud the substitute yelled at us. We bit our tongues so we wouldn't get moved.

“its a lot better than thinking we're aliens about to probe you!” he retorted. I laughed.

“hey I wasn't fully myself you prick!” we all began laughing. The bell rang and we began walking to the cars. I had some how convinced Emmett to drive my bug to school, so I was happy. When we finally made it to our little section of the parking lot I noticed a certain timid brown haired girl talking to Alice. I chuckled and walked up to Emmett, who was extra grinny today.

“oh and Bella is joining us for dinner tonight.” Edward said before rushing Bella into his car. I smiled and looked at Emmett.

“I’m finally not the only one whose going to eat actual food!!” I cheered to Emmett. He chuckled and opened the door for me.

“hey we eat actual food to, we're just on a diet.” I laughed at the inside joke.
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i know i'm late and i am SO SORRY! my brother decided to move in with us, then he got himself arreseted and now his wife (who hates us) and his three babies are living with us sooo i haven't really had time to update.
GOOD NEWS though, schoooools out foooorr suuuumah!! so i'll be able to update more often (if you guys would like)
anywhore, enjoy!