Status: Complete.

Sharpen Your Teeth and Bite as Hard as You Want

Chapter 9

Jamie's POV

I woke up a little confused. This wasn't OM&M's bus. I sat up and stretched and realized that I must have fallen asleep before the movie was over, and Joel just left me there. I stood up and adjusted my jeans and tshirt. They were uncomfortable from sleeping in. Vic's head poked around a corner and laughed at me.

"Mornin sleepyhead."

I smiled at him and walked to the front to join him. He was sitting at the table with Tony who was texting. He patted the spot next to him and I sat down beside him. He pushed a bag of goodies towards me and smiled.

"Joel left this for you. You're gonna be stuck on the bus with us for 7 hours." he said with a big grin.

"Eh. That's alright. You guys are fun anyways." I said, digging through the bag.

There was a bag of chips, some candy, two drinks, my cell phone charger and my laptop. I smiled wide and pulled out my laptop and the bag of chips and a drink. I opened my computer and opened up 3 tabs: one for facebook, twitter, and tumblr.

"Oh good morning." I heard Tony say.

I looked up and smiled at him.

"Good morning, Tony."

He smiled back at me then stood up and walked out of the lounge. I looked at Vic who just shrugged.

"Where's Mike and Jaime?" I asked, munching on some chips.

"They're still asleep. They drank a lot last night." he replied.

I laughed and answered some tweets and fanmail on tumblr. When I looked back up I saw Tony approach with a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt in his hands. He placed them in front of me and sat down with a smile.

"What's this?" I asked picking up the shirt.

"I figured you'd be more comfortable in that than wearing jeans all day." he said.

I nodded my head and got up to go change. I went back to the back lounge and quickly switched outfits. The sweat pants were super long so I rolled them up, but the shirt fit just right. I walked back to the front where I could hear Vic and Tony whispering. I tried to make out what they said, but it was too quiet. Then they both stopped abruptly. I continued making my way to the front and sat back down. They both had guilty looks on their faces, but I ignored it and went back to twitter.

I peaked out from under my bangs and looked at Tony as he chatted with Vic. He wasn't wearing a hat today and the way his hair fell around his face made him so much more attractive.


I shook the thought from my head, but that didn't stop it from coming out of my mouth.

"You know, Tony, you should really wear hats less often..."

The room was awkwardly silent and I panicked.

"You have nice hair." I said, shrugging and looked down before anyone could see me blush.

Vic laughed and Tony just mumbled a thanks. I turned my attention back to the screen and saw plenty of mentions from people hating on mine and Joel's relationship once again. This bullshit was getting old, but our relationship wasn't getting any better. We constantly argued and he was getting super jealous of me hanging around Tony and Vic lately. They're my friends too, though, and Joel needs to respect that.

I like Joel a lot, but not enough to keep this up...Something has to change or I'm ending this. I just can't take it anymore.

I clicked on a picture someone tweeted and tagged me in. I could feel my jaw hit the floor, and a completely nonhuman noise came out of my mouth. I could feel my face heat up and I leaned back in my seat. Vic and Tony both asked what was going on, but I could barely process the pictures on the screen. I didn't even bother to stop Vic from turning the screen towards him because he was bound to see it anyways.

"Daaaaaaaaaaaammmmnnn." he said, turning the screen towards Tony.

His jaw dropped as well, but he soon burst into a fit of laughter. Vic joined in as I snapped out of my daze and pulled the laptop back towards me.

"This. Is. Not. Fucking. Funny." I said through gritted teeth.

They paused and looked at each other, then began howling with laughter.

"IT'S NOT FUCKING FUNNY." I said louder.

They continued to laugh, but I read through the comments until they were done.

"That's the girl Joel Piper is dating? He can do so much better."


"Wooooooooooooooooooooow. Her music was shitty anyways."

I frowned and closed my laptop, not even bothering to turn it off. Those comments just ruined me.

"I can't wait to tell Jaime you're on IAU." Vic said, still laughing.

I smacked him and crossed my arms.

"This isn't funny, asshole." I said.

"Oh, but it's hilarious!"

"It's funny to you guys. It won't be funny to Joel though."

That shut them up real quickly. I sighed and took a sip of my drink. He's gonna find out sooner or later, and when he does, it won't be pretty.

Especially when he reads those comments....he's going to flip his shit.
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Rewrite! Fuck the first version. I like this one better, and I'm changing the story line anyways so this fits better. Leave me some comments? Subscribe? :)