Status: currently not active

The World of Shadows

The new boy

“Do you see that kid over there? He isn’t talking to anyone.”

“You mean the new kid.?” asked Mannor.

Gelestia nodded. “Yep. Something’s probably wrong. He isn’t even attentive in the class. It seems like there is a secret he knows that no one does and something about that it is taunting him.”

“Maybe you are right. Maybe we should go over to him and ask what the matter is” Mannor suggested.

“Nice idea. We’ll talk about it in the recess. For now, concentrate in maths.”

It was a clear blue morning in Australia. Class seven was studying Mathematics in ‘Blue Crystal Middle School’. Cristen had just joined today. Every single part of the school was new to him. He was a monkey lost in a mansion unlike his other school in New Zealand where the monkey used to be in his jungle. His family had just shifted this month. It had been only a week since he came here but he was already missing his home. It was not that he was lonely. He had a twin sister- ‘Lemina’ or ‘Lelly’ as Cristen called her.

Maths class was going on but he didn’t care. He was lost in his own world which made him even sadder. He was thinking about his previous house on the sea shore. the house he would never be able to see again when his teacher’s voice jerked him back to the present, “Cristen!”He stood up and shook his head as he was asked for the solution to the problem. Once again, his teacher’s voice echoed off the walls. She yelled, “It’s your first day in this school and you are not paying attention to what is being taught! You’re only present here physically, not mentally.”

“I’m sorry,” he apologised, “I’ll take care next time.”

“All right. Then the question was that how many lines of symmetry does a hexagon have?”

“I’m not sure. 2?”

The teacher sighed. “No, the answer is six. Now sit down.”

Cristen sat down and once again slipped into his own world.