Sequel: Living with Monsters
Status: active, active, very active!

The Monsters in the Rain.

chapter twenty: you're a good old wolfy pervert


I watched Dahlia sit on her living room table. She was trying to remember that I was her father. Embry slowly snuck away which I was happy about. This was a talk I had to have with my daughter. I took the few moments to realize how much she looked like her mother, Mindy, and how much she looked like me.

She possessed Mindy's blonde hair and green eyes, her shortness to. Her olive skin was a subtle mix between us both. She had already started to tan from playing football with the guys. But her nose and posture, the way she spoke she got that from me.

She began tapping her foot impatiently. I held in a chuckle. I noticed the rosary around her neck that the priest had given her. I didn't trust that man, I was thankful that he helped Dahlia but the way he acted around her. Like he knew something about her that she herself didn't know, it made me uneasy. But she trusted him, and saw something good in him.

Dahlia's head snapped up, and boy was she angry. She stomped over to me and punched me. I stumbled back a few steps and she hissed in pain. I chuckled a little, just like her mother. He glared at me.

“you left me! All alone!” she screamed at me. I flinched. That was something I hated, but I had to leave, it was no longer safe for her.

“I’m sorry.” I said quietly. She looked at me, regret fluttered through her eyes but she didn't let it show.

“you let me be attacked! You let me believe I wasn't anything to you!” she screamed. She threw a book and nailed me right in the forehead. I groaned. “you! You! All this time you let me believe that you were just a big brother! Just a friend! While the whole time you were my fucking father!”

“i know, I just. I had to make sure you were okay” I tried but she just glared at me.

“who else knows?!” she was still angry but didn't scream at me any more. Her anger always passed quickly.

“uh the whole pack, plus Emily.” I told her. Her face drained of color. I realized my slip at the same moment her face lit up with confusion.

“pack?” she questioned. I sighed and started walking towards the door. I knew she was fallowing me. I looked back at her.

“uh, don't be scared okay?” I told her. I was ashamed that I was only doing this now. She scoffed.

I took a deep breath and phased into my charcoal black wolf form.


I watched Sam, I mean my father phase into the black wolf that I had poured my heart out to. He turned around and walked up to me.

“what the fuck?! I fucking trusted you and I told you things I wouldn't tell anyone! You bastard!” I shouted at him. He put down his ears and bowed his head. I instantly felt bad. I sighed. “I’m sorry, you're still a bastard though”

he let out a wolfy laugh and went into the tree line. He walked out with only shorts on. I rolled my eyes and walked back inside my house. I walked into my closet and pulled out a box and dug through it. I found my father's I mean, Sam's old football shirt and held it in my hands.

I walked back down the stairs to find him waiting in the kitchen. “here” I tossed it to him. He caught it and looked at me.

“you still have this?” he asked. I nodded.

“yea, I have more of them, well of your shirts that you left behind.” I told him. He nodded. I looked down. “after you left I was attacked by these guys...” I told him the events in grueling detail. I needed him to know so that he wouldn't ask me later, in case I had a breakdown.

When I was finished he attacked me with a hug. I cried into his shoulder, I missed him. I miss my dad. I missed having him around swirling around in his chair and making cheesy jokes. I missed telling him about my day and making faces at each other.

“i am so sorry. I left because some vampires were after the guys in La Push and I wasn't going to stay but I convinced myself that you were better off. I blame myself everyday for leaving you on your own” Sam said, tears ran down his face. I whipped them away.

“it's okay. Look I have this nifty scar on my side, kinda makes me feel special.” I said pointing to the cross.

“what happened with the other one?” he asked. I winced a little. “did that leech do this!”

“no! God, that leech has a name! But no, technically Bella did, but it wasn't her fault either.” I said. He made me tell him the truth about what happened and lets just say he was livid.

“you're okay now.” he said trying to calm himself. I chuckled a little. A thought struck me.

“who is the silver wolf?” I asked. Sam looked at me with a smirk on his face.


“oh sweet baby Jesus! I'm gonna go jump off a fucking bridge!” I shouted at my ceiling. Sam started laughing and I had to laugh with him. “i told him he had soft fur, and looked like an old wolfy pervert”

we started laughing until we had tears in our eyes. I heard the front door open then close. I peeked around the corner, it was Paul. I started laughing again. I ran to my room realizing I was just in my sports bra and jogging pants.

I quickly changed into my pajama shorts and a thin long sleeve shirt that said 'I love that wolfy grin'. I put my hair up in a bun and put on my socks. I walked down the stairs and they looked at me. Paul smirked at me and Sam reached over and smacked the back of his head. I laughed and walked past them.

“love that wolfy grin huh?” Paul said suddenly behind me. I rolled my eyes and sat on the counter with my chocolate ice cream.

“Xander bought this for me before we even came to Washington” I told him. He laughed and jumped up next to me. I leaned my head on his warm shoulder.

“arm length a part you two” Sam said. I laughed and scooted closer to Paul which made him laugh nervously. “Lia to much ice cream will make you fat” he teased lovingly. I gasped and threw my spoon at his face.

“nice Lia” Paul snickered. Sam glared at him. I laughed.

“am I gonna turn into a wolf? That would be odd” I mused. Paul tensed next to me and Sam laughed a little.

“no, you have majority of human genes so you shouldn't turn into a wolf” Sam answered me. Paul and I seemed to let out the same breath of relief. I looked at him curiously.

“lets go out for dinner eh?” Sam said noticing the slight tension. I nodded and hopped down looking for my shoes. It was probably 9ish pm so I didn't feel like changing.

“is that what you're wearing?” Paul nearly growled. I turned to look at him.

“yes.” I said simply. He failed to suppress a growl. I glared softly at him. “what's wrong with this? Huh” my patience wearing thin.

“nothing” he said his voice tight. I let out my own little growl and turned on my heel and walked to my room. I found a pair of skinny jean and threw them on and walked down the steps. Sam was scolding Paul about something. I put on my shoes and started walking to the door.

“come on, I’m hungry” I said. Sam chuckled and walked to the door. He walked to his car and got in.

“you two, in the back. You better be in each others good graces before we get there or I’ll make you hold hands for the entire month.” Sam told us. I chuckled at him and got in the car. Paul did the same. Sam put on the radio so he couldn't listen to us. I rolled my eyes knowing he will regardless.

“I’m sorry Leels, I just don't want any other guy to look at you” Paul confessed. I winced with the word Leels, it still stung my heart.

“it's fine” I muttered not looking at him, I knew if I did I would instantly forgive him.

“no it's not, I didn't have the right. Don't be mad. What do I have to do for you to believe me?” he asked. I looked at him with a grin on my face. “your not going to ride me!” he shouted.

Sam stopped the car so fast Paul hit his forehead on the seat in front of him. I roared with laughter. I even started to snort a couple times. Paul growled and rubbed his head.

“i didn't mean like that.” he growled. I laughed even harder when Sam began driving and Paul his head on the seat behind him. “stop that!”

“stop talking to my daughter like that!” Sam shouted back. I laughed.

“thought you couldn't hear us!” I laughed. They rolled their eyes. Paul looked back at me a goofy grin on his face. He scooted closer to me and I leaned into his chest and started laughing all over again.

“your a good old wolfy pervert” I laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay my lovies! the story is comming to an end. BUT! fear not, i am going to write a squel (if you guys want of course) but this story isn't over just yet, there are more chapters, stuff is going down!!!
you guys make me proud! i love my commenters and my readers! you guys push me to write more! i know i say that all the time, but its the truth!!
keep reading, keep telling how you like it.