Sequel: Living with Monsters
Status: active, active, very active!

The Monsters in the Rain.

chapter seventeen: now she'll have a cool story to tell her imaginary friends.

I sat at the Cullen's table, eating cookies bella had made for me. It was about an hour before her party. Edward was with bella and charlie, giving us time to set everything up. Which we did and were now finished. I closed my eyes and listened to the quite house. Everyone was out hunting before tonight.

"did you get any sleep after your shopping spree?" carlisle asked suddenly in front of me. I jumbed and ended up falling out of my chair. Cold arms wrapped themselves around me to prevent me from crashing to the floor. I looked up at carlisle with wide eyes. His face was mere inches from mine.


i ran into the office, pausing to listen to Dahlia's studdering heart beat. I looked around the room, suddenly anxious. I was in the kitchen in a moment, standing infront of Dahlia. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing deeply. Her scent swirlied around the kitchen mixing with the smell of cookies.

" Did you get any sleep after your shopping spree?" i asked. Noticing the slight darkness under her eyes. She jumped and fell from her chair. She was in my arms in an instant. I looked down at her, realizing how close our faces were.

I stopped breathing. My skin tingled with her in my arms. I studied her, she was truly beautiful. She wasn't flawless like the vampires but her flaws only added to her beauty. There was a small scar on her upper lip, and a small freckle on the side of her nose. The small things that made her chacter.

But her eyes. Her eyes were the her best assest. Bright apple green eyes with deep brown flecks, beautiful. We stared at each other for a long moment. I picked her up and set her back on the chair. I ruffled her curled hair and smiled.

"try not to die today, Lia, that would be an awful mess" i joked trying to lift the awkward mood. She chuckled and looked at me.

"it seems you're never gonna get a break from your doctor duties" she said back to her normal smiling state. I chuckled and nodded. She coughed slightly and looked around. "where is everyone, bella's gonna be here in a few minutes"

"on there way back." i muttered. She nodded. A moment passed before my cell rang. Dahlia wondered out of the kitchen to sit in the living room. I put the phone to my ear.

"hello" i said. I watched Dahlia.

"hello Carlisle. Bella and i are on our way." edward spoke through the phone. I nodded to myself.

"yea, thats what Dahlia just told me." i said inspecting a glass table that was sitting near the corner of the kitchen. There was a moment of silence and i wondered if Edward could read my mind from where he was. I shrugged my shoulders and told myself he couldn't.

" that is odd" Edward muttered into the phone. I looked out the window to see Emmett walking into the yard. A bright smile on his face. I looked to were he was staring at, Dahlia sat on the couch making faces out the window to him. A slight pang of jealousy rippled through my body.

"what is?" i asked curiosly. Another moment of silence passed.

"i didn't tell anyone we were on our way, and bella forgot her phone at our home" Edward told me through the phone. I arched my eyebrow.

"maybe she has good timing, lets not look into this at the moment, huh? Lets have a good night." i told him. He mumbled an okay and hung up the phone. I looked to the living room. Dahlia was no longer there, probably getting her presents for bella from its hiding spot. I sighed and leaned on the counter.


i looked around the room as bella walked through the door. The sicking feeling twisted itself deep inside my gut. Something was going to happen. I shrugged it off foolishly as we sung happy birthday to bella.

The smell of vanilla swirled around the room from the hundrends of candles we had put around the living room. It was dim in the room but we could see perfectly fine. I leaned against Emmett as bella opened her gift from him.

" it's a radio! Already installed in your car!" he boomed with laugher. I chuckled. That truck was a peice of shit, but she loved it to death. She moved onto my gift and paused. I smiled and walked up to her to help.

She got the wrapping off and gasped at me. I smiled at the portait of bella and edward. I had taken the picture earlier but i had it professionly worked on and upsized so it would stand to her hip. They both looked breath takingly beautiful in it.

"oh my god! It's beautiful! Thank you Dahlia" she breathed. Her eyes still staring at it. I smiled and pointed to the box sitting next to it. She looked at me oddly but still opened it.

In the box laid a deep royal blue dress, purple thread out lined the bust and straps. It would strech to her knees. She looked at me in awe, i just smiled. "you look so great in blue, so i expect you to wear this often." i said gently. The twisting knot in my stomach growing. She smiled and hugged me.

"thank you, it's beautiful" she said smiling. I laughed a little and took a small step back as she picked up another gift. She opened it and hissed in pain. The ugly feeling in my stomach exploded and i knew, this was it. This was the bad thing that was going to happen.

I saw the bright red blood first, then the shock on her face "paper cut" she mumbled trying to smiled. I looked to jasper with fear in my eyes. Hunger was written on his face. Edward pushed bellla back, on her way flying to the glass table she grabbed my arm, yanking me with her.

I hissed in pain and looked to find a large shard of glass sticking into my side. I inwardly groaned as i noticed it was on my scarred side. I looked to bella and noticed she was also bleeding. I pulled myself up and rushed us into Carlisle's office. I looked over my shoulder to see Jasper's gulity riddled eyes watching us.

Carlise was in his office in an instant and took Bella's hand and led her to his desk. I leaned on the wall. He began working on her first. I looked down. The glass was still sticking out of my side. I held my breath as i pulled it out. I dropped it into a metal bin and held my side tight.

Carlisle was finished with Bella in what seemed like hours. Blood was seeping through my fingers and i was becoming dizzy. I was watching them to avoid freaking myself out. Carlisle's nose crinkled and he looked at me. His face seemed to drain of any color they didn't have. He was at my side within a secong. His cold fingers pressed to my wound.

"Bella, go check on the boys for me. Dahlia, i'm going to need you to take your shirt off" Carlisle said in a rush as he wizzed around the room collecting supplies.

"that's kinda kinky" i said trying to be funny, but due to the loss of blood it came out a slur. I took off my blood soaked shirt and gabbed onto the wall for support. Carlisle led me to the desk and told me to lay down so he could work.

"this might hurt, i'm sorry Dahlia" he said. I looked at him, his eyes looking into mine.

"i know, it's okay" i said. He began sowing me up and i could feel every prick and pull of the needle. I could feel the dulling pain of my wound. I thought of other things, back when i first met emmett. Technically it was that day in the rain, when his family drove by. I wasn't happy then, i was so sad. Then that day in the gym and he sat next to caleb and i. We watched "Finding Nemo" and the school thought we were all freaks, but it was okay.

What was going to happen now? I know that the famiy, my family, aren't going to just shrugg this off. They're going to want to protect us. I know this. Why couldn't i just push her out of the way? Why coulndn't i get her out of there quicker? I could have prevented this!

I was suddenly very angry at myself. I know Jasper is going to blame himself. Although he should not. He is a god damn vampire! He has the right to drain us dry. But he didn't and that was the point. He held his last shred of decincy together and didn't attack us.

And i was thankful for that.

"Dahlia?" i heard Carlise's voice but didn't want to react. "Dahlia? Can you hear me?" i nodded but didn't look at him. I felt ashamed of myself.

"yea i can hear you Carlisle" i said finally. I put my hands over my face for a moment. I felt cold hands on my side. "it's okay jasper, i don't blame you. It looks kinda cool right? I'll have a cross forever on my side"

i didn't hear anything so i looked at him. His face told me he was crying. I sat up and hugged him. He hugged me back tightly. " i could have hurt her. I could have killed her Lia, all because i couldn't controll myself." he said into my bare shoulder.

"but you didn't, you didn't kill her. And now she'll have a cool story to tell her imaginary friends" i said. Then it hit me. He said her, her, her, her. I held my anger deep inside so he couldn't feel it. He was right. She was hurt, and she was in risk.

I pulled away, looking for my shirt. I felt a cold hand on my back and turned around. Carlisle held out one of Emmett's shirts for me. I thanked him and put it on. I glanced around the room, looking for Emmett. He was no where to be found.

"he's talking with Edward." Jasper said from next to me. My eyes widened.

" No! No! No!" i said getting louder with each 'no'. The two of them looked at me. I rushed down the stairs and found Edward and Emmett talking in the kithen.

"Dahlia!" Edward said surpised. He looked at me for a long moment.

"Don't even think about it! If you do, i will be so pissed!" i said. They both looked at me, then at each other.

"Dahlia, we aren't going to do anything tonight. Come on lets have ice cream and watch a movie" Edward said gently. I was suddenly aware of how tired i was. I looked to Emmett.

"come on, love" Emmett said. I looked at them one last time and fallowed.

'we aren't going to do anything tonight' Edward's words stuck in my thoughts as i was lulled to sleep by Emmett's soft humming. I wished noticed the twisting feeling hadn't left the pit of my stomach. I wish i cought his play on words. I wish i didn't just allow them to persuade me so easyily.
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don't hate me because i didn't update like i usually do. i'm sorry. a lot of things are coming up and i feel like i'm gonna rip my hair out! haha
comment and tell me how you are liken it? i love feedback ^.^