Sequel: Living with Monsters
Status: active, active, very active!

The Monsters in the Rain.

chapter nine: he's a good fish, kinda timid, like a chihuahua.

“hoe-lee shit!” I shouted as I laid my head on the table, jasper chuckled and patted my shoulder. I was currently in English class, and we were given our book projects, I had to write an essay on how I viewed the world. I don't know how I view the world, the world it fucking complicated!

“excuse me, may I sit here?” a small voice said from beside me, I looked and no other than Isabella swan was standing timidly there, practically shaking to death.

“of course you can!” I said happily and patted the chair. She sat down looking at me with wide eyes. “oh this, this is Mr. grumpy gills. His name is jasper. He's a good fish, just a little timid, kinda like a Chihuahua” I said.

“i am not a chihuahua” he said and nudged me gently. I rolled my eyes, and leaned close to Bella.

“yes he is” I whispered earning a light smack from jasper. I laughed and and smacked him back.

“i like you guys, your not like everyone says” Bella said laughing. I frowned for a second but smiled again.

I leaned close. “I’ll tell you a secret bells, everyone is just jealous of our fairy power, you see. So they spread blasphemous roamers. You can't believe them”

she looked at me for a long time. I slowly leaned back into jasper. My words sounded silly, but I could tell by the look on her face, she was trying desperately to figure this out. I had the same look when I met Emmett. I was in here place once, I knew how she was feeling, much like jasper.


“I’ll just be in Alaska for a week I promise” Edward muttered, we were sitting on my favorite log by the lake. This Bella girl had driven Edward away, he was leaving. I looked down. I was loosing me brother.

“why? Alice says she sees all of us together, happy. Why do you have to leave?” I sniffled. A tear slipped down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away.

“yes, but I have to do this, I don't want to hurt her, or you. Please understand Lia” Edward begged. I nodded but didn't look at him.

“only for a week?” I asked. I picked up a small stone and tossed it into the water. I looked at him.

“only a week, I promise” he said. He began to stand up, he held out his hand. When would he leave? “i leave right after I say goodbye to you.” he answered my unspoken question.

I stared at him for the longest time. I finally looked away and kicked a stone. “oh, well promise you'll text... if you get bored or something” I mumbled. He looked sadly at me, I tried to smile but I couldn't.

“i will every hour. Emmett's coming to walk you home. So I’m gonna head out, I wanna get there before its dark” he pulled me into a hug. I clung to him, not wanting to loose yet another brother. I hated that he had to leave because of this girl. But I understood it, I understood that he felt the need to leave to protect her. I would do the same. “thank you for understanding Lia” he mumbled into my hair. I nodded and then he was gone. Tears spilled down my checks. Cold strong arms wrapped around me and I buried my head in Emmett's chest. I sobbed lightly. “i k-k-know its s-s-silly to be upset” I managed to mumble.

“no, no, you two were close. Even I’m upset” Emmett said. I looked up at him. He was looking sadly down at me. His golden eyes laced with sadness. “come on lets go watch How To Train Your Dragon.” I nodded and he picked me up and ran to the house.

Jasper was sitting on the couch when we got there. He was already putting in the movie, and had chocolate on the counter. Jasper and I were also very, very close but not quite as close as Edward and I. I saw them both as my older brothers, and I loved both of them the same.

“Alice is at the clothing store in Seattle, she's upset to but just wanted to shop. That’s how her mind works. She'll be okay.” jasper explained. I nodded and sat next to him. Emmett went up stairs to get my How To Train Your Dragon blanket from my bed. I rested my head on jasper’s cold shoulders.

“he'll come back, don't you worry, Lia.” jasper said, his southern accent coming out thick. I nodded and sniffled.

Emmett was back and had my blanket. He wrapped it around me and pulled me close. We began watching the movie, and I fell asleep right after the part were toothless smiled at hiccup.

“i don't believe you” I said to Emmett as he laughed. He nodded his head and pointed to jasper, who was also laughing uncontrollably. “oh come on! How am I supposed to believe this nonsense?!” I laughed.

“I’m telling you Leels when you fall asleep you make the funniest faces ever!” Emmett managed to say before falling into a fit of laughter. I rolled my eyes.

“we'll take a picture tonight and show you” jasper said, still laughing. I couldn't help but laugh to. I began eating my ice cream and threw my feet on the table.


I watched as Dahlia leaned into Emmett. She looked happy but I knew she was still hurting over what Edward had done. I was also still angry at what he had done. He took her trust and trampled it but using her worst fear. He left.

A grin sneaked its way to my lips. The same grin that was placed on Emmett’s all day. Edward was coming back early, and we had the best surprise for Dahlia. I was starting to become worried for her, she hold a lot of pain and anxiety from not only the world but us to. That is not healthy for a person to do. But she is happy, she's happier than a seagull with a french fry. I chuckled, she says that often.

“do you guys ever get bored? I mean, while your lovely human is passed out sleeping, what do you do?” Dahlia randomly. We all looked at her. She looked around innocently. “what? I've wondered for the longest time” she said. Emmett chuckled and kissed her temple.

A wave of jealousy hit me, its ugly twisting passion crashed into my chest. I leaned back and looked out the window. It was strong, it almost made me physically sick. I searched for its owner, but found no one. A lot of people where jealous of Dahlia I felt that everyday. But this, this was different. It wasn't directed at Dahlia, it was directed at Emmett.

I looked at Emmett, I began to feel myself worry. This much Jealousy and hate can become dangerous fast. Even though my brother isn't human and could most likely handle it, his love isn't. Emmett looked at me, his happiness wavered slightly with confusion. I shook my head telling him not to worry about it.


I walked into the house, Emmett and jasper behind me. I knew something was up and it was getting on my nerves not knowing what. I put my stuff in my room and made my way down stairs. Emmett was sitting on the counter looking at my medication, carefully reading the labels. My eyes widened and I ran to him. I managed to get one bottle away but he held firm to the second and third. I quickly looked at my bottle, it was my heart pills. God damn it!

“Leels? What is this?” he asked me very slowly and deliberately. I just looked at him, my eyes watering slightly. He couldn't figure out I was sick, he can't know! “Leels?”

I opened my mouth to tell him something, anything but I just stared at him. I felt the bottle slip from my fingers. He got off the counter and stepped towards me. My eyes locked with his.

“are these the pills your taking every morning?” he said gently. I numbly nodded. I had told them they were vitamins. I couldn't bare to tell him how fucked up I truly am. “what are they? Anti-depressants Anxiety pills?” he took a step in front of me. I took the moment to grab the pills on the floor, and in his hands, I ran to the cabinet and threw them in. I looked at the counter and took deep breaths.

“Leels, you can tell me, I’m not going to leave.” he said, his hands on my shoulders. I turned around and rested my head on his chest.

“after my dad left, Xander was out with his parents, his dad.... his dad never really liked me. So he told Xander I couldn't come, it was a family event. I wasn't welcome. I was walking around, people stared at me like I was crazy, I was the girl whose mother bit a bullet to get away and whose father left because he lost faith in her. I wasn't welcome any where. I was walking to the school, there was a teacher, he always made sure I was okay. I thought maybe he would chill while Xander was gone. On the way... there was this group of boys, they howled at me, like wolves. They told me I was a lost mutt. That not even an alpha wanted me. They grabbed me, by the wrists.... they started walking to this deserted hospital... the whole way they said they would make the alpha happy. They... they strapped me to this hospital bed, it was old, glass dug into my back. One boy. His black eyes looking down at me. He smiled. He smiled at me! At first I thought he was going to help me. I hurt so bad. But he didn't. Took out this blade, he looked at it as if I was going to fix all the problems in the world. Then he smiled at me again. And... and he...” I was sobbing now, I couldn't say the words so I lifted my shirt. On my right side held a long deep jagged scar the reached from my top rib down to my hip. Its dull pink shade contrasted my olive toned skin making it more prominent.. I heard Emmett growl, his fingers gently touched the scar.

“Dahlia” Emmett whispered. I looked at him now. I shook my head.

“no let me finish, you have to understand, you need to understand.” he nodded his head and I took a deep breath and continued. “they left, then. One of the boys got scared. He said the alpha wouldn't be pleased. That this was a mistake. They left, with my blood on their hands. I cried, I cried for so long. I couldn't move, I felt like I was going to die there. My mind wondered through my memories, seeing faces flash past, seeing dads, Xander's. It was always Xander there for me. I was so cold, in the middle of summer, I was cold. And my vision blurred. But before It went black I heard this voice. It was a male, I know that. His skin was so cold.... but I blacked out, when I woke up, I was in a hospital, I was in a clean hospital. I woke up screaming. I thought I was back in the old dingy hospital. A man was at my side, I couldn't fully see who he was, his skin was pale, and he had golden eyes. Come to think of it, he was most likely a vampire. I fainted again, he was holding my hand. I remember the way it felt. His cold fingers cupping my limp warm ones. When I woke up again he was gone, Xander was in his place. He had been crying I could tell. He kept say sorry. I knew he felt terrible and blamed himself. It wasn't though. It wasn't anyone’s fault but those boys who hurt me.” I looked down at his hand, still gently rubbing circles into my scared side.

“the doctors, they said the event had fucked up my brain. That I would forever be messed up. From the blood loss, and the way my heart pumped. I wouldn't be the same. So they told me I would have an anxiety problem and most likely a depressive personality. So they gave me medication and therapy. I never went to therapy. I didn't think I needed it. I never really take my anti-depressants, see that’s why they're full.” I picked up the bottle and shook them showing they were indeed all there. “i take the other two though. They help. Well my heart medicine I always have to take, no choice in that. But I've developed this kind of phobia to people, when they get to close or to many. I get panic attacks.”

I jumped on the counter and leaned on the cabinets. I took his hands and held them tightly with my own. He slowly looked into my eyes. Something was there, anger and sadness was evident. I looked down but his hand captured my cheek gently, making me look at him.

“that will never happen to you again.”
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oookaaay! i'm sorry for not updating last week, but the family and i went to seaside, it was fun. anyhoe. i know this chapter is kinda dull but it was need info about our beloved Dahlia! so anyone wanna guess whats up with the jealousy?
uuuerrrm enjoy!
comment-subscribe- be meh lovely followers.... ok don't be my lovely followers but comment let me know if i'm messing it up bad or if ya like it!