Sequel: Living with Monsters
Status: active, active, very active!

The Monsters in the Rain.

Chapter two: hey don't touch my sexy beast!


it's now lunch and i'm sitting under a tree, in the rain. Xander and Caleb were sitting under an umbrella, sharing it. I liked to sit in the rain, it felt as if the water could purifiy me. I leaned my head on the tree, looking up but with my eyes closed. I felt at peace, and I didn't know why really. I should be scared out of my wits, I didn't know where Jessie was. But Xander assured me he wouldn't hurt me while he was around. I had to trust him.

I felt like I was being watched, paniced I looked up. Xander and Caleb were grinning at me. I raised my eyebrow. Xander scooted over to me, his blonde hair quickly soaked. He lended close and whispered “the Cullen family seem to be staring at you. Damn girl you get all the hot boys.” he said. Caleb made a face and threw moss at Xander. It covered his face. I giggled.

He slowly picked up to handfuls of mos and flung them at Caleb and I. It landed down my shirt, I screamed with laughter, and thus the moss fight had begun. I hid behind a tree as Caleb hid above me sitting on a branch. Xander slowly walked towards me with moss in hand. He aimed at me but I ducked and hit him first, Caleb dropped down and smeared the moss under Xander's shirt, I roared with laughter. The boys soon fallowed in the laughing, we were interupted by the bell.

“dang now I have to go to gym!” I laughed as we walked to our classes.

“hey at least you have it with this sexy beast!” Caleb yelled, as he kissed Xander's cheek, that smarty had AP calculus. He chuckled.

“hey i'm watching you Lia, don't touch my sexy beast!” Xander shouted over his shoulder.

“what if I pay you?” I asked. He paused.

“would you pay me in.... trident layers?!” he said before walking into the building. I started laughing. Caleb shook his head.

“at least we know i'm worth trident layers” he said. I nudged him in the shoulder. He laughed.

We walked into the gym, I looked around the room. A certain brown haired muscular beautiful boy was leaning agaisnt the wall watching us. I poked Caleb in the side who started giggling. He looked around the room before looking at me. His eyes widened.

“DIBBS!!” we shouted together. I smirked.

“i said it first!” I said.

“what no! I did, hey you have a boyfriend!”

“so do you! And said boyfriend is practically my brother!” Caleb made a face. I won, I smirked satisfied. I turned to the teacher who walked out, it was a sub. We've had a sub for the last 2 weeks. He made a coughin noise.

“okay class! My name is jefferson, i'm your sub. We're gonna watch a movie... finding nemo”

“YES!!” Caleb and I shouted together and high fived. The other students rolled their eyes I caught a couple people mutter “freaks” I shrank back into my chair almost regretting the exciment. Almost, not quite.

“okay sit down, get settled....okay there now it's starting!” the sub annouced proudly. He turned the ligthts off and I snuggled into Caleb. I had a fear of the dark, always have. It only got worse since I moved here. I sighed. I looked to my left and jumped out of my skin and nearly screamed. The beautiful bronze eyed boy that I had called dibbs on was sitting so close that our shoulders were nearly touching.

My heart jumped painfully,i grabbed my chest and closed my eyes. I felt one extremly cold hand and one warm hand on each shoulder. Once my heart rate was normal I opened my eyes.

“your heart okay? Ah man do I have to go to that creepy hospital with her Lia? I mean your doctor, hot and all, but hospitals are scary, not worth it.” Caleb whined knowing I was fine. I chuckled.

“1) Caleb you have a boyfriend, 2) thats gross the dude is my doctor, try to make it more awkward for me please and 3) good to know I'm loved you ass” I rolled my eyes at him. When I finally remembered there was a handsome man sitting next to me, still touching me. I turned to look at him. And to make things worse, we were talking about his dad. “ sorry, i'm Dahlia, ignore that little freak out, wasn't expecting someone to be there, i'm a little jumpy.” I said looking closer to him. He smirked.

“yea, it's okay. Just you know, don't die, these are new pants. I'm Emmett by the way” he said with a glint of humor in his eyes. I smiled, he wasn't a dick like I pegged him for.

“i have better places to die. And those are some beast pants, never want to ruin those... but Caleb on the other hand might” I said snickering. Caleb looked at me and flipped me off.

“hey I have a boyfriend! And he's a sexy beast just so you know, and I loove to ruin his pants” he laughed. I chuckled while an uncomfterable looking Emmett laughed awkwardly.

“yea know stop scarying the poor kid, he's not used to your homo advantaces” I said nudgeing him in the shoulder.

“thats offensive I'm gonna tell Xander on you. Bitch”

“whore”i retorted

“slut” he didn't skip a beat.

“um, crap Emmett help me out here” I said. Emmett just burst in to a deep ground shaking laughter. He ruffled my hair and looked at Caleb, then me.

“bastard.” he said still laughing.

“dude, my parents were married dick I don't like you anymore” Caleb says with a straight face. I laughed at Emmett's face. I poked him in his hard chest

“don't listen to him. He loves you, you're probabley his best friend since you haven't called him a fag yet.” I said to him smiling. He smiled at me. Something hidden in his eyes.

“yea dude your cool, Lia you were right to call dibbs i'm jealous actually, oh wait I have a sexy beast waiting for me at my house.” he said. I rolled my eyes.

“you mean my house? That your just crashing at, cause your parents thought you moved out to make something of yourself?” I said. He looked at me and nodded,

“pretty much.” he said. I laughed as he pulled out his phone to text Xander, proabaly about Emmett.

“wait you called dibbs on me?” Emmett said. He made a face that I couldn't read. I laughed.

“yea, it was either me or the gay boy.” I said smiling at my feet, my checks turning red.

“hmmm, wouldn't taken my chances with the gay boy” he said mockingly. I looked at him wide-eyed.

“are you gay?!” I asked in fake shock. He snorted with laughter.

“no, i'm very straight.” he said still laughing I opened my mouth to say something but he beat me to it. “and yes i'm single. Just so you know” he said smirking.

“well i'm not” I mumbled. I looked at the time. 1 minute till the bell- never mind the bell just rung. I stayed where I was, not wanting to go to next class.

“DAHLIA!” I heard his voice shout at me from the door. I winced. Shit. I slowly got up and said my goodbyes to Emmett and told Caleb i'd meet Xander at the house. I slowly walked to my awaiting boyfriend. Once I got to him he looked pissed.

Uh oh. He grabbed my wrist, in such away I knew it'd bruise. He pulled me to a secluded part of the halway. He threw me agaisnt the wall. I whimpered. He grabbed my hair. “what the fuck was that! You whore!” he punched my stomach “its bad enough you hang out with those faggot freaks! But at least I know they won't touch you” he punched me again, harder. I slid to the floor wondering if someone would save me. No one came. He kicked me, twice. I knew some ribs were cracked. He bent down to look me in the eyes. “but no one wants a dirty whore.” he kicked me one last time before he walked away.

I slowly sat up, leaning agaisnt the wall. My entire body in pain. I sucked it up. Even though the pain was tramendious. I slowly got up and walked to my next class. Chemestry. I made it to class right before the bell rang. Sitting in the seats on either sides of my seat (the tables sit 3 people) where Emmett's brothers. Edward on the left, and jasper, aka Mr. seagull on the right. I slowly sat in my seat. Wincing at the pain everytime I moved. We were just being lectured. So I thought up ways to explain this latest injury. I could tell Xander what happened. The hall was burned in my brain, winced when I sighed.

“are you okay?” Mr. Seagull asked me. I looked at him and tried to smile.

“uh yea, i'm just tired, thats all, yea long day.” I said, trying to convince myself more than him. I turned back to the front. Maybe Xander could wrap my ribs again, he did it last time. I think we still have that ace-bandage. What did Jessie see that made him so mad? He couldn't think that Emmett was a threat? Right? Caleb and I probably scared him away with our sexy beast talk.

I heard Edward chuckle. I looked over to him, he was looking down. I would have said something funny, but I didn't want another broken rib, so I kept my mouth shut and looked at the clock. 5 minutes left. I skillfully pulled out my phone and texted Xander.

Me: Xander can you drive me home?' I waited, not even a minute later he texted back,

Xander: 'yea, you okay? And you must tell me about tall pale and buff on the way to the house'.I laughed which hurt, causing me to wince. i nodded to myself.

Me:' yea, yea, just don't be shouting it around please.' I texted back. I looked up and both Cullen's were looking at me. I looked at them.

“tall, pale, and buff, huh” jasper smiled. Hmm. Mr Seagul had a southern accent, maybe he was from texas. I smirked.

“uh yea, I ran into this... dude” I said. I was tired and i'm afraid i'm gonna pass out again. They laughed. The bell soon rang and they got up and turned to me. They begun walking away but they turned around and smirked at me.
“it was nice to meet you Dahlia” they said in unison. I shudddered.
“now thats creepy, i'm just gonna call you pod person Edward, and jasper your Mr. Segull” I said. Jasper turned his head to the side but still laughed. They walked out. I slowly got up cursing at myself for being stupid enough to get hurt this bad. I made it to the door when Caleb pulled me into a hug. With sent burning flares of pain through out my body. I screamed a little and bit my lip.

“ow, ow, ow. Sorry Caleb, its me I ran into-” I couldn't finish my sentence.

“Xander told me what that bastard has been doing to you. I'm so sorry I didn't see it Lia. Oh shit! What did he do now? God i'm gonna beat his ass” Caleb went on a little rant.

“i'm sorry, Lia but I was so worried after he pulled you out after gym. I thoughht he might kill you or something. Jesus its the ribs again huh?” Xander went into his own little rant. I stared at them. Love, pure family love burst into my heart. They were defending me.

“you guys are the best brothers ever. I love you guys.” I said. Then paused. “i would hug you but it hurts” they looked at me. Xander took one hand and Caleb took the other. They led me to my bug. And set me down in the passengers seat. I looked up and saw Jessie walking towards me, looking pissed off. I started shaking with fear. My heart rate increasing again. Caleb looked at me then to Jessie. He got up and ran infront of me.

“move fag, thats my girlfriend.” Jessie hissed at Caleb. Caleb cracked his knuckles. And drew his hand back. I jumped up and grabbed his hand.

“please don't Caleb, its not worth it.” I whispered, trying to not make a scene. Most of the students have left, there were still straglers though.

Jessie sneered. He jabbed his fingers into my ribs. “yes listen to the whore.” he kept jabbing my ribs, more pressure each time. I almost cried. Caleb grabbed me and gently pushed me behind him. I saw Xander behind Jessie. He tapped Jessie's shoulder when he looked Xander grabbed him by the hair and smashed his face into my bug's hood. He left a dent.

“shit!” both Caleb and I shouted at the same time. I dropped to my knees. His nose was gushing blood. I heard a faint hissing noise, but I brushed it off. “i think you broke his nose, shit, he needs to go to the hospital.” I said. They looked at me like I was stupid. I sighed. “he may be an evil bastard but he's still a person, come one help me get him in the car, I don't want blood in my bug” I said.
They sighed and helped me.

I was in the hospital room with Jessie. He was crushing my hand. He glared at me. “you are such a bitch, when this is done, were over, got that bitch? Over! I had you anyway” he spat at me. I nodded. I couldn't tell if I was happy or not. God i'm pathetic.

The doctor walked in and it was Dr. Cullen. He smiled at me and I shifted uncomfterably. He frowned and turned his gaze to Jessie. Who was all cleaned up and nose was set. “your free to go” he said curtly. That surprised me. He was always so nice. Jessie sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He jabbed his fingers into my side again.

“over” he spat at me. When he left the room I sat on the bed and closed my eyes. Wincing at my sides.

“are you okay Dahlia?” Dr. Cullen asked me gently, I had forgotten he was here. I shook my head no. I sighed. I needed to get my ribs looked at but I don't think he would understand. “if you need help, you can always ask me” he said gently. I looked at him with tear filled eyes.

“i'm scared Dr. Cullen.” I said quitely.
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okay, my subsribers, i love you! bear with me, i'm working on it.
enjoy this chapter. ummm comment, would be much loved!