Status: Sort of like Ellen Hoplkins, her book "Impulse" Influenced this, Please give feedback, <3




Forever is a long time.
Long Enough to be Dead.
Long enough for everyone to forget about me.
I'll be better off dead.
Maybe then. Someone would finally appreciate me.

Once They Don't Have Someone (Me) To Depend On.
I was so sick of being the person they all depended on.
Biology. First hour
Cutting a plants roots, with razorblades

Liz, could you get me a papertowl above the
I walk over toward the paper towel dispensers. Grabbed two, shoved one into my pocket.

Thanks Liz, can you grab a razorblade from the stack?
"Sure Kendall, no problem"
I walked to the pile of razors by the counter of beakers and lab technology,
took one into my hand, took another and slipped it into the
Paper Towel Blanket.

I took the blade over

to Kendall,
And Set It down on the large black table
Thanks Buddy. You’re a big help.
She said with a big smile.
"Hey Kendall I'll be back I have to go to the bathroom"

She nodded

I Walked Over
To Ms. Moyenne
"Ms. Moyenne, may I go to the bathroom?"
Of course Elizabeth. Just Don’t Take Too Long.
"I won't take too long at all. Thank you"
I walked towards the nearest bathroom opened the door,
Turned around and locked it
Locked it so no one could get in.
"To Be By Myself."
Silence echoed off the walls as I sat on
The Floor of the bathroom pulled the little metal best friend
out of my Pocket.


They say that when I passed out,
I had a seizure
Maybe that's what the grey was,
That'd be nice.

Death sounds like a good thing
Something I'd enjoy,
Not something I'd have to constantly make neat, and perfect.

to my crazy ass mind
That is what OCD and self destructive depression
Does to You.

controls your mind.
while the
Self Destructive Depression
Destroys your being...



What is my being anymore?
I've been locked up for two years now.
What Am I Supposed to do

If I get out,
Will I know how to execute
Myself in Society?
Will Society know the monster I was?

What exactly did that monster become
in detention?
I never learned to
my Anger,
My Aggression.

The Monster inside me
Screams when the anger is
bottled up again.
Waits to lash out on the next deserving victim

Will what I did
Ruin my life?
Even more than it already did.
When I close my eyes

I can still see how he looked
After I realized he was dead
and the scream that followed.