Sequel: Living with Monsters
Status: active, active, very active!

The Monsters in the Rain.

chapter sixteen: she's turning into a women!

I stared at the wall, the teacher going on and on about how important further schooling is. My brain going on slightly numb, lack of sleep will do that to a person. I yawned and rubbed my eyes, trying to stay awake. Ever since I had that horrid dream of being forgotten and thrown off the cliff I’ve been having nightmares.

Its starting to scare the family. Carlisle was oddly the one most worried. I figure it's because him being a doctor and knowing insomnia can fuck you up. I don't know, my brain hurts. Emmett has been worried to, he's so worried. He tries to sing me to sleep, and I do fall asleep, only to be met by horrifying images. Not all of them are of James and the cliff, a lot of them are actually of wolves. A black one and a silver wolf fighting, killing each other over a sobbing girl.

“miss Compson! What did I just say?” the teacher yelled throwing a book on his desk. I jumped and looked at him. Not knowing what to say.

“ I is an important asset to our lives?” I mumbled. The teacher looked shocked and nodded his head.

“i guess you were listening, try to pry your pretty little head out of the clouds” he snapped. I jumped slightly and nodded. He opened his mouth to add more but the bell silenced him. I smirked slightly and quietly ran out of the class room.

I made it to the lunch room and slumped down in my seat. I rested my head on the table and closed my eyes. I felt a cold hand on neck. I could tell it was a man, but I could tell which man It was. I slightly began to panic.

“don't freak Lia, its just me” Edward said. I tensed, we still weren't on speaking terms. All this time he had ignored me to be with his Bella. And that hurt. Sure I ignored him to, but he believed a lie, a dumb fucking lie. I sighed and rubbed my eyes again and noticed I was crying. I sniffled. “Lia, listen. I'm sorry.”

“okay” I muttered. I was to tired to fully realize that he read my mind, and I just let the cat out of the bag. Edward pulled me into his chest and rubbed my back. “I’m sorry I thought mean things towards your girlfriend, and ignored you” I muttered.

I felt him chuckle. “i looked at the tapes Lia. Charlie showed them to me. He was pretty upset knowing Bella was treating you like this” he said into my hair. I shrugged.

“charlie is a good guy.” I said. I yawned. “Eddie, can you or Emmett, or both, take me home? I'm so tired.” I mumbled, my eyes sliding closed.

When I woke up next I was sprawled out on three cold bodies. I groaned and rolled over. Who was I sleeping on?! I lifted my hand and felt around for faces. I smacked the first body in the nose I felt his hair, cut short, muscular body. “ Emmett” I said, I moved on to the next, slightly long curly hair and a small smirk on his face. “jasper” I named. I tried to reach the third body, but they kept moving away from me. I groaned slightly. “and Edward. What time is it my lovelies?” I asked. I rubbed my eyes.

“how did you do that?” jasper asked chuckling. I laughed, and opened my eyes to look at him.

“its a secret my dear.” I said. I looked around. We were in my house for a change. The T.V was on and playing a batman movie. I watched for a minute and concluded that it was 'Batman Begins'. I smiled at the movie.

“it's uh, 2:30 in the morning” Edward answered my question. I groaned. I was never going to get back to sleep now! Edward chuckled. I leaned my head back on Emmett's lap and stared at the ceiling.

“tomorrow is Saturday right?” I asked. The three boys nodded. “it is also Bella's birthday, correct?” once again they nodded. I jumped up and ran to my closet hopping Alice would already know what I was gonna do. I sat on my floor and pulled out a small journal. I opened it quickly. The pages were cut so there was a hidden compartment in them. I hid money there every now and then. I had money, in the bank, from when my mom died. She left me a crap ton of money and my dad never touched it, so it just grew and grew. But I still hid money for times like these.

I grabbed the money quickly and threw open my closet. I grabbed some jeans and a long sleeve shirt that said 'bite me' on the side. I chuckled but threw it on anyway. I pushed the money in my pocket and grabbed my keys. I swung open my door to face a smiling Alice.

“you my dear are a genius” she said a laughed. I chuckled and we walked down the stairs. Edward was smiling slightly while Emmett and jasper were still in the dark. I smirked.

“come on! We are going shopping. And were going to throw Bella a party and she's going to love it regardless if she knows it or not” I said. Emmett laughed and picked me up. In an instant we were in my car with Edward, Alice, and Jasper driving in front of us. I looked at Emmett, he was thinking hard about something. He was worried.

“emmey? Sweetie what's wrong?” I asked. He slowed at a stop light. He looked at me. His golden eyes studied me.

“i just wanna tell you how much I love you.” he said holding my hand. I watched him closely. I smiled though. I was now worried about him.

“i love you to, emmey. “ I told him honestly. I watched him smile, and look at the now green light. But the worry never left his face. I furrowed my brows slightly but smiled to comfort him.

The car ride to port angelus was fun, Emmett made jokes and we sang along to the music playing through my speakers. I was still worried about his odd behavior before but I brushed it off so the others didn't notice. Not a lot of the stores were open but we found a few.

About two or so hours later we sat in a coffee shop. They were just opening, and I needed food. Of course no one was in but the tired workers. I wondered why they were open so early but figured it was a big town of course some people are bound to be up.

“what can I get for ya?” an old women asked me. She was looking at the Cullens. I looked down and mumbled a mt. Dew and some fancy sounding chocolate cookie. She nodded taking my order. She turned to jasper who just ordered water, that happened three more times before she gave us one more look. When here eyes reached mine she looked almost happy.

I cocked my head to the side wondering what she was thinking, but figured I didn't want to know. People constantly told me how I was just a dull add on. I leaned my head on the window and looked at the family before me.

They all are so beautiful and flawless. All had they're very own quirks and personalities. I looked down at myself, finding I was incredibly boring compared to them. I brushed it off, not wanting to wallow in it.

“so, Bella, what's her deal with her birthday?” I asked. Edward groaned as Alice and Emmett laughed. I chuckled.

“she feels old, she thinks I’m gonna turn her away because one day she'll be old and wrinkly” Edward explained sounding suddenly exhausted. I nodded.

“well I see her point. Although she's being foolish about it. I mean, that’s far, far down the road, she's only turning 18, she's gonna be a women!” said. They stared at me for a moment. “what? Don't look at me like that, I can be deep when I want to”

“oh babe, you're so right its funny” Emmett said wrapping an arm around me. I laughed and kissed his cheek.

“but she seriously dreads her birthday, your little plan is gonna be interesting to say the least” jasper murmured. He placed his arm on Alice's shoulder and pulled her close. I smiled at the simple gesture. I looked at Edward.

“just be gentle with her feelings about being old. I mean, in her mind it didn't click that you are a pedophile.” I told Edward smiling. He looked at me and smiled. He reached up and ruffled my hair.

“I’m glad you two are siblings again, because jeez can you two whine!” Emmett said laughing and leaning into my side. I rolled my eyes and kissed his head. He chuckled.

The old women came back with our orders. And set everything down. She looked around again but wouldn't look at me. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. She left with out another word, leaving the bill barley on the table. I looked at Edward but he looked just as confused.

I shrugged and enjoyed my time with my family before we began setting up for Bella's birthday. I snuggled into Emmett's side. I nasty feeling snarled itself into the pit of my stomach. Something bad was going to happen, I could feel it. I shrugged it of as knowing Bella was going to give us hell for her birthday.
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i'm sorry for the late update guys! my dad is really really sick so i was helping him. gosh i'm so worried about him.
anyway! i love comments.....just gonna you know, throw that out there.