Status: done!

Thinking of You

The Start of a New Beginning

The moon was shining up high in the sky, looking at me as I played moonlight sonata. I slowly brushed my fingertips against the cool white keys and swayed a bit to the tune. I always play whenever I was alone in this house. That would be everyday ever since my dad left for work.

The gentle tune filled my ears, maneuvering its way into my heart. It made me feel less lonely. I kept playing until I heard the wisps of the wind outside the window. The moon became blurry, as if someone distorted it. It was fragile. Just like my happiness.

The rain started to pour, making me feel even more lonely and gloomy. I stopped playing entirely. I sat down at the stool for a little while longer, touching the black piano while thinking of what to do. I was completely lost in my thoughts until I heard some knocking coming from the door. My head was telling me not to open it. Who would come here out in the woods? The house was well hidden behind some trees, concealing this safe haven.

The knocking became louder, desperate. I hesitated. I was defenseless and for sure I would be dead once I opened it. Despite my rationality, I stood up and went to the door, opening it to see a boy, around my age crouching in pain. I gasped as I saw his bloody lip and the bruises all around his body. There was no one out here to help this boy except me. I know my dad will punish me if I let a stranger inside the house but I couldn’t just leave him here. It would be forever embedded in my conscience then.

“Can you stand?” I asked the figure quietly. I wasn’t sure if he heard me but he gave a slight shake of his head. I had to get him inside. I awkwardly placed his arm above my shoulder and helped him up. His blood dripped a bit onto my dress while I dragged him inside the house. That was going to leave a mark.

I let him lie down on the couch while I went to the kitchen to get the first aid kit. I guess going to a First Aid club back in High School earned its use. I dabbed the wet cloth over his lip, wiping the blood away. It was best if I cleaned him up first before treating his wounds. He squirmed a bit when I place the cloth over his body but after a while he got used to it. Poor guy. What happened to him?

I continued to wipe the blood and the dirt away from his face and body and I couldn’t help but think that he was a very fine looking man. I started to treat his wounds, covering them up with gauze and giving them the proper medications. After that, all I had to do was to wait for him to wake up. I was curious as to why he was like this and it felt wrong not to talk to him afterwards.

I sat down on the floor and stared at him. His eyelashes were quite long for a guy and his skin was pale in the moonlight. I sighed and stared at the clock on the wall. It was still 8 pm.

I closed my eyes briefly, fighting the urge to sleep at the same time wanting to restore my strength. I must have fallen asleep anyway because the next thing I knew was being shaken awake. I woke up with a jolt, looking around frantically until I remembered that I was watching over someone.

I let my eyes go back to the couch and saw blue ones staring right back at me. I held my breath and quickly backed away. Those eyes…they were striking at the same time beautiful. I guess if I said it took my breath away, it would be funny.

“Am I dead?” He suddenly asked me. I blinked twice and laughed at his remark. Why would he think that?

“No. You look alive to me.” I said and nervously twirled my hair between my fingers. He gave a sigh of relief and lied down on the couch once again.

“I thought I was dead. You looked like an angel to me.” He sighed once again. Angel? Me? I think he has a concussion now. Or maybe…he was trying to flirt with me. What?

“Why would you think that?” I asked carefully. He gave a slight shrug but he only winced in pain.

“Let’s see…” He turned back to me with those piercing blue orbs. “White dress, pretty face…yeah. You look like an angel.” I tried to stop myself from laughing but failed miserably. This guy…despite being injured can make a person laugh.

“Sorry to break it to you but I’m human.” He continued to stare at me which made me feel awkward if you ask me.

“Where am I?” I see he’s asking the basic questions. I shrugged and said “My house. You’re pretty bruised up so being the good girl that I am treated you.” I hope that answered all his questions. He nodded at me and looked around.

“Do you live alone?” I bit my lip and nodded. “It’s a pretty big house, so why are you all alone?” I see he’s interrogating me now.

“My dad’s at work and my mom passed away.”

“Oh I’m sorry.” He suddenly regretted asking that question but it didn’t really bother me.

“It’s okay. I got used to it. Enough with the questions though. My turn to ask. Why are you beaten up at around 8 in the evening?” I asked with full force concentration on my face. Despite being serious, he laughed at my expression. He has such a weird laugh. “Why are you laughing?!” I asked and he just laughed even more.

“You look funny.” He said in between laughs. I pouted at him and turned away. “Gee you’re stubborn.” I rolled my eyes and turned back to him and raised my eyebrow.

“Why are you like this?”

“What do you mean? I’m naturally funny…oh why I’m like this. Right. Well a couple of drunk dudes decided to beat me up not far from here. I started to go around and look for some help and I found this house then I guess you found me.” I nodded and looked thoughtfully at him. His dark brown hair was a mess and his blue eyes were still fixated at me. All in all he was a good looking guy that I can never have. The clock was ticking as the moment passed by and then it was already midnight. I got up and brushed off the dirt from my dress.

“Where are you going?” He asked while I walked away from him to go to my room. I stopped in my tracks and looked over.

“My bedroom. I need to sleep. You should too.” I walked again, hoping that he wouldn’t ask any more questions because I felt really tired. If I don’t sleep now, I would say I’m the one who’s dead.

“What’s your name?” I sighed and figured that this would be the last question I would hear from him.


“Andrea…” He repeated softly. After that I left him alone. I hope he doesn’t get scared of the silence like I do.


I woke up the next morning feeling stiff and heavy. My limbs couldn’t move and my arms felt as if they were dragged by two monster trucks. I heard someone cooking in the kitchen and wondered who it might be. I then remembered about the boy I ‘saved’ earlier. I unconsciously smiled at the thought of having some company.

I carefully went out of my room and went to the kitchen to see him cooking some breakfast. It smelled delicious. He turned around and saw me. He gave a grin and I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.


“What are you cooking?” I asked and sat down on the stool while drawing some invisible shapes on the counter.

“Eggs and bacon. The typical American breakfast. You don’t mind right?” I shook my head. Having someone cook meals for a change is enough to satisfy me. He placed the food on the plates and gave one to me. I ate the food and smiled. I haven’t tasted good food for days. There was silence between us until I spoke up.

“What made you do this?” I asked and gestured at the meal in front of me. He shrugged then popped some bacon into his mouth.

“Thanks for yesterday. If it weren’t for you, I would be rotting in front of you house.”

“Not really, you could have been eaten by wolves or other animals.” His eyes widened.


“No I was joking.” Then I laughed while he just sat there pouting and staring at me like I was crazy.

“That wasn’t funny.”

“It is to me though.” I said when I finally stopped laughing. He rolled his eyes and we continued eating quietly. I wondered if he had a family to return to or something.

“Did you call your parents? Or Friends? You can’t stay here forever you know.” I said while eating.

“Yeah, they’re coming to pick me up later.” I nodded. I was a bit sad that he would be leaving again and that would mean I’ll be lonely once again. I finished what I was eating and placed it in the sink. I’ll just wash those dishes later. I looked at the boy who was still eating. His clothes were still covered in dirt and his hair is a complete mess. I felt bad.

“You look horrible.” I suddenly said. He looked at me and chuckled.

“I know.” I knew dad has some old clothes somewhere in the house…it would fit him.

“Wait here.” I said then went upstairs to get some clean clothes for him to wear. I didn’t hear anything from him but I was sure he wouldn’t leave. No one knows how to get back to town without a car. I grabbed an old plaid shirt from dad’s closet and some skinny jeans that were now too small for him because of a laundry incident. It’s kind of funny I’m doing all of this for him and I don’t even know his name. I have to ask him that later.

I went down the stairs two at a time and saw him leaning on the piano. I looked down and pretended to look anywhere else but him. For some reason, I became even shyer.
“Hey person I saved.” He turned to look at me and gave a bright smile. His eyes went over to the clothes I was holding and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I bit my lip to stop the laugh.

“They’re clothes…you know so you could change?”

“Ahh …right.” He nodded and started stroking the piano which is quite odd. “Do you play?”

I rolled my eyes and placed the pile of clothes on the piano. “Of course.” We just stood there staring at the piano then suddenly he nudged me. “Play something for me.” I blushed a bit and shook my head.

“No way will I do that.” He gave me the puppy dog eyes but I was very stubborn.

“Why would I play for a stranger? I don’t even know your name.” I said.

“My name is Garrett. Now please, play for me?” I rolled my eyes and now he was pouting at me.

“Please?” I reluctantly agreed but I told him he had to change first. It was inappropriate for me to play while he looked like some homeless man. He quickly went to the bathroom and changed leaving me with a problem. What musical piece should I play? I pondered over this for a moment but just decided to play something I made. This will probably be the first and last time he’ll ever come to this place.

I heard the bathroom door open and close and felt his presence behind me. He sat down carefully at the stool beside me and leaned. I leaned back a bit surprised at his move and felt the blush creeping in my cheeks.

“Go and play Andie.” I blinked twice at him. No one has ever called me that…ever since my mom died. I sharply turned away my head from him and lifted the case. I let my fingers feel the keys, and unconsciously, I started to play that familiar tune. Instead of playing something I made, I played my mom’s song.

“Wow, that’s a very nice melody.” I nodded stiffly, remembering my mother. “It makes you think of happy memories…like a dance…do you get me?” I laughed and continued playing. He was right. This may remind me of my mom but those memories were all good ones.
“Hey, hey! Why are you crying?” I didn’t realize that there were already tears falling down my cheeks. I wiped them with my free hand and gave a bitter laugh.

“It’s nothing.” I said while an endless waterfall was coming out of my eyes. He didn’t press any further. He just let me ball my eyes out until I stopped. I felt better afterwards. I sighed and looked at him. He was really worried about me.

“I’m fine now…sorry you had to see that.” I said and sniffed. I was half expecting him to hand me a hanky but instead he put his arms around me and hugged me. I was too shocked to move but he was just there stroking my hair, he was comforting me…and it was working. I gave a deep sigh and pulled away. I gave him a smile and he gladly returned it back. We sat there staring at each other’s faces until we both heard the knocks at the door. Slow and steady. I broke away from the trance and walked over to the door.

I opened it and ignored its constant groaning. “Hey, is…uh…Garrett here?” I looked at him up and down, I knew it was wrong for people to do that but it’s not everyday you get to see a 6 foot something guy at your door asking for the guy you saved last night.

I looked over my shoulder and saw that he was already standing behind me. Creepy. “Oi Garrett! We’ve been looking for you everywhere! We have to leave tomorrow you know.”
“What?” I thought he was a native here…guess that was wrong. “Are you tourists?” The tall guy shook his head.

“We’re touring here. We’re—“

“A rock and roll band. Come on Kennedy, I bet Tim’s really mad right now.” Garrett stepped over to the other side and gave me one last smile.

“Thanks for everything. Also the clothes.” I gave a slight shrug and watched him leave with his friend. I slowly closed the door and waited for their car to leave this place. I felt my chest tighten and I dropped to my knees. I curled up into a ball and started to rock back and forth. I was alone again.

I just stared at the door, waiting for him to come again saying “oh I forgot something” but I guess that will never happen. I sighed and stood up. My hands were shaking but I couldn’t control it. I took a deep breath and went back to the piano. I played moonlight sonata once again. I closed my eyes and imagined his face staring at me while I was playing. The music was soft at first but it gradually becomes louder. I opened my eyes and looked down at my hands. Tears started to fall and it landed at my hands.

I bit my lip and just sat there crying again but this time, he wasn’t there to comfort me. How did a stranger manage to come into my life and make it complete? I shook my head and wiped my tears away. I had to stop thinking of him. It would only make everything harder for me to bear.

The days came by and I was still stuck with the same old routine. Months passed and I was still stuck on composing a decent bridge for a song. While doing all of this, I kept thinking of him and how he was doing without me. I just couldn’t help it.

My dad came home after a year of working overseas. He brought me some cds and to my delight, a laptop to help me keep in touch with him. He knew that I was feeling lonely so he bought me this. He went back to his room to get some rest while I decided to listen to some of the cds he brought.

I was curious and when the first song played, I couldn’t help but dance along like a total idiot. I smiled and twirled laughing at my stupidity. The rain can’t make me feel sad with this song playing. I picked up the album and noticed that the artist was a band called The Maine. They had really good music. I took out the little booklet and gasped. Tears were forming behind my eyes and my heart knew the reason why.

And the rain, it came and came; there you were inside my brain.
I’ve been thinking of you
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's a short story about Garrett and this girl. Yeah so uhm comments please? I would really want to know what your thoughts are haha.
