I'll Attack

  1. Disgusting.
    I'm a rabid, infectious thing.
  2. Start my own religion.
    Suddenly, it happened. I had a fear of death.
  3. The battles of your youth.
    Since when did 'The Pixies' start with 'C'?
  4. We are never turning back.
    He giggled, "Who's Ecksee?"
  5. The Kill.
    But your heart tells you it's good.
  6. Run and hide.
    Nobody deserves it...
  7. I want to fall.
    Like most things in a nine year old's mind.
  8. Under the burning sun.
    He held out his evil moment ruining hand.
  9. It's all you've got inside your head.
    Like a lullaby without words.
  10. Searching for a sign.
    Because it already looked like puke anyways.
  11. Entangled in a missing memory.
    I knew that he wasn't gone forever.
  12. If you take what you take.
    Engulfed me inside of my own mind.
  13. Never been alive.
    A trigger that was pulled.
  14. Some sweet violent urge.
    Or maybe it's just me.
  15. Until you deny.
    Loneliness was a bitter thing.
  16. I found tomorrow in today.
    She was crying because it might've hurt.
  17. Smell her taste.
    That feeling very well might have been love.
  18. All the pretty people died.
    We're gonna be all right.
  19. But we had to sever.
    Her normally gorgeous eyes were blood-shot.