Sequel: Living with Monsters
Status: active, active, very active!

The Monsters in the Rain.

chapter twenty-two: dang leels staring at my butt?

I giggled as Sam drove Paul, Gabriel, and I to the cafe were I was to sing. Paul and Gabriel was talking about making faces while I sang. Sam would laugh and make suggestions. I smiled at the boys. They had all become close with each other which I was extremly happy about.

“we're here” Sam sang as he pulled into the parking lot. I giggled with nervousness. I looked out the window. A black Mercado bendz was pulling into an empty space on the other side of the parking lot. I stared at it, a familiar feeling settling in my stomach. I knew that car.

“Dahlia? Are you okay?” Gabriel's voice was next to me. I contuied staring at the car. The passengers weren't getting out of the car. I shook my head. I turned to him and smiled.

“just nervous” I said. He grinned and grabbed my hand and pulled me into the cafe.

“Dahlia?” I nodded at the short women. “great! So the theme today is red. Do you know the band?” her voice was bigger than she was but I didn't mind. She was the only person who was shorter than I was.

“yes” I told her trying to sound confident. She smiled.

“good, good! So you'll be singing three songs of your choice. Tell them to the guitarist. Any questions?” she told me fast. I looked at her for a moment. We were standing on the stage, my guatiar hanging from my thin shoulders. I was standing in front of a microphone.

“yes actually, the song, “the red”. Chevelle sings it. Could I sing that as one of my songs. Since its red theme.” I asked her. She stared at me for a moment but broke out into a grin.

“yes! I never thought about that!” she beamed. I smiled as she walked away. That wasn't really a genius thought. But I guess to her it was. I shrugged my shoulders and told the man with the guitar on his lap my choices. He nodded and people began to count down to when they pulled the curtain.

“THREE” I could hear the whispers of the people on the other side.

“TWO” it became silent, I could only hear the band's breathing.

“ONE” they announced my name, I heard cheering. The curtain opened to reveal a cafe full of people. I found sam's eyes first, he gave me a thumbs up.

A distant piano began playing. Everyone grew quite, their eyes settled on me. I closed my eyes.

“tried to walk together, but the night was growing dark. Thought you were beside me, but I reached and you were gone. Sometimes I hear you calling from some lost and distant shore. I hear you crying for the way it was before.” I sang. I felt myself replaying my pain of loosing Emmett in the song lyrics.

“where are you now? Are you lost? Will I find you again? Are you alone? Are you afraid? Are you searching for me? Why did you go? I had to stay. Now I’m reaching for you. Will you wait? Will you wait? Will I see you again?”

I opened my eyes. Everyone was either crying or singing along softly. I looked at everyone. My eyes feel upon familiar golden orbs. Emmett? I looked at him. He wasn't transparent he was there, watching me.

I must be hallucinating.


I watched her sing, such a beautiful song. She had everyone in her grasp, in the best way possible. I had a bitter-sweet feeling dwelling in my gut. I knew she was singing about her Emmett. I knew he was a vampire. I also knew her father was a wolf, and somewhere deep inside her a wolf dwelled to. My mother had taught me this when I was young, about supernatural things.

“beautiful voice” a man said next to me. I looked at him. He was tall and muscular. He brown hair was cut short. He was pale. I stared at him for a moment.

“yea” I said, looking away. I felt a cold hand on my shoulder and I flinched away.

“take care of my Dahlia, got that Gabriel?” the man said. We were almost the same height, he was a tad taller. He used that to his advantage.

“i have been, since you left her. She screams in her sleep, your name, your family's name. She was blamed for your absence. But she held her head up high, pretending to be okay! So people didn't worry about her! She mutters your name every night and every morning just so she doesn't loose the memory of you!” the anger showed in my words. I didn't shout, I never shouted. My hand shook and I never broke eye contact with his topaz eyes.

I knew I was in danger of being snapped into two halves. But he needed to hear what he had done to her. He needs to be brought back to reality that he can not play with people's lives as if he was god.

Three young men walked up behind the seething vampire, two of them put there hands on his shoulders. The other looked at me with curious eyes. “i can't hear you” he mused. This must be Edward. I chuckled darkly.

“i grew up in Rome, I learned a few tricks.” I muttered. I noticed people clapping. Dahlia had finished her first song. I smiled and looked at her. She locked eyes with me, worry in her eyes. I smiled at her and patted my chest. It was our code to tell each other we're okay. She smiled and patted hers in return.

“good-bye boys.” I told them as they left, never once looking at them.


I finished my three songs and rushed off stage. Five people threw roses on the stage, one threw a shirt with a number written on it. Sam and Gabriel waited for me back stage. They hugged me at the same time. I giggled.

“you did great kiddo! Come on! We are going to dinner!” Sam said. He began walking but I just turned to Gabriel. He smiled widely at me. I picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. His black button up shirt was cool through my shirt.

That was whats funny with him. If he's not in his priest robes he was in a button up shirt always rolled up to his elbows. Always either black, white, purple or red. And black slacks with a red belt. I thought it was perfect for him. It made his character. I smiled.

I looked down at the floor and noticed the roses sticking out of his back pocket. It was six red roses. I reached for them and pulled them out.

“ took you long enough. Dang leels staring at my butt all day?” Gabriel said. I snorted and smacked him with the flowers. “gonna say thank you?” he joked.

“nope” I said laughing. He laughed and hoisted me up and dropped me. I screamed even after I landed on something soft.

“Jesus Lia! You're gonna make someone think we're murdering you!” Paul said. I laughed. And laid out on the pillow. We were in his tuck, in the back. Gabriel, Paul, and Jake sat in the corners of the truck, while I laid in the middle on the pillow.

I glanced at Jake and my eyes popped out of my head. “holy fuck! Are you on steroids?!” I shouted. Everyone laughed at me. Jake laughed and rubbed the back of his head.

“yeeeaaaa” he drew the word out. I looked at him then Paul, then looked through the window at Sam. (who was driving)

“holy shit!” I shouted. They looked at me. Paul gave me a warning look then glanced at Gabriel who was resting his head on the truck staring at the stars. I looked at Jake and mouthed 'you're a fucking wolf' at him.

He smiled at nodded. I rolled my eyes and laid back down staring at the stars. Why had I hallucinated seeing Emmett? Was it because I was starting to become okay? All this time gone down the drain. I could feel myself slowly slipping into the dark pit I was trying to escape. I sighed loudly and closed my eyes.

“come on! I'm starving!” Paul shouted at me. I jumped slightly and opened my eyes. We had stopped in front of the dinner in forks. I stared at Sam strangely. He was ringing his hands and looking around nervously.

Something was up.

“I’m coming.” I sighed. I got out of the truck but shivered. I was only wearing skinny jeans and a tank top. Gabriel dropped his jacket around my shoulders. It was so big I felt like I could crawl up inside and get lost. I smiled. “thanks” I whispered. He smiled down at me.

“uh, Dahlia. I would like you to meet someone” Sam said.
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soooo funny fact i typed this whole thing with my lap top on my dog who was sitting only lap. he wouldn't move. it was kinda funny but i managed. haha.