Sequel: Living with Monsters
Status: active, active, very active!

The Monsters in the Rain.

chapter twenty-one: Scream Dahlia! Scream! Louder!

“You whore!” Bella shouted at me as she threw a lamp. It hit me square in the chest, literally. I hissed in pain as the pottery sliced my skin. “ You stay with Sam and Paul! You cling to them like a pathetic WHORE!”

I flinched as she yelled, her words cutting my heart. I bit my lip trying to stop the tears. “ Bella, it's not like that!” I whispered hoping she would listen. She flung a book at me.

“what would Emmett say?! What would he think of his little princess turning into a busy kneed whore” she hissed at me. I stared at her, my brain shutting down. “oh I know what he would say”

I fell to the floor, grabbing my chest. Blood slowly seeped through my fingers. “please Bella, why are you doing this?” I cried. She laughed and neeled next to me so she was eye level with me.

“he would leave, taking his entire family with him. He would never want to come back. You drove them away Dahlia! It's your fault!” she screamed at me. She laughed and got up and walked out of the house, without a second glance.

I grasped my chest tighter and tried to stand. It hurt but I found leaning against the wall eased the pain, a little. I stumbled down the hall, leaving a trail of blood behind me. Tears flowed down my cheeks. A few more stumbles and I was gazing down a fuzzy set of stairs. I took a step but ended up falling the whole way down.

I laid on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. My shoulders were numb and I could hear my slowing pulse. I dragged myself up, screaming in pain. I leaned against the wall again. I vaguely heard the door open, then close.

“I’m home!” it was charlie....charlie! I tried to cry out to him, but my voice was just a whisper. I took a shaky step but fell. My face collided with the floor painfully. I opened my eyes, and closed them again, unable to believe what I was seeing.
Emmett sat in front of me, but it wasn't him. It was a ghost of him, I could see through him. He was still as beautiful as ever. He did not smile, he stared sadly at me. I felt warm liquid on my forehead.

“scream Dahlia. Please scream. Tell him you're here!” he nearly shouted at me. I tried to scream but my voice was nothing but a harsh whisper. “louder!”

“Charlie! Help!” it wasn't a loud scream, but it was good enough. I heard heavy boots hitting the hard wood floor. I heard charlie say something but I couldn't understand, I could feel his cold fingers, then his warm jacket, then nothing.


“how long until she wakes up do you think?” I heard someone say. Sam! It was Sam! He sounded scared. There was a long pause.

“a couple minutes, a couple seconds, not sure” a cold voice said. I couldn't place it. I groaned and tried to move but I was stopped by something.

“Dahlia? Dahlia can you hear me? Can you open your eyes?” the cold voice said again rather harshly, like he was bored.

“i don't know, is your face as ugly as your voice?” I quipped back. I heard a snort of laughter. I felt my lips smirk. I opened my eyes to find myself in a hospital. I immediately tensed. Sam was at my side and grasped my hand.

“what happened?” he asked. I looked around the room. Charlie stood in the doorway, Bella smirking evilly next to him. Paul stood next to Sam, his eyes worried. And to my right sat Gabriel, he looked sad, like he was going to cry. And next to him, a doctor in white coat.

“i- uh don't... know” I answered awkwardly. Of course I knew, but I didn't, couldn't, tell them. It wasn't her fault. She was just angry.

“what do you remember?” Sam asked gently. I looked down, scrunching up my face.

“uh, eating cheerios” I lied. They looked at me shocked. Was that to far? Damn I hope they don't ask more questions I’m a horrible liar.

“okay, okay. Come one, she needs her rest. Now, miss Compston, you need to stay over night so we can watch that concussion. Uh, you won't have any scaring. Most damage was from the fall.” the cold doctor told me. I nodded and tried not to panic. The doctor left without another word. I leaned against the pillow and sighed.

Soon charlie and Bella left, saying their goodbyes. Paul told me he would pick me up in the morning and that left just Gabriel, Sam, and I. Sam was falling asleep in the chair, so really it was only Gabriel and I. We watched the T.V not really paying attention.

“i know you remember, Dahlia” Gabriel finally said. I sighed. He grasped my hand.

“promise not to tell?” I asked.

He only nodded.


I pretended to fall asleep so Dahlia could talk with Gabriel. She has grown close to the holy man, we all have. He still looks at Paul and I with a distant fear but he protects Dahlia with his life, so I must approve. Although there is nothing romantic going on...for now.

“i know you remember, Dahlia” Gabriel told her in a hushed whisper. I knew it was wrong to snoop in their conversation but I also knew she was lying, what I didn't know, was why she was protecting her attacker.

“promise not to tell?” she asked, her voice small and weak. I suppressed a growl knowing that we were correct. I secretly hoped that she had just fallen and landed on something sharp. At least then, no one would have been trying to hurt her.

“Bella, she was so angry-” she began her story but was interrupted.

“ Bella did this to you?” Gabriel said, almost shouted.

“will you let me tell you the fucking story?” her voice was low, and I knew the stress was getting to her. She took a deep breath and started again. “ Bella, she was so angry, I didn't know why. She just started screaming and throwing things. She...called me names, and told me I was the reason that Emmett and Edward left.”

“oh, honey, I'm so sorry” his accent was getting thick. That was something about him that always interested me. His past, his history.

“but she was right, gabe. She was totally right! I was selfish and took them for granted. I was reckless and stupid for believing I was ever good enough for them. They were so perfect. I just, ugh! I miss them! All of them. For a long time they were my only family, and they protected me! I was foolish, and now I hurt” I could hear the tears in her voice. My hands began trembling. I knew she wasn't healed from their abandonment. How could she when she was taught to suppress her emotions and put people first.

“don't say that! You are perfect Dahlia. Now. I have good news, but I won't tell you if you don't smile for me” Gabriel was trying to make her smile, I was thankful for him. She giggled and I assumed she smiled. “okay, I got you a singing performance! Its in a cafe by the church, do you wanna do it?”

“oh my god! Gabriel! When?” she was ecstatic. I heard the bed creak and then small hands on my shoulder shaking me lightly. “daddy! Dad get up! Guess what?”

my world froze. I opened my eyes to see bright green orbs looking down at me. Happiness bloomed in my heart. A smile creeped to my face. She called me dad. She hasn't done that since she was a little girl. My smile widened.

She called me dad.


as soon as the words came flying out of my mouth I paused. I had called Sam dad. I had been doing it secretly when I talked to Xander. His smile widened and so did mine. I missed him, my dad. So I was okay calling him dad.

He was my father after all.

“what Lia?” happiness still evident in his voice.

“I’m going to sing! Can you believe it?” I told him happily. He hugged me carefully. I sat back on the bed and covered my cold body with the blanket.

“when?” dad asked as he stood up and stretched. I looked to Gabriel for help.

“uh, day after tomorrow.” he said. He was tired I could tell.

“well get some rest you two.” dad said, the smile still on his lips. “I’m gonna find food, I’m starving”
♠ ♠ ♠
oh my god! its soooo hot! yes washington gets hot, extrememly hot! it was 101 degrees (farhenhieght) today!
anyway i hope you guys realize that it does take a while to call a parent that was gone from your life mom or dad. when i re-met my dad i didn't call him dad right away (i still kinda don't) and i re-met him when i was 14 (2 years ago). so yea, it takes awhile.
tell me what you think!