Sequel: Living with Monsters
Status: active, active, very active!

The Monsters in the Rain.

chapter five: you can be superman, but your to sexy for that.


I faintly heard her say hello to jasper. When she asked what was wrong I flew to the lake that separated our property. I found her first, a death clutch on jasper's arm. I ran to her not caring if I was just a blur. I grabbed her and held her tight. She was shaking. She looked up with teary eyes. Her heart beat sputtering in a hectic rhythm.

“are you okay?” I asked her. She just looked at me. Something inside her breaking. She looked at me then buried her face in my chest. I looked to the black mutt that was traumatizing her. “go away mutt, your not helping, what ever sick obsession you seem to have” I sneered at him, kicking a rock at his face.

He growled, Edward ran to my side. He looked at Dahlia then at me, he looked worried. I would ask what was in her brain later, now I needed him to be a translator. “she can't hear us, she's lost in the memory of you guys in the gym.” Edward mumbled to me. A small smile touched my lips. The mutt growled catching our attention.

“his thoughts are jumbled.” Edward said confused. He looked at the damn dog, his eyebrows furrowed together. “he knows her mother.”

I looked at him, confusion taking over my anger. “she doesn't know her mother, when her father left, she had no one, then she met me and we've been on our own since.” Xander said, popping out of the woods. I looked down at her. She was still lost in her thoughts. She was shaking slightly. “she does that, when she's scared she'll repeat good things over and over until she's okay. She won't even remember this, she'll remember seeing jasper at the lake, playing tag. But not the wolf.” he explained.

I looked back and Edward, who nodded. He must have noticed this defense mechanism already. I looked at the wolf. “what do you know mutt!” I spat. The wolf growled taking a step towards her. I tightened my grip.

“her mom killed one of the pack members a while back, shot him I guess. No one knows why. Kinda crazy. He was making sure she wasn't going to do the same.” Edward muttered. I snorted with laughter.

“she's not gonna hurt you mongrels. Leave her alone.” I shouted. The wolf, jumped back, but walked away growling. Might just have to make myself a blanket with his fur... Edward laughed a little.

“this is a much better person to fall in love with, emmey” he said mocking the nickname Dahlia used on me. I reached out and pushed him to the ground with ease. I smirked.


I opened my eyes. I was in a forest green room, the sheets were silky and warm. It was dark out side. Realizing I wasn't in my room I shot up. Caleb was passed out next to me. What the fuck?! I looked around. A plasma TV was mounted on the wall, DVD and games in a black shelf next to it. I stood up, looking down I was in black booty shorts and a blue tank top that said “bite me”. I groaned hope it was Xander who undressed me. Him being gay and all, it was less awkward.

I wondered to the door listening in, it was quite. I tried to remember anything. Only the idea of us playing tag, Emmett being it and seeing jasper by the lake came up. I put my forehead to the door. What was wrong with me? I rested my hand on the door knob and slowly turned it. I tip toed down the hall listening for anyone. The house was beautiful. I made it to the stair case. A giant cross laid on the wall, on its side. I stopped to look at it. I suddenly knew whose house I was in, the Cullen family. I snickered to myself. So much for the vampire theory, maybe they are fairies.

I heard Edwards laughter and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I let out a startled scream. I turned around to find jasper smirking at me. I sighed and thumped him on the forehead. “don't do that, you scared the be- Jesus outta me.” I sighed. He laughed. And motioned for us to go down the steps. I made it to the bottom and found Xander lounging on the couch with Edward and DR. Cullen. I sighed with relief and sat on his lap.

“Jesus I thought you guys kidnapped me and poor Caleb” I said they laughed slightly, almost awkwardly. “so whose gonna fill me in on what I blacked out?” Xander sighed and looked at me wearily. I moved so I was on the couch facing him.

“you saw that freaky wolf again, your heart started beating weird and you fainted.” he said, he had his poker face on, but I played along. I nodded hesitantly.
“ookay, so this is obviously your guys house, its pretty by the way.” I said to Dr Cullen. He nodded.

“thank you.” he said. They were all still looking at me closely. I jumped up.

“I’m gonna get some air.” I muttered. I found the door and walked out the door, closing it softly. I sat on the step and buried my face in my hands.

“are you okay” I heard a musical voice say. I looked up to see the pixie haired girl.

“uh yea, I’m just a little out of it. That’s all.” I said trying to smile. She sat next to me. She looked just like the rest of the Cullen family. But she was a lot smaller and more hyper. But it made me smile. “I’m Dahlia, by the way” I said she giggled.

“i know, my brother talks about you constantly. I'm Alice” Alice said. I looked at her shocked.

“w-which brother?” I asked trying to sound nonchalantly. She giggled.

“ Emmett. Oh! Where going to be best friends!” she laughed. I looked at her and started laughing with her.

“that would be cool.” I said after I stopped laughing. She looked at me still smiling. I looked away, towards the woods. Emmett was stomping out of the forest. He had some roses in his hand. He was muttering something to himself. I watched him walk back into the forest then back out, twice. I giggled.

“i think you would be great with him, he hasn't been as happy as he's been with you for a long time. And I can tell the same with you.” Alice told me in her musical voice. I looked at her smiling.

“those can't be for me. Probably for your guys mom, right?” I said almost nervously. She started giggling. Shaking her head she patted my head and walked away. “your loads of help.” I muttered. I looked up to see Emmett staring at me, a smile on his face. I smiled back, maybe they were for me. He slowly walked up to me, he held out the roses.

“ Xander told me they were your favorite.” he said I grabbed the red flowers gently bringing them to my nose to smell them. I smiled up at him. “do you wanna go on a walk?” he said. I giggled and nodded. He smiled. He turned around and I jumped on his back. I tightened my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He laughed and started walking. I rested my head on his shoulder.

“thank you for the flowers.” I said in his ear. He nodded. I giggled and looked where we were heading. He was walking to the lake. Bits of wood littered the sand around the shore. I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder again.

“you know, I’ve never really met a girl like you before.” he said once he stopped at lake. He set me down on the floor but kept his hands on my hips

“well that’s good, I’d hate to be a bore.” I giggled. He chuckled.

“your always a surprise. And I know I’ve only known you for a week, but I think we have something.” I he paused. Was he nervous? I smiled. Was this happening? Oh my god I think it was. “and I want to see where this goes. I mean, we can go at our own pace, no one has any say in it but you and i” he said. His grip on my hips tightened slightly. I smiled staring in his bright topaz eyes. “what do ya say? Lia will you be my girlfriend?” he finally asked. I giggled and nodded I wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up swinging me in circles.

I laughed, when he set me down he stared at me. I leaned up, on my tip toes an pressed my lips to his. I felt him smile and he kissed me back. I pulled away first. I stared at him, I couldn't believe what just happened. He smiled down at me. I persuaded him into giving me a piggy back ride back to the house. We made it to the living room. He dropped me gently on the floor. I smiled, my heart unable to get back to my normal pace.

I heard musical bells of laughter and a small hand on my shoulder. “ aw you guys are so cute! I told you so! But I have to steal my beloved brother of mine.” she laughed. I jumped outta my skin. I nodded but didn't move.

“uh yea, I have to go anyway, I think I’m gonna sneak into school tomorrow.” I said. I paused. “don't tell your dad” I added quickly.

“i heard that!” I heard Dr. Cullen shouted from somewhere in the house. I laughed slightly,

“no you didn't!” I laughed. I looked around and noticed everyone staring at me. I blushed.

“yes we should get going so that Dahlia here can cook us food and tell us how she captured tall pale and sex” Xander said grabbing my arm. I laughed awkwardly while everyone looked at Xander with the 'what the hell look.'

“hey you ass! I am still standing here, come on Lia lets get home so I can punish xander” Caleb said, he grabbed Xander by the collar and pulled him out of the house. I started laughing.

“okay, I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow.” I said. “at school” I whispered.

“i still heard that” Dr. Cullen said. I groaned.

“he has like super hearing or some shit. Damn fairies” I muttered. I kissed Emmett on the check and walked to the car. Unfortunately it wasn't my car, which meant Xander was driving. Now that was scary. I got in and buckled. up. The boys cleared there throats as Xander started driving. I groaned, this going to be a long night.

“kiss it all better, I’m not ready to go” I sang. I was strumming my guitar, sitting in my window. Singing to the tree, again. I closed my eyes. The song was always so sad, it made me cry every time. I set my guitar on the floor and closed my eyes. “isn't your fault love, you didn't know. You didn't know. Stay with me, stay me with me until I fall asleep, a-huh sleep.” I sang.

I felt arms snake around my waist. I froze and stopped breathing. I felt a muscular chest chuckle. I relaxed knowing it was Emmett. “you have a beautiful voice.” he spoke into my ear. I smiled and leaned into him.

I looked down at the yard and saw that black wolf. I frowned. Emmett noticed I could tell. “stupid wolf. He's kinda stalkerish.” I started giggling. “maybe he's a fairy to, hmmm no he's a wolf. Maybe he's a werewolf.” I jabbered to myself.

“fairies and werewolves? Should I be concerned for you?” Emmett laughed. I shrugged and wiggled my way into my room. I sat on the window seat and looked at him. His eyes were guarded again.

“not really. Just one of my many theories” I chuckled, fully aware of how weird I seemed. His eyebrow went up.

“theories?” he asked. He moved closer. I nodded.

“yup. My first thought was that you guys were vampires, but you know there’s this big ass cross in your living room. I can't find kyptonite so you can be superman but your to sexy for that. My next theory is fairy.” I jabbered.

“did you take something?” he muttered. I giggled.

“just a smudge of pain meds.” I giggled, and leaned so close to him our chest where touching. “I’ll tell you my secret if you tell me mine”

he looked at me for the longest time, debating whether or not to tell me the truth.
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okay i'm trying to think of another nickname for dahlia but all i can think of is lia. soooo if you guys can think of anything i will love you forever...forever i say!
erm....oh! the song dahlia is singing in this chapter is called kiss it all better by he is we. its an amazing song, but incredibly sad. i suggest you check it out.
anyhoe enjoy the chapter.