Sequel: Living with Monsters
Status: active, active, very active!

The Monsters in the Rain.

chapter fifteen: i will fight the monsters in the rain.

I ran down the road, slowing to a stop. I looked around the area looked familiar. I felt as if the forest was calling my name, beckoning for me to walk in. I stumbled in. I contused walking until I couldn't see the road anymore. I looked back anxiously, trees surrounded me.

My bones ached as if I was being watched. I turned my music louder to seem unaware. I didn't need to hear them fallowing me. I could feel it in my gut that they already are. I made my way through the forest. I could feel the twigs snapping under my feet. My heart thumped louder and louder. I swung around to face a tall tan man, he was extremely buff and a little intimidating. He wore an angry scowl on his face as he looked down at me.

“why are you fallowing me?” I said. I noticed I was probably shouting, due to the loudness of my headphones. I quickly took them out and looked at him for an answer.

“i wasn't fallowing you” he lied. I hated it when people lied. Especially now, because a liar is making my brother hate my existence. Cough cough Bella.

“yes you were! I'm not a stupid girl!” I shouted, now out of anger. His scowl deepened and he began shaking. I was determined not to be afraid of this man.

“what are you doing here?” the way he spoke was mean but fake. I could see the hurt in his eyes. He was trying to scare me, but didn't want to.

“tell me why you were fallowing me!” I shouted even angrier. Being ignored and lied to were the most annoying thing to me. He peered down at me. A sneer claimed itself on his face. I rolled my eyes and walked passed him, slightly running into him. I wanted to say sorry but thought otherwise. I began walking back they way I had came. I could here him walking behind me. I whirled around.

“you're cute when you're angry” he chuckled. Rage filled my core.

“how dare you mock me! You do not even know me” I yelled stepping up to him. I drew back my fist and punched him hard him the jaw. He staggered back a few steps. Pain exploded in my hand and a let out a frustrated scream. “Holy fuck-nuggets!” I gasped. I glared at him and contused on my way.

I soon made it back to the Cullen house hold. It seemed like the house was empty. “hello?” I called hoping someone was home. I came into the house and shut the door gently. I dropped my Ipod on the side table.

“I’m in my office Lia, is everything alright?” I heard carlisle shout down at me. I climbed up the stairs and quickly found his office, I slowly walked in and held up my hand.

“i uh, think I broke my hand” I said embarrassed to be hurt yet again. He looked at me and in an instant was gently examining my hand.

“how did you do this” he murmured as he grabbed a wrap out of his desk drawer. I looked at him, my face reddening a little.

“i uh, punched this creep while I was walking in the forest” I said with a slight smile on my face. “i made him stumble back to! He was so shocked, but he deserved it” he looked up from my hand, to look me in the eyes. For the first time I noticed how unlike Emmett's eyes were from his own. They were a deeper honey color, they were old and tired. I quickly looked away.

“what did he do” he asked as he chuckled. He quickly finished wrapping my hand. I scratched the back of my neck with my good hand.

“he called me cute” I said awkwardly. I heard a familiar booming laugh and in a millisecond Emmett was next to me looking at my hand. He looked at me and kissed my temple.

“who called you cute?” a hint of jealousy in Emmett's voice. I looked and him and chuckled and his childishness.

“i don't know, some tan dude with anger issues” I mumbled. He arm tightened around me. I looked up at him.

“doesn't sound familiar” he said tightly. I furrowed my brows at him, he was lying. I shrugged it off and tugged Emmett's hand. He looked down at me.

“lets watch a movie or something” I said. He nodded and picked me up, causing me to giggle. As he carried me down the steps I looked back. Carlisle's usual happy and calm face was replaced with a saddened angry one. I watched him pace for a moment then disappear. I looked back at Emmett a smirk planted on his lips. I smiled lightly.

The worry wouldn't leave the pit of my stomach.


I opened my eyes and looked around. The air was thick but cold. An eerie silence fell over me, that alone told me I was dreaming. Well, that and the fact I was standing in the studio Bella and I were attacked in. I looked around again.

Broken glass littered the floor, blood slpatteres on the floor, a cold breeze swept through the studio. I heard screaming, it was close and loud. I ran to it, but froze in fear when I saw the cause. James stood holding a small girl by the throat. His sharp nails dug into her skin, causing her to bleed. I screamed for it to stop but it never did. I thought it was never going to end.

But it did.

He killed her, and threw her limp body on the floor. He turned around and smiled at me. I took a step back. He just laughed, and grabbed my hair. He picked my up, bridal style, and walked us into the night air. No one was out. It was dead silent.

“close your eyes” he whispered in my ear. I didn't want to but I felt my eyes sliding closed, and I was surrounded by darkness. When I opened them again. We were standing on a cliff, the ocean stretched out in front of us. It was storming, lighting and thunder fought in the sky and the rain cut my skin.

“why are you here?” I screamed, I wiggled out of his grasp and fell to the hard ground. I looked up at him. He just stared at the ocean. A smirk played his lips.

“have they forgotten you yet?” he asked. I stared at his dumbfounded. He looked at me with red angry eyes. “answer me!” he shouted.

“no, no they haven't forgotten me” I muttered beginning to get angry. He laughed, a evil laugh that shook me to the core.

“they will, they will always forget you. No matter how good you are. No matter how many times you save that human. No matter how different you are. THEY. WILL. FORGET. YOU!” he shouted. I has stood up by now. He turned to me slowly, a sly smile on his face. I was suddenly very afraid.

He grabbed the cloth barley covering my shoulders and pushed me over the edge. I screamed as I fell. I could hear his evil laughter. I never thought the falling was going to end.

But it did.

I woke up screaming. Something cold was holding me down, I fought against it and screamed louder. I fought as hard as I could, not wanting to fall or die. I screamed and cried and begged. I tired myself out and gave in.

“Jesus, Leels! Are you okay?” Emmett's panicked voice calmed me. I slumped into the bed and stared at him. Tears rushed down my cheeks. I covered my eyes with my small hands. Cold arms wrapped around me. “its okay Leels, shh its okay” he hummed to me and rubbed circles into my back. I cried into his chest.

“I-I-I don't w-w-want to be f-f-forgotten” I sobbed. Emmett held me tighter. “I’m afraid Emmett” I whispered. Emmett gently grabbed my chin and made me look into his beautiful golden eyes.

“Dahlia Compson. I will never ever forget you, I love you with my entire existence. Don't be afraid my love. I will fight off the monsters in the rain” he whispered to me. His mint breath brushing against my cheek. I looked into my eyes.

“i love you to Emmett” I whispered. I buried my face in his chest. “sing to me?” I felt him nod.

He begun to sing an ancient song he began rocking me back and forth. I snuggled into his chest as he wrapped the blanket tighter to my small body. I soon fell asleep dreaming of my Emmett, protecting me from the monsters.
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OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS!!! i was re-reading the chapters, and i realized that i was spelling carlisle's name wrong!!! i am so sorry! i'm dsylexic and my brain puts in the extra 'l' so i never notice when i do crap like that. i'm sorry, i'm working on it.
also, i forgot to mention, Dahlia's name is spelled correct its just a little diffrent. it's pronouced "duh-lie-luh" its how my friend spells her middle name and thought it was pretty cool.
thats just how us washington folks work!