Status: Work In Progress M'Dearies(:


Chapter One

I walk down the street, pulling my hood closer and closer to my head, as the cold rain whips around me in snarls, on my way to my latest victims house.

Emelia Longheart is her name. I had befriended her over a year ago and tonight is her last night. She did take longer, the only reason being that she was such a free soul. Kind and actually wanted to be my friend; me the portrayed loner. She was pretty too, which makes it that more fun; with her shoulder length straight, shiny black hair, and hazel eyes, I did enjoy having her as a friend.

But her time was coming to an end tonight. I climb through her bedroom window, to see her laying in bed, coughing her heart out. She isn’t all that pretty looking in this state. Her eyes are bloodshot, and her hair is dead looking, in every matter of the word.

“Emeila,” I whisper softly in my charming voice, making my way around her room, to her bed. She sees me, and a weak smile forms across her gaunt face. She is genuinely a good person, innocent in a way, and I feel slightly bad. I always felt bad, not for long though.

“Aeron,” she says back in muffled whisper, the same small smile on her face. I smile kindly, sliding next to her on her large, king sized bed. I slid my arm under her head, and lay there for a few moments. Her family is sure she has caught the flu. That their dear daughter will get better. But I know differently. For tonight, the last bit of her soul is mine.

I lay in bed with her, softly singing a childish lullaby to her, soothing her into a sleep so she can die with some amount of piece. “You always were there for me,” she mutters, patting my hand that laid on her shoulder softly, “Best friend I ever had.”

She spits out a few more words. They were probably being made into some sentence into her head, but I didn’t hear it. I lay motionless as the last hints of her consciousness slip away, before I make my move.

Sliding my arm out from under her head. I smile evilly to myself, this is always my favoite part. The last Hara is always the sweetest, especially when the soul I’ve been draining it fighting against me. When I know without a doubt it will not succeed.

I part her lips slightly, and then place my hand on her chest. My fingers touching the tip of her neck, as I lure out the soul. I wait patiently until the ribbon of white, silky, luminescent smoke comes from her lips, her soul. I grin as I take all that is given.

A few minute later, I’m done. She’s done, and it’s time for me to go. I slink my way off of her bed, making sure there is no trace of me ever being there. Then, I escape out her window, jumping the ten feet down onto the soaking wet lawn.

Still grinning wildly, I pull my hood over my head, as the cold rain whips my face. I would have to stay, until the funeral. Play the distraught friend, the scared, unhappy, dumbfounded friend.

A role I know how to play all to well.