Sequel: Living with Monsters
Status: active, active, very active!

The Monsters in the Rain.

chapter three: yea you guys passed the cool test.


Dr. Cullen sat on the bed next to me, this time he kept his distance. He studied me. “your safe here, would you like to go to my office to discuss this?” he asked me gently. I nodded. He stood and motioned me to fallow him. We walked down the hall and into a medium sized room. It was nice, cozy. It was painted brown, books covered the walls. He sat in a chair and motioned for me to sit in front of him. “start when your ready” he said lowly. I looked at him for a long time, tears flowing down my checks. I sighed and told him my story, I forgot to leave out gym, and my best friend calling him hot, then shamlessly flirting with his son.

I took a deep breath and stood up. “then he pushed me into the hall, and he started calling me a whore, and he punched me and kicked me, oh he kicked me so hard, I thought I broke.” I lifted up my shirt to reveal the black and purple bruises that cirlcled around my torso. They were ugly, I have to admit. I had closed my eyes when I stood up. I heard Dr. Cullen gasp, I opened my eyes so see him looking at my torso.

“we should get an x-ray.” was all he said. I nodded. He walked me into a new room and told me to lay down, he did the x- rays as quickly as possible then he left the room muttering things under his breath. I heard the door open and two sets of feet walk towards me. I opened my eyes and saw Caleb and Xander. They offered me their shoulders, I took them gladley and cried. I cried for what felt like hours.

“you told him? That hot doctor?” Caleb said. I nodded.

“yes she did” Dr. Cullen said chuckling from the door. He looked between the boys “you must be Xander and Caleb”

“yup” they said in unision. The doctor looked at them and smirked.

“jasper and Edward do that to, its creepy” I said. Dr. Cullen laughed and nodded. Trying to ease the tension.

“yes it creeps Emmett out to.” he said agreeing with me. Calebs eyes widened.

“oh shit. I may have tramatized you son earlier today....” Caleb said when he made the connection. Dr. Cullen laughed.

“yes I heard about it, but i'm sorry I am married.” he chuckled. I laughed. There was a knock on the door. I looked up at the glass but couldn't see anything. Caleb and Xander began grinning like fools.

“what did you do?” I groaned. They shrugged.

“i don't know what your talking about, they said in unison again. I glared. The door opened and in waltzed Edward, jasper, and Emmett, all holding flowers and 4 huge balloons. Two were filled with glitter and and star sparkles saying get well, while the another was dark purple that that bright green sharpie that said get better Lia we love you sis, that one was obiously from Xander. And the last was white the in different colored sharpie had an alien that said 'get better- pod person' and 'it would suck for you to die- mr seagul' and that last biggest. Said ' don't die on these pants, theres better places to die- emmy'

my eyes start to water. I noticed Dr. Cullen slip out of the room long ago. “get better soon” edwardd and jasper said at the same time. Emmett shot them a look. I laughed.

“thank you guys. This means so much. How did you know I was here?” I asked Emmett began tieing the balloons in verious places he paused and pointed to Xander and Caleb. I looked at them.

“hey you love us” they said in unision, I shuddered and threw a pillow at them.

“hey you guys are our buddies now, you've passed the cool test” jasper said. I looked at them. I felt accepted, I haven't felt that in a long time. Emmett stopped rumaging around and picked up my pillow, he fluffed it up and set it behind me. I smiled. He sat on the bed.

“thats cool coz I thought everyone here thought we were freaks.” I said. Xander and Caleb snorted with laughter.

“they think the same about us. So we can create a freaky army or something.” Edward said. I smiled. It was nice to have more than one friend again. Don't get me wrong I loved Xander, he was practiclly my brother, hell for a long time we told people he was my brother. But having more than just one person to lean on was great.

But I'm scared to. What if they are lieing? What if this is a joke on us freaks? That if they... what if they hurt us? Hurt Xander or Caleb? I felt my heart rate start to raise and raise, I tried to remember if I had taken my medicene yet? No I was in a god damn hospital. I closed my eyes and tried to breath.

I felt cold hands on my checks. I felt oddly safe, whoevers hands they where, but as soon as my mind asked the question I knew, they were emmett's. Don't ask me how I knew, I just did.

“breathe, Lia, Just breathe” I heard him say calmly, his sweet smelling breath swirling around my face. I clinched my jaw, and took deeps breaths. I concentrated on something happy. I thought about the first day I was here.

I was running in the woods, I just got off the phone with the doctor who said I was good to go. That if I took my medicence 3 times a day then I could run again. As soon as I hung up I jammed the pill down my throat, put on my sneakers and headed out. Running was always my meadian, it made me calm, I could think. But the after affect was always hard. I ran through the forest the trees flying past my face. The raindrops falling above me, moistneing my hair.
I stopped at a lake, it was beautiful. I was breathless but it felt good. I sat on the log and looked around. I looked around, something was watching me. I could feel it. I stood up and turned around quickly. A ashen black wolf was sitting there staring at me. I stood there dumbfounded. Then my instinct kicked in, but not in the normal way. “what the fuck?!” I said to the wolf. He looked almost like he was smiling at me. I cocked my head to the side. “you my dear wolf are not normal,to big” I said to my self as I walked around him. His tail flicked back and forth. I reached out and to my surprise he leaned into my hand and let me pet him.
I sat down next to him and leaned my head agaisnt his shoulder. “i know you can't understand me, and probably think i'm some freak, thats what everyone thinks. Well except Xander, but he's my best friend” I said, he kind of gave me a 'oh bother' look I laughed “he's gay. But I know this is dangerous, but jesus, I just found out I can be kinda normal! With my heart being well and all. So i'm sick of being that girl always in the safe lines. I wanna be risky! I wanna.....i wanna dance naked in the rain!!” I shouted. The wolf howled, with what sounded like laughter. I frowned then lauhed. “it was just an idea, jeesh, ugh I gotta go back now. We start school tomorrow, its kinda scary. I have a bad feeling about it.” I said. The wolf stood upand walked in circles around me. He sat in front of me and lifted his paw to touch my shoulder. I'm going insane, thats it my heart finally stopped pumping and i've gone crazy. The wolf licked my forehead, barked and went mariliy in the opposite way I had come. I sat there dumbfounded, not know what else to do I laughed.

I opened my eyes, chuckling a little. Emmett's beautiful eyes were locked with mine. He looked worried. I tried to smile, I looked around everyone looked some what amused. Except for Edward, he looked pissed. I blushed and scooted away from Emmett's grasp. I looked at Edward.

“who pissed in your cherios?” I said, mostly to get the attention off me. He looked at me, amused now. I rolled my eyes, bipolar buttmunch.

“i, uh, forgot about our chemestry homework” he said. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

“oh my god! Did we have homework?! Jesus christ, i'll never get it finished! Ugh, stupid nazi teacher, I have an exuse! Yea, i'll uh tell him...” I trailled off, I couldn't tell him about Jessie, they don't even know about that, and I don't plan on telling them any time soon.

“tell him your heart gave out or something, the guy has the hots for you anyway” Xander said laguhing. I chuckled the boy was right. The teacher had the creepy hots for a student. Emmett looked like his head was gonna explode. He also looked constipated.

“hey man, she called dibbs on you, not the other way around. Although as I see it you could take, uh, whats his faces place any day” Caleb said rubbing my shoulder. I stared at Caleb, god damn it. I thought he forgot about that, and now everybody knows!

Emmett let out a booming laugh, a true laugh. He didn't stop for at least 5 mintutes and I found myself loving the sound. I never noticed when I started smiling. “ okay I call dibbs on Dahlia, jasmine Comptson.” he still laughed. My blush burned bright. I started laughing with Emmett and soon everyone joined in.

we stopped when we heard a certain doctor clear his throat. We all looked at him. He shuffled in closer to the bed. He smacked Emmett on the head lightly, “off the hospital bed” he said in a fatherly tone, I chuckled. Emmett turned to me and stuck out his tounge. I still laughed.

“well ms. Comptson, your ribs aren't broken, a few are cracked so, stay at home for a couple days.” Dr. Cullen told me. I groaned. “now everyone out, I gotta wrap Dahlia's ribs.” everyone groaned now. They slowly walked out, Emmett stopped in the doorway. He looked over his shoulder and walked out. I sighed and looked and Dr. Cullen.

He began wrapping my torso, being as carefull as possible. “i gotta say doctor, this is kinda awkward” I said. He grabbed another ace bandage. “no offense” I quickly added. He chuckled.

“yes its okay, I understand you haven't told my children about how you came about these injuries?” he asked I nodded and looked out of the window.

“yea, I don't want unnecceary attention, plus say I tell them and they go and beat the living daylights outta him?? or he comes back and hurts them?!” I said, or Emmett. I looked down discovering I was finished. I pulled down my shirt.

“here take this” he handed me my medicne and a mt. Dew. “i don't think they'll get hurt. But I can't say they won't try to get this guy. Who unprofessionally in my opinon deserves it, but they'll figure it out Dahlia, they have already come to except you three as family. They would protect you guys from anything.” he told me wheeling around in his swivle chair. He reminded me of my dad before he left. I chuckled.

“i'll tell them” I said, he gave me a skeptical look. “at some point” I added. He chuckled and stood up, he walked to the door and held it open for me. Montioning me out I chuckled. “jeez kicking me out already” I joked he laughed and patted me on the shoulder.

With his hand still on my shoulder he leaned down and whispered “i think you would be a good edition to the family” his breath tickled my ear. My eyes found Emmett and I softly smiled.

“but doctor! Your married” I mock yelled. His hand was off my shoulder in a heart beat. I grabbed my sides lauhing.

“not what I meant. I meant with emmett” he said finally laughing with me. I laughed some more but had to stop when I felt the pain shooting through my ribs. I winced, note to self: don't laugh.

“dad do you got any pain meds for her?” Edward said. Dr. cullen nodded and pulled out a perscription. Emmett was at my side in a minute. He lazily rested an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to his side.

“come on lets get you home, lia” he said. I kinda liked this feeling. I felt myself smiling, I looked up at him. He was looking down at me, smiling. I looked down blushing.
What ever this was, what ever we had, I liked it. I wanted more.
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please enjoy, i know nothing exciting, just a filler really.
i hate it when people do the "i'm not gonna update unless you comment" thing so i'm not going to be doing that but comments would be delightful ^.^
anyhoe, enjoy!