Sequel: Living with Monsters
Status: active, active, very active!

The Monsters in the Rain.

chapter eighteen: are you an angel Gabriel?

“i love you Dahlia” Emmett said that. He was telling me this now, as he stared into my eyes. He was watching me, but I was watching him also. My heart was tearing and sputtering in my chest. I could feel it climbing its way into my throat.

“then why are you leaving!” my anger took control and I shouted at him. He physically flinched as if I had struck him. “why, Emmett? If... if its because of Bella's birthday-”

“this is about protecting you. I agree with Edward for once. Leels please understand. I love you and I want you to be safe from danger. Don't be angry.” he said. He walked up to me and cupped my checks making me look into his golden orbs.

After a painful silence I looked away. “i understand. I just... I want you to know, that I- I love you” I sobbed. I composed myself again and looked at him. “i love you Emmett. And nothing will change that. I'm not angry with you.” I told him what he wanted to hear. I wasn't angry with him, or Edward, or Bella, I was angry with myself. I was angry that I couldn't be good enough.

I looked up and Emmett was gone. I was alone in the forest. I kicked the nearest tree and screamed in agony. The agony of my heart being tared apart by my family. The people who promised they would stay with me, and never leave. I kicked and punched the various trees around me.

I stumbled around until I found a patch of untouched forest. It was a clearing of sorts, not Edward and Bella's clearing, that was up the mountain. This sheltered a pond by its edge and sunlight broke through the trees. I sank to the floor of the clearing and began crying.

Hearing a twig snap I slowly turned my gaze to it. Hoping that it was Emmett telling me it was just a sick joke. I only found a silver furred wolf. At this point I knew I should have been scared and run to the safety of my home, but I didn't. I watched him slowly walk to me.

“can I cry into your fur? It looks soft and I just need to cry before I act brave in front of everyone.” I am sure I have lost my mind but at this point I didn't care. The wolf padded its giant paws so it was sitting next to me, he looked at me, dead in the eyes. His deep brown eyes looked almost human. The more I stared into them the more I thought I have seen them before.

He leaned over and licked my cheek causing a hallow giggle to erupt from my lips. I buried my head in its furry chest and cried. “my boyfriend, he l-l-left, he said he was protecting me. But I don't feel safe with myself. I- I- I don't have anyone any more. They all left. My mom, she died when I was little, attacked by a mountain lion they said. My father, he left me when I was 7 years old. I found out that he might still be here, I was told a name, but I can't remember. My only friend, he left to live with his boy friend. And my boyfriend's family, who had supposedly excepted me as part of the family, who I had come to call my family, just fucking left.” I finished my rant feeling light headed.

I looked at the wolf, noticing small features. Small patches of brown fur scattered around him. His tall was big a puffy. His eyes though, they shook me to the core. They were so human, so sad, and angry. So much anger hid behind the brown iris'. He reached over and licked my cheek again.

“why are you so angry, my wolf” I asked not realizing I was speaking aloud once more. He stared at me for a long time. I stood up and dusted myself off. “well, when you get to your home, tell the black wolf, I said hello”

I began walking to my house. It wasn't a home, I was hardly there. When I made it to my porch I walked into my house. The cold harsh air hit me all at once. I walked around the house, it was sad. I decided to head over to Bella's home to see if she was okay.

When I pulled into her drive way police lights were blazing, people were running around like headless chickens, and charlie was talking to Jacob. He looked as if he was going to break down. I ran over to him and put a hand on his arm. He looked at me. Sadness, anger, and panic evident in his eyes.

“ have you seen Bella? She's missing” Charlie tried to sound professional but I heard the barley audible crack in his voice. I shook my head no.

“ I’m so sorry Charlie, I was, I was caught up in something and didn't realize she was going through it to.” I said barley above a whisper. Jacob looked at me sharply.

“what happened?” charlie asked. I looked at him dead in the eyes.

“the Cullens left”

they both stared at me. Charlie knew how attached Bella was to Edward, but he also knew the same for Emmett and I. He always cared and noticed small things like that. He was a good man. He cared for me when no one else did, and has watched my back since I saved his daughter from James. Charlie gave me a quick awkward but sincere hug.

“we found her!” someone shouted. We all turned our heads to the direction of the forest. I saw a shadow of a person walking out of the trees. It was tall and muscular and I figured it was a man. I then noticed he was carrying something, Bella.

He walked closer, and stopped in front of charlie. I looked at him and realized it was Sam. I tensed up and slowly scooted closer to Jacob, who had also tensed up. I looked at Bella she was a sleep, murmuring Edward's name. I winced knowing her pain.

I felt eyes on me so I looked up. Sam and Jacob were both watching me. Charlie took Bella into their home and I began walking to my car. I felt a warm hand on my arm. I turned around to see Sam looking at me with pain in his eyes. I stopped and watched him.

“i know you are going through the same pain.” he said. He sounded much older almost like a father. I continued walking to my car. I knew he was fallowing me. I opened my door and reached under the seat. I found the extra large shirt and handed it to him.

“when I was little, my father told me stories of wolves who protected us. He told me that if I were to come across one, to give him a shirt, because he doesn't like wondering around shirtless any more than we like to see it” I explained as he put the shirt on. He chuckled and smirked at something I knew I didn't know about.

“he was wise” he said. The shirt fit snugly on him. “where is he now?”

I looked at him, I finally noticed what people where talking about. We looked similar, even now the way we were standing. Legs shoulder width apart, shoulders back, head held high. Something itched at me, something I should be remembering. I pushed it away and sat in my car, leaning my head on the seat.

“ I, uh, don't know.” I said not looking at him. I faced write and put my seat belt on and glanced at him. “this is probably stupid of me, but I don't want to be alone. Will you come home with me? You don't have to stay. I just, I need someone, I need a friend.” I looked up to him. A sad smile set on his face.

“ you don't need to be alone right now. Come on, I’ll call my fiance she's an amazing cook.” he said as he got into the car. I smiled. Good I wasn't going to be alone.

~~ 2 months later~~

I ran, pushing myself hard. My jogging pants swished back and forth with each stride. I silently scolded myself for not grabbing a jacket and just going out in my sports bra. The rain pelted against my skin. The thunder and lightning echoing throughout the sky.

I didn't notice when I stopped or when I was on my knees wheezing. I looked up from the soaked side walk to see a church. The pain in my chest growing to be unbearable. I foolishly went running without taking my medicine. One hand clutched my chest while the other held the ground for feeble support.

“hello? Miss? Are you okay?” I heard a man's panicked voice. My vision blurred, the darkness surrounding me. I felt gentle hands helping me up and picking me up. “miss, what is your name?”

“Da- Da- Dahlia” I stuttered. My breaths becoming slow. “my h-h-heart is faulty. I'm F-f-fine.”

“ Dahlia, my name is Gabriel” his voice was tired.

“are you an angel Gabriel?” I whispered before I was succumbed in darkness.

When I opened my eyes I saw a painted ceiling. I sat up slowly to find I was covered in what looked like a priest's gown. A small blanket wrapped around my legs. I almost began to panic but I remembered I was running, my stupidity, fainting, and a man named Gabriel. I face palmed when I realized I had asked him if he was an angel.

“miss Dahlia! You are awake!” a familiar male voice exclaimed. I looked up to see a young man, maybe 25 or 27 walking towards me. I studied him closer, his black hair was cut short but styled to the front was sticking up a little. His hazel eyes watched me. His black jacket hugged him tightly, a red scarf like thing hung around his neck but was tucked into his jacket. Red rosary hung loosely around his neck. Oh, he's a cathalic priest.

He stopped in front of me and held out his hand. I eyed him uneasily. He smiled a little. “I’m sorry, my name is Gabriel, I found you last night.” he told me. I groaned as I realized.

“i remember now! Oh jeez, I'm sorry for bothering you.” I said. I jumped up a little to quickly and became light headed. His hand shot out and steadied me. I looked at him giving him a thanks.

“ you were not a bother, what happened? If you don't mind me asking” Gabriel asked. I looked around, noticing we were in a beautiful church, angels watched us with stone eyes.

“my heart doesn't work properly, I take medicine for it. I was jogging and pushed it to far. I realized to late that I forgot my meds.” I explained. He nodded. I scratched the bag of my head. I never went to church really. People looked down on me, for being outcasted by my father. I never felt safe, but here is different.

“the scar on your side, I couldn't help but notice it was a cross. Did you do that to yourself?” he asked gently. I chuckled and shook my head. I lifted the robes over my head and turned my scarred side to him.

“they are two different scars, see? This vertical one, I got when I was a little girl, and the horizontal one I got a couple months ago” I said. He looked me in the eye when I talked and when I finished he looked at my scar. I felt his fingers barley touching my side.

“what were the circumstances? If you don't mind me asking” he said. I chuckled.

“if I were embarrassed I wouldn't go running with only this. When I was a little girl, I was attacked, by these men.” I paused to sit down, he sat with me. I looked down. “um the other one, I was at my friend, Bella, her birthday party. We threw it for her, she turned 18. she was always clumsy, she fell and I tried to catch her, but ended up falling with her. She cut her arm, and I cut open my side. Ah man our boyfriends were pissed.” I looked down. Tears slid down my checks. I wiped them away.

I pretended to be happy for everyone. I pretended that I wasn't hurt or still broken. I took care of Bella when charlie was out. She kind of shut down. But lately shes been in La Push more and more, forgetting about me.

“they left after that. They said they were protecting us. Bella, she kind of shut off. So I stayed with her, I made her food, and made her eat. I listened to her cry for hours. I stayed in her room with her because she had nightmares. I did to, but she would scream in her sleep.” I stopped suddenly. I was rambling to him. Telling him my sob sorry. But he was listening, it was nice to have someone listen to me, not the other way around. “I’m sorry. I didn't mean to tell you all of that”

“i want to hear more. Some times, when we care for others we forget about ourselves. I think you have forgotten for to long.” he said. I looked at him, his hazel eyes looked older than the rest of him. These eyes belonged to an old man not a man in his middle twentys.
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oh my dear pretties! i updated early mostly because of my boredom, but also because i have to go to Seattle on Saturday and stay until Monday so i won't have meh laptop. so i can't update then. sorry.
anyway, tell me how you like it? how do you like Gabriel?