Sequel: Living with Monsters
Status: active, active, very active!

The Monsters in the Rain.

chapter fourteen: i love you guys, even if you are creepy old pedophiles

Cold hands. That's the first thing I felt, cold hands holding my clammy ones. I heard the beeping next, then the overly clean smell hit me like a tittle wave. I yanked my hand away and shot up in the bed. I looked around. I was in a fucking hospital. I looked around. Emmett was at the door, watching me with worried eyes, carlise was sitting the chair in the corner, and jasper was sitting next to me in a wooden chair. His hands still folded as if they were still holding my hand.

I tried to say something, but nothing would come out. I looked at them again, tears forming in my eyes. “where's Eddie?” I asked, my voice small and quite. Emmett was at my side in a second. He held my face and kissed me slowly. When he pulled away he studied my eyes.

“he's with Bella. I thought, I thought you were going to die. Your heart was sputtering about, and they couldn't relax it.” he rambled on and on. I watched him quietly. I looked at the sheets remembering what James had said.

“Dahlia. James was wrong about you” carlise said, sitting on the bed next to Emmett, jasper sat on the other side of me.

“we could never forget you” jasper said. I looked between them.

“ever” Emmett finished. I threw my arms around the three of them and pulled them into a hug.

“i love you guys, even if you are old creeper pedophiles.” I said. Tears running down my face. They laughed and hugged me back. They pulled away and I laid back on my pillows. I noticed I wasn't hooked up to anything.

“i can go right? I don't have to stay. I mean I wasn't the one bitten my the fairy” I said. They all looked at me oddly. “i dreamt about it” I muttered. They watched me for a minute but let it slide. Carlise slowly stood up and held up a bag.

“yes you can go, just, you know, get dressed and all” he said some what awkwardly. I chuckled and grabbed my bag. Jasper and carlise walked out of the room quickly. Emmett grabbed my waist and held me.

“I’m so glad you're alive.” he muttered to my hair. I laughed a little.

“me to, really would have sucked. You know, dieing.” I said. He laughed and kissed my forehead. He shut the door as he walked out.

I took off my hospital gown and inspected the damage. Bruises every where, a jagged cut on my collar bone, and a scrap on my hip. Not to bad for being attacked my a vampire. I slipped into the pajama shorts and blank tank top. I found my fuzzy slippers and put them on.

I opened the door just to smack right into Edward. I looked at him, in the pit of my stomach I was angry with him. He wasn't there when I blacked out or woke up. I had saved his girlfriend and he wasn't there. I looked down at our feet.

“how is she?” I asked, after a long silence. I could feel him searching my mind, probing it to see what had happened in the studio.

“pretty traumatized, which seems appropriate for what she went through” he said. I closed off the memory of the studio. He thought highly of Bella, why tarnish that?

“but she's okay?” I asked. I finally looked at him, his eyes were angry. I was suddenly filled with rage.

“yea, she's lucky we got to her in time.” he said. My jaw hit the floor. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, he was angry at me? For what? Not being a vampire to save his sorry ass girlfriend?! My fury grew into a blind rage.

“yea, she's real lucky!” I snapped. He scoffed. I pushed passed him, I walked passed Emmett and jasper and carlise. I stopped in the parking lot. I sat on the side walk and held my head between my hands. I was thankful it was dark out, it was cool enough for me to think. I heard the gravel shuffle next to me. I glanced to see Bella’s father sitting next to me.

“i wanted to thank you, for saving Bella” he said. I rose an eyebrow at him. He chuckled. “i wanted to see what really happened, a fight? That doesn't seem right. So I checked the secrutiy tapes. I saw how you distracted that man so she could escape. The pain you must have gone through. I wanted to thank you” he said, his deep voice shook a little as he thought about his daughter being harmed. I looked down, wishing my father was here to feel like that. I sniffled to keep the pain in.

“it was nothing she wouldn't do for me.” I didn't really believe the words slipped out of my mouth but I knew he would. “um, how much did you see?”

he looked at me and chuckled. “up until Bella fainted. The footage cut out. I saw it all. That man, he was on drugs, if that's what you're wondering.” he said. I laughed nervously. Good so he didn't see jasper and Alice tear the guy up and set him on fire. Even better he thought James was on drugs, that’s how he could be so fast.

“yea, I was wondering what kind of drugs could make him, you know, fast and strong like that” I played dumb, to keep the Cullen's secret. Charlie, I think his name was, ran a hand through his dark hair.

“i don't know, P.C.P, maybe.” I nodded. We sat on the curb for a few minutes. I listened to him breathing. “i knew your mom” he finally said.

I looked at him with wide questionable eyes. He nodded. “what?” I asked. My voice was quite. I never knew my mom, she died when I was so little, I never remembered her.

“she lived in forks for a while before you were born. She met your father here. I went to school with her. She was so sweet. You look like her, oh you look just like her.” he said looking at me. I watched him closely.

“she lived in forks?” I asked. My voice was shaky.

“yea, I thought thatch why you moved here” he sounded tired.

“no, it was Xander's idea.”

“oh, yea, she met your father here, your mother and father were only 16 when they had you. Small town and all. So they moved to California. I heard it's sunny” he became lost in his thoughts, and I in my own.

“officer swan,-” I started.

“call me charlie”

“charlie,” I started again. “do you think my father's still here?” I asked. I looked at his movements closely. He stared at me for a long time.

“i don't know, maybe. His name was Sam.” he said. That name sounded so familiar, I couldn't place where I had heard it before. I grinned at him and hugged him.

“thank you officer... charlie. Thank you” I said excitedly. He laughed and stood up, pulling me up along with him.

“i think it's time for you to get home, eh?” he said. I laughed and nodded. I turned to see a grinning Emmett and jasper. I grinned back at them.


“I’m going to do your make up and hair, and then you'll put on your dress, and then.” Alice smiled. I rolled my eyes.

“then we go to the blasted dance” I said grinning. Alice giggled with me. I, unlike Bella, was excited for the dance. Edward and I were still barley talking. I frowned a little. He thinks I led Bella to the ballet studio. Bella's going with that story, her honey munchkin couldn't be angry at her.

“Edward is going to see what really happened” Alice said. I guess everyone but Edward knew the truth, Alice had seen the whole thing happen, she told jasper. I told Emmett had really happened only because I was having nightmares. And carlise was talking to charlie, who showed him the video tapes. Edward refused to look at them, saying he trusted Bella.

I closed my eyes and allowed Alice to do the work on me. In half an hour she was finished her primping and I opened my eyes. I gasped at my transformation. It looked as if I wasn't wearing make up but, my skin shinned. The brown flecks in my apple green eyes shined making them look stunning. My hair was in a simple braid but it looked wonderful. I smiled at Alice and hugged her.

“thank you Alice!” I smiled. She laughed and handed me my blood red dress. I took it and skipped to her bathroom. I slipped into the dress. It was an off the shoulder dress, it had layers that made my body appear to have curves. It was studded in away that made it look like I was dipped in diamonds. I looked at myself in the mirror, smiling slightly.

I walked out of the bathroom and held my breath. Alice stood in the room, her black dress making her look stunning. She laughed with delight and hugged me. “you look beautiful Lia!” she giggled. She tossed me a pair of red flats. I quickly put them on. She grabbed my hand and led us down the steps.

I stepped off the last step and looked up. Carlise and jasper were standing in the living room staring at us. Carlise whistled at me. I blushed and laughed. They walked to us. “you look beautiful girls” carlise said. We thanked him.

“oh my gosh! I'm coming! Don't leave me!” Emmett said running into the house. His black tux fitted him well. He was stunning. He stared at me, a wide smile settled on his lips. He walked over to me. “you look gorgeous”

I smiled. “so do you, I mean, you look handsome.” I stammered. He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

“come on, we're meeting Edward and Bella at the school” jasper said chuckling. I rolled my eyes at him but fallowed anyway. I looked back at carlise, a sad look had settled on his face. I smiled at him

“see ya later, daddio” I said, I turned back around at fallowed Emmett into the night air.
♠ ♠ ♠
whaaaaaaaaat?! the semi-truth has been revealed!!!!!
okay my lovely readers, i just wanna say... i love you all. *sniff sniff* your support and comments push me to write more!
so i'm gonna go watch meh Doctor Who marathon and drool over the doctor some. while you guys cook up crazy ideas on what might happen next!