Sequel: Her Letters
Status: Completed but comments are appreciated.


dear superman;

Dear Superman,

I don't really know how to say this but I'm writing this letter to you to remind you of the story we once had. I don't know if you will read this but I hope you do.

I suppose you're asking 'why am I doing this?'. Well, after all these months and days of self-reflection, I've come to a revelation. This isn't a pathetic attempt to get your attention. I'm writing this for me. If I told you this face to face, I would probably say something ridiculous and stupid and run away again.

This will probably mean nothing to you but it means the world to me. I don't care if you'll hate me after reading all of this. I don't care if you'll burn it after reading.

All I care is reminding you of the story we once had and this thing I have to tell you at the end of this.

Your Lois Lane